The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Greenway seems legit and on point so far,just might be my next purchase 🤔
E-mail him direct, I don't think his site works well, or he doesn't play internet well - but he'll answer an e-mail and send seeds prompt. He charges for shipping but that stuff is next day or 2-day.

He sent me an envelope of about 700-800 fem beans that he was having no germination from. It was his first reversal of a mom he has since lost, but wasn't worried about it because he had beans... ooops. He thinks he put them up too early. But after the second time I bought stuff he sent me a ton of beans from his latest chuck that he hasn't run yet, along with some other already packaged stuff he thought I would like.

All that aside I grew 4 plants from him to start with. Out of those 4 I had 4 stellar plants, one being the Flashback 68 that hopefully isn't a unicorn that got away because I have a few beans left. (The mom was the one he lost). Amazing high, and I snagged some of his second version with a new mom that he said was better.

The Flamethrower I didn't care for. 12+ week plant that was on the racy side. But pure fresh orange terps galore. But if that is a high you like it's killer.
Sour Puss has nothing to do with sour diesel, and smells more sour than any of those. Super high, and smells like a fiy lemon lime drink, nose-tickle included - you may sneeze. The Blue Jack City is a crazy mash up of stuff and at first it's blue cheese. Second sniff it's blueberries and lemons. Another great high and all his gear tastes good as flower.

Anyway - I am now a fan. If I can pop 4 beans and find 4 would be keepers to the right person that's genetics to dive into. I would go by his descriptions and if it sounds like you'll like it you likely will.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Bugs. When my pepper plant below this starts growing taller this one will have to move, the web is a hot mess, but it's like convex shape. And the food is stacked nicely
There are two of these nests on my front porch. It's been cool to watch. Those wasps are the ones that hatched from that nest(probably) and it was only about 10 cells. They enlarged it and are using the old and new cells. I put a tray of water out for the birds but I think they use it more. I have so many varieties it's crazy. There's a larger bright orange kind that flies in from the woods to the garden water dish, then fly away for the treetops. There are black/irridescent ones, regular brown ones, these striped ones etc. Lots of different kinds of bees that aren't honey bees too.
And the verdict is in. I got a cheapo trellis and secured it to something actually sturdy then hooked up the vines. It's the birdhouse gourd. A lot of vines coming off one plant, but it's in an old compost pile and has plenty of food. These are the first not to die off, and it will probably limit itself to what it can support.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Taxi Stand
I have the shorter stuff by the fan so the pic is odd. The tall one is probably moving to the closet. Right now it's only at 40% for the little plant that is finishing in there. The Chemdog was in there too but now it looks sad. The dark one in the middle is the first version of the Flashback 68 and the smell already tells me I found another. And it's cloned!!! The seed I have going now will check the math but I think the beans I have left can be held in reserve in case I lose a mom.
The Hollyweed x TKm10 has marigolds to keep her company. She's at 7 weeks and might go 9 but likely 8. I have the flower clone of this one re-vegging but I may compost it. The smells on this are similar to other "good smoke" I have had that wasn't quite there. Not badd and it may surprise me but it's the last flower clone I'll be taking on randoms. With a Chemdog, a Taxi and a Flashback mom, I'm good.
And this is veg. Moved the seedlings in here with the vents open, and the dome will gradually get cracked. The Blue Nose Pitt in the 1g by the aloe finally started growing, and now it's a conundrum. If I start flowering something now it may be an issue when pollen flies. But it's gonna get yuuuuuge if I don't do something so I'll have to think about it. Clones on the left, seedlings on the right. That's a line of three Flashbacks that will be for mom, chuck, and after-chuck flowering.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Can you describe the traits that make the flashback so attractive to you?
It has a meaty, sour, spicy, umami smell and a high that is a lot better than most. The three cuts I have kept give me that all-over high. No matter what mood your in they work. If you smoke something that doesn't agree with you it'll fix it. When you have to settle into a buzz and get comfortable it's kind of cool. You're not doing a bong-rip right before driving somewhere. Once your mind and body get used to it then it's all good. But that initial rush and the fact it hits everywhere is phenominal. Fun medicine. The Chem and Dirty Taxi give more of a high school, stuff is funny kind of high than an introspective high, but all three are 'fix it' weed.

A lot of smoke is great when it's the new. Then it tapers off and you get bored with it. Maybe it didn't age well or you just got over it. For whatever reason the jar doesn't empty. For me a keeper is one where you know how many nugs are left when it's almost gone and you pace yourself :cool:

But that variety is also great, which is why I have decided that three is enough. I could rotate between them and be happy, but with all the other stuff I grow they will never get old.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The main thing is that the mom for this cross was lost. That was the sack of dud beans he sent me to go through and see if I can get one to germ. He thought he had beans and let the mom go, then nothing would crack.

Anyway, he made another version with a similar mom and I have that going as well. It isn't far enough along for me to get smells yet. If the new one turns out the same or better - or even close - no need to clone. I have a bunch of those beans and he has more at the bean store. And he can make more.

But the original was the special one to me, and the one in flowr now that I cloned has the same smell. Regardless of how the second version turns out that is a mom I am keeping for a while.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
... For me a keeper is one where you know how many nugs are left when it's almost gone and you pace yourself :cool:

But that variety is also great, which is why I have decided that three is enough. I could rotate between them and be happy, but with all the other stuff I grow they will never get old.
That's awesome vato, a solid headstash and the rest is for fun.

Do they finish pretty close to each other?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's awesome vato, a solid headstash and the rest is for fun.

Do they finish pretty close to each other?
both the taxi and the dog are in the 8-9 week window. I don't remember on the FB68 but it wasn't a long one. probably also in that 9wk range.

If I work it out right I'll just be flowering moms after clones take. I want to get a stash of each and the FB is the only one empty now. So after the chuck I'll be flowering more.

I'm off the clock now for dropping beans. However long it takes the ones going now to be ready to flip, then for the dudes to make pollen I'm down with it. But I'll have stuff ready to flip.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I need to get in there and clone the 91 and the Taxi again. the straight to soil thing didn't work. I probably did something wrong at some point but there it is. I need something rooted before I flip all the chuckers. The tray on the left has the Blue Nose Pitt in the 1g. I decided that I'm either gonna have a lot of beans from those larger plants or they'll need big-ass pots if I flower them after. Everything else can still go up to a 1g or 2g, and I'll likely top everything just for canopy management. The Taxi are the 7 by the red solo cup. There were 5 I had to add a wire support to. If I get 5 bous and two girls that would be killer. I could do two tents and not have to worry about size - but I won't know until it's too late so fuck it.
I moved the Greenway beans in here since the taller one needed it anyway. My seed-mom for the FB68 is the shorty up front. Really thick pistils, almost furry looking. The tall one is the second version. Better or worse they're gonna be different. Headbanger back right.
The Taxi also have really thick pistils, getting plump
This is the newest flips, and the oldest. The Hollyweed in the back is gonna be done around the full moon
She has a sprinkling of ambers, and a sprinkling of white-ish pistls left.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Well, after having plenty of the smoke around the new version of Chemdog is still great, but it's not the dog. The genetics are still there so it is gonna be a huge seeded plant before it's done.

As will the Dirty Taxi clone. I have plenty of that smoke already with a tentfull ripe in a month or so. I don't like cloning enough to keep them around when seeds are available. I'll have a ton of taxi seeds and crosses to be dropping in a few months as well. Also, JJ e-mailed me back and the Taxi is being re-made. If nothing else I can drop cash on more.

Soooo that leaves me with the three Flashback 68 clones which I'll be keeping for a while. I also have the new Chemdog that is showing the chubby leaves. If I keep a mom it'll be from the one that eats itself. But then again those seeds are available 24/7 as well. Cloning from now on will likely be for getting more smoke from a bean rather than getting a mom. I'll try just vegging one a lot longer in a bigger pot and see how that works. I got a pack of 10g just for that purpose.

Seeds are simple.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think what it amounts to is that I don't mind preservation. But when it's not preserving something you can't get anymore it's just about money. The Flashback is the only one with a dead mom that can't happen again. But if I find the second version has the goods then that one can go away too.

I think the two approaches that would suit my style is to just have one or two large pots vegging out the ones I know I like, or just cloning enough to get a tent-full and flowering the mom once they're rooted. But everything else can be in my 4-week cycle with the 5g pots.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My garden is mainly keeping stuff alive until it cools off some. Nothing is germinating well except the hot peppers, and I have been getting enough cherry tomatoes to snack on but that;s it. Lost several tomatoes to the chipmunks and replaced them, and I am starting more tomatoes of the varieties that have done well to get in the ground a.s.a.p.

Because I use the hot peppers mainly dried I won't need to grow many next year, and being in potw I might be able to overwinter a few and re-veg next year. Seeing which ones bring flavor with the heat when fresh is gonna determine that. Lots of flowers have been falling off dead, but every potted pepper has them exploding now. These Biquinho are the most prolific of the early ones. I have red and yellow of this kind.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just so my stoner-ass doesn't forget...

I watered veg this morning and everything looks good, but the two large moms in 2g pots are drinking their fill in 2 days now.

Since I am not keeping either I need to get them into a 3g for a little more soil, and prune back each tall limb. all I need is a bush of tops to catch pollen. And now that I am not worried about cloning either one that's not the chore it would have been.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Well, that did me no good. Got a storm Friday that knocked out power for a half hour or so. During lights out so ero issues with plants, but lightning or something took out my wifi equipment. Internet dude brought new stuff today.


Insanely Active Member
Well, that did me no good. Got a storm Friday that knocked out power for a half hour or so. During lights out so ero issues with plants, but lightning or something took out my wifi equipment. Internet dude brought new stuff today.
do'nt know much about wifi if it takes care of near everything ,that could cause a busy weekend.i have a tail on a new bean it will be in soil in the next hour!paper towel looks empty with 1 bean on it.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I took down the Hollyweed x TKM10 yesterday (full moon) and she's definitely OG-ish. Which means I'll probably like it, and there ain't much there. The flower clone is revegged to the three-blade leaf stage, so if I want more it can happen. But I think that's the end of that until next time I get bored.

Keeping the Flashback 68 I have is enough, and the curent Chemdog seedling is basically the next mom for a bit.

But I have seed money and I dont mind supporting people that enjoy making beans. For my part this one chuck will probably get me more beans than I know what to do with. I may enjoy it, but I think growing out the stuff I made is more my style. I could see doing another rincrease on the Taxi if they do fine but start losing germ rate down the line.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is the pre-chuck veg. Most of the seedlings will get pots soon, then it's game on. As soon as they look big enough they flip. Luckily the Dirty Taxi are the ones thriving and getting big quickest. I pruned back the Taxi and Chemdog moms without cloning. I'll be topping the ones in 1/2g that are getting a little too big. I'll probably have a ton of little 4-tops in the breeding tent. The red cup is my next Chemdog mom to get me some of that ugly weed.
The FB68 seed-mom hits 8 weeks 8/2 and is looking to go about 9 weeks tops.
She's chunky top to bottom.
And every little nug is ripening the same. No laggers or extra-veggers


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Everything has plenty of room until the next round of harvests and I'll consolidate. FB68 V1 up front, V2 back left, and Headbanger back right
Taxi clones
the last '91 clone, the Chem-n-Koffee front left, and the two Corey's on the right.
Everything in veg got new shoes and I got rid of everything but weed and the aloe plant inside. I topped anything that wasn't yetand after the limbs start popping I'll snip the fan leaves and it won't look nearly as crowded. The 1/2g pots are almost the same diameter as a 1g, so I put a scoop of soil in the bottom and packed it down, then stuck the plant in and pushed it down, then topped it off to with more soil. The light in here is 'warmer' and things seem to veg slower.
But going from the large 6-cell tray inserts to the 1/2g is like butter. I really like the deep-pocket cells. The two Urban Poison are runty and got solo cups, and the two Tire Fire are super-indica shorties by design and will never get large. Letting them get a few more waterings so they don't fall apart. On any I have 2 of I really just need one to catch pollen. I'm not as worried about the second one for flowering after the chuck. All 7 of the Dirty Taxi are the best looking plants in the tent.