The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The fact that I had nothing to return the favor set the schedule. I am going to be dropping a small assortment of beans for the chuck, mostly the Greenway stuff. I am only really stoked to run the Dirty Taxi I make, the Chem91 cross and the Flashback68 cross. Second shelf is the Sour Puss, Blue Jack City that I have smoked, then a few others just because I can. But I'm not getting stupid with it.

I'll be dropping one of almost everything from Greenway though. I have a few still in baby stage that will play into this plan.

Dropping one of everything I want to catch pollen. Then I'm dropping one of everything I haven't smoked yet (that's not already sprouted or flipped). So I'll be dropping two of several flavors with one being to flip for smoke after the pollen has cleared.

The compromise instead of me sending him another pipe or a bong or something I bought three packs of stuff I didn't have yet ;) At least he'll get cash out of it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have stuff in bold just dividing by 6 to make it easier. I started the plan today with the oldder stuff I don't know about germination, and the two Chem91 because the last one I dropped was a dud. The G13G and NL are old CLG fems. They may all pop. I'll pick one to add to the pollination just because they are classics.

After the 8 CLHP, if none pop I'll add another 6 to the 7/1 drop. The nine that I am dropping two beans of are ones I haven't smoked yet. I'll keep those in veg while the pollen flies then flip them as soon as stuff's cleaned up.

7/5(ish) I'll drop the regs, more CLHP if needed, and any from the 7/1 drop that didn't crack and I need for pollen catching. If it's a second that doesn't pop I can deal with that later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I don't plan on letting anything get too big. The few I want a lot of seeds from i'll just clone the mom then put her in to catch pollen. I'll be letting the three Taxi, the Chem91 andd the FB86 veg until then, with some clone snipping somewhere in the mix. The rest I just want to be able to send Andy back a selection of regs to play with.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I know it's not strain specific, because I lost both a brand new FB68 and a 5yo Oilspill to ??? Anyway, not fucking around with mutants now.
I flipped the Chem-n-koffee so this is what's left in the veg tent. I will be up-potting most of the littles this morning. That Blue Nose Pitt in the middle is finally looking normal instead of miniature. The tall and short re-veg clones from the Hollyweed are just gonna sit in the shade for a while. It's getting to the point that I need to trim stuff back, which means cloning. Knowing how both my Chem91 and the three Taxi flower I can shorten them to shrubs and the stretch will take care of the rest. This might be when I just stick them in aloe then moist castings and see what happens. I want one of the Taxi to catch pollen along with the 91, the Headbanger clone that I only have one of, an one of the three FB68 v1 clones. Only three more of those seeds so I want to get a clone in the chuck instead of dropping a bean.
The flipped ones got stuck in here.
The MacFish hits 11 weeks Sunday, so I think 12 or 13 weeks.
I'm gonna have a lot of Taxi. But it make the little to medium nugs instead of beasts so I'll wait on the weight to see. It's gonna be anough that I may not keep a mom. I'm gonna have a ton of beans to drop. he three oldder ones are 8 weeks today and one is closer than the others. I think 9-10 weeks tops. closer to 9. The middle one that was the only top that took is making a nice skinny tree.
I have room for one more in here if I move the marigold. The two Corey's are in the front, and one was too dry and the roots got mangled and the ball fell apart. I got it right into the new soil and watered it well, and I can't tell that it was the one on the right that got mangled. The Hollyweed x TKM10 middle left looks pretty sparse but the nugs are plumping up. very skinny hairs and lots of 'em.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I finally got off my ass and tumbled some 'intermediate' soil where I mixed some new bag soil. Coast of Maine Bar Harbor Blend has a good mix of organic amendments and compost and helps thin out my amended soil. I mixed 50/50 in the mixer and got it homogenous. Then I started potting stuff. The BNP went from a 3" Bonnie cup to a 1g. 6 seedlings and 3 clones went to 1/2g. The Headbanger clone is still unknown smoke, but I'm gonna add that clone to the chuck with one of the little FB68. There's three of those now so I have a mom, a chucker and a flower-er. I have one of each version of the FB68 just potted and was going to chuck them. The V1 is getting cloned before anything. The V2 I can buy all I want so I'll drop another for the chuck. Both these are gonna flip after the pollen is cleaned up.
I put the newer Taxi that haven't filled out yet on the edges for better airflow.
The DT#2 top is crazy. After it hits maturity the nodes ofset, but only on opposing sides back and forth. It's flat. The fan leaves are only pointing two directions.
And the others. That's the second version of the FB68 with the jurassic fan leaves.