The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I want to make enough beans to share, but not to start a company. I'll want enough to germ test everything, then keep a few of each to run out and check the smoke and make sure they aren't a Chiquita-fest., then have enough to send out to whoever wants some. I'll keep each of the F1 plants beans separate in case some moms have bad tendencies and some dont.

I made my life simpler and just culled the #1 and #3 moms. #2 can wait until I get to smoke the MacFish before I start cloning (or not). If the #2 nanners before being done looking I don't care what the clones in flower do. Maybe one of the chuck plants won't. I'll keep the mom I have and ler her catch pollen and have a ton for sprouted seed teas if nothing else.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The last Taxi nannered out tonight. Seems 9 weeks is the limit. I think there may be something that makes the plants want to keep growing. The humidity has been a little higher for summer but still in the high 50's. The ambient temp is likely higher than in winter with less difference between night and day, but not drastic.

With both that and the Chemdog showing that tendency I can put a whole tent and a few more plants on the clock for when I'll likely be pulling them. For chuck-planning purposes that should be good.

I got a few 10gal pots and after the clean-up I might stick all the seeded Taxi in one pot.

The only thing up in the air is the lone remaining Chem-n-koffee. Still nothing.

The Hollyweed x TKM10 clone is revegging. The Corey's Crush are stretching enough I could take one...

A lot will depend on the smoke test on the MacFish in a few days. If I'm cloning anyway what's another few snips?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is what I had before lights out. The back left is the Dirty Taxi and she's getting stretchy. I think I am going to pass on taking clones and just prune her back for a bit. I want a good size shrub to make beans and I still don't know if the nanner tendency is gonna pass to the clones. I think flipping early is likely one of the stressors I put on them all, and some strains might hold it against me more than others. I think I can wait another 3-5 days to smoke on that MacFish (front left) andd decide if I want to keep her at all. I still have a pack of the beans left but if it's amazing I might want one to catch pollen. The Chem91 clone back center is just a pretty plant; nice and compact but not crowded looking. And she still doesn't have the chubby, stubby, thick, jagged '91 leaves. I have one new bean going so I am excited to see them side by side eventyally.
I have been watering roughly every third day in flower, and except for babies I top off the veg plants then. Anything I can put in the water for flower can get watered into veg. Not vice versa. If there's kelp in it putting it in flowering plants makes them keep flowering.

This is the Hollyweed x TKM10 flower clone. Right at 3 weeks to show good reveg. The mom looks interesting but nothing special. But she also as not producing bulk flowers either. Keeping this clone, and possibly taking a Corey's Crush and a Chem-n-Koffee will be the same as the MacFish. I might just want more of that smoke. Those were small freebie packs so if I get a girl that's all there is. If it's mids, it's mids.
In the first pic there are a few skinny looking seedlings but all the Greenway look beefy, and the clones along the edge are stretching nicely. Based on the smells from mom I have a keeper. The headbanger is hanging out to catch pollen just because. I have more and likely he has more if I like it.
The Oilspill and the CSI UK Cheese cross are all skinny plants. One of the Oilspill is a mutard,


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm going with the marigold thing. I have a dwarf, early flowerng variety I just started a flat of with the intention os adding them to up-pots. Since seeds are super easy to save and start I t might be the best addition to the cover crop. Root interaction and whatnot. I have a few other varieties to see how they do in small pots compared to what the pack says. Still no sex on the Chem-n-Koffee
The jumbled tent is looking lush. I took the big fans of the FB68 and it is just making more.
The Taxi tent is now all clones,
The #2 top. If all the un-topped clones run like this I'll smoke a nanner all day. The spruce. Takes up no space, and dense nuggies all the way to the pot.
The first one that finished had two of those little trunk-nugs about the size of a pea that grew out under the cover crop in complete shade. It's only been 4 days but those were dry so I gave it a taste and was impressed. Maybe if the chuck doesn't work out I let some nanners pop and see if I can get me some fem seeds ;) Get an earlier clone in there to catch the late pollen so the seeds have time to mature and YAHTZEE! 🤪
The MacFish has weight to her, so she'll last a bit. Not flowering another. The smoke will determine the status of the shrub in the veg tent.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I sprouted some alfalfa for a veg specific tea for watering, and used that for cloning. I just soaked the snips in the feed water, then into a mix with 1/3 castings and 2/3 finely sifted seed starter soil. I razored the ends at at least one node, a few it was two close ones, then into the pre-moistened mix. If it woeks it works, but the plants were getting too big for their britches.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I lost the 2 Hashmaster, a Chem Chromate and a Sour Puss to being duds. There's a few more I had to excavate that may or may not make it, but except for the Hashmaster I got at least one of everything to pop. I took a break to look at the list and see if I needed to drop any alongside the Taxi and I'll let it slide. For everything I have two of I'll keep the youngest to flower after

I will probably put the Chem 91 mom in there for the chuck which means I need to get clones rooted. The ones from yesterday are still looking good and that was super easy. I have them all in clear inner cups so if it works I can tell easier.

The Chem and Koffee is a girl so she gets a pot.

So now I have a decent to do list and can get pics after it's done.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
No-fuss clones. cup-o-dirt method. Once they root the castings should keep them from yellowing off. I have them under 20w of the 100w light.
The one Sour Puss had a tail and I re-buried her. It was short and she may have petered out. I pulled the tags from ones that the seed didn't crack.
The Chem91 in the smaller tray is an unintended experiment. Once I wet seed starter soil I don't re-use it for weed seeds. It goes into a tub for starting veggie seeds. Since I wasn't counting on the CLHP I dropped a mass of to crack (and they didn't) I used the small cells, less soil used. I also dropped a '91 ... ooops.
Also, I just got my latest Greenway order in with the Helens Melons that he brags about, the Toke-a-cola, and the LGS 89. The '89 NL/Skunk is nicknamed the "lime green skunk". Close your eyes, then open them and pick out the LGS cross. Pretty cool right? The Tire Fire is LGS crossed to his Urban Poison. Heisen's Dubstep S1's were first to pop. Those with two I'll be picking one to chuck with and one to flower after.
I moves stuff around since, but I had to snag this pick of my pentagram weed. The Chem91 clone that was never topped or snipped grew a natural 5-pointed star/pentagram/whatever. The full moon/UFO is a white pingpong ball.
So I moved the Hollyweed in here and I think both will finish around the next full moon.
The Taxi stand :cool: She is definitely a single top plant. the multi-top shrubs go wild. Perfect for a sea of green :unsure:😜
The 1g plant was dry so I had to wet her down before up-potting. I'll get to that and the cloning tomorrow. There's a stretcher and a squat Corey's Crush. They are where I would usually snip and compost any larfy branches and I think the best two I cut will go for flower clones. The re-veg thing definitely works, and it works from a timing standpoint as well. If that MacFish wasn't an 11-week plant I would have already been smoking it and deciding before having to take clones.
The FB68 and Headbanger look to finish quick. They puffed up rapidly
Veg got watered but is mainly unchanged. The watering was needed before taking Chemdog snips so everything gets put off until tomorrow. IMG_0531.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Smoking note. I got tired of having ugly good weed. I grow pretty weed, so the terp bags are out except for long term storage or stuff that doesn't make the top shelf. I have about 6 strains now that are the daily drivers until something else steps in. Like the Taxi I have hanging. But I have at cooler with about 20 terp bags of older stuff that wasn't my jam. I pulled out the oldest stuff to see if any still had the terps to be a possibility for getting better after the long cure.

The Raspberry Boogie and the Chunk-a-Dunk still had the smells, but a bunch got decarbed. The formerly crystalized Chunk looked like snails had been crawling on it wherever it was against the bag. Fuck that LOL

I have been keeping the three Chemdog clones in separate little pop-top pill bottles where you squeeze the sides to open it. Those can be stacked in an ammo can (tupperware or whatever) with the large 62% pack in it. Those bottles aren't quite air-tight so that actually has worked well. And if it worked for my best it's a lot cheaper than any stainless containers.

I have lots of stuff laying around that I don't use any more. Those stainless bento boxes that are like C-vaults with no rH pack shelf are still great for curing and burping. But too big to keep weed in long term. You end up with more airspace than weed in the container and it ages quicker. I mention the new things (because I love trying new things) because it might save someone some cash knowing that cheap stuff or stuff already laying around is just fine, andd sometimes better than the $$$ stuff.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The MacFish was fluffy enough that it got dry in 6 days. I'll bust that top down at some point before it gets gets done curing. That 'larf' was actually just plump nugs that were separated enough from the next set to see stem.
Before I make any harsh decisions on the trashing it completely I'll give it a good smoke check. It smells kind of sweet, but really good - just can't pin it down and it'll probably change anyway. I did a few pipe fulls and I think it might lean towatrds the nervous weed. My ears started ringing, back tension that makes you have to move around, Might be perfect 'get-r-dun' weed. But I got plenty off the one plant and I have a pack to hunt through. I am thinking I compost the mom and let karma decide if the clones I just took stick around. With 12/week weed I'm sure it'll need a longer cure, and then it might go either direction. More mellow, or more anxious.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
OK. The Frosty MacFish from Boston Bob is interesting. If a clone takes it might be worth it to catch pollen, but I don't think I'll use this up anytime soon. But the big mom-plant is history. I'd rather have the soil and the space.

The Taxi on the other hand is gonna be great. I'll have one to buck tomorrow and another two days later. They have really skinny stems and those plants seem to dry alot quicker, even though the nugs are dense.

in general, the plant that nannered out before the others would be a keeper just based on a one-hitter of barely dried larf. The one I kept went longestand is also the prettiest structure-wise.

I'l be smoking the hell out of them but they'll last a while counting the ones still coming in the tent. Between 8/9 and 8/23 I'll be chopping 5 more. If the clones go longer without a nanner that's even better, but I didn't even find the nanner I saw that made me harvest. or any others.

With the Chem91 and probably the FB68 V1 I think I could have a tent dedicated to having a few fresh plants from the latest extra clones on a
regular basis. If the chuck works out I might pull the Taxi mom and just run everything from seed. I'll keep her around until I smoke the F1's.

My main concern is that I have dropped 4 beans so far and gotten 4 girls. If I get 7 more I'm screwed LOL

My clone mix was 1/3 castings with seed starter soil, sifted through a 1/8" grid. All seed sterter comes with myco's now, so I don't add anything or re-use it for the next drop if they don't crack.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This one area of my garden is killing it. I've had some 100F days and most of the tomatoes are germinating for shit. The wild cherries are doing great. This is the Raspberry Lyann from Baker Creek and she is monstrous. Look around - no other plant has many showing. Some plants are ready for replacement because of the roots being tunneled through. wild lemon balm at the base.
The other thing killing it is my peppers. They love the heat and are bloomung like crazy. some of the hot pepper plants have gotten as tall as they're gonna get and are fruiting like mad. They are shading out the in-ground peppers behind them. So I just ordered 10 more of the 5g-short pots to replace these, and start new crops. Since I have the spronkler going in the bean-garden I can move these and give them all room to spread out. A few that are not really pottedd varieties might get stuck in the ground, but I am moving the pots and creating a hot pepper garden. But they are holding each other up if the wind whips through so I have to put some planning into it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Last year my peppers did nothing until August. Then some turned into trees. I think just keeping them alive for now is good, and some I am snipping any fruit that form so the plant can veg more.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Because I just love growing stuff I also have the light rack doing it's thing. I have a few determinate tomatoes outside in cups getting acclimatied, and I started a few more. One is a "42-day" so it's like autoflower tomatoes LOL. Also marigolds. Just started a pack of these dwarf, early flowering variety to stick in pots when I transplant. I want to get a ton of seed from these if they look like they'll flower before weed plants finish.
I have one in this group I am sticking in the Chem-n-Koffee I potted last night. I didn't think of it at the time. I'll probably stick one in each of the Corey's Crush too. I found that if you let them get rootbound in the tiny cels you can start them flowering.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Your veggies are looking glorious amigo
I mentioned I showed the good spot. I'm harvesting almost nothing. It will pick up when the heat wave passes but most of my tomato blooms have been dying off unpollinated, and I have plenty of bees. Just too hot for the pollen I think.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Day 4 and the clones look like I just snipped them. 4 are Dirty Taxi but 4 are MacFish that I'll just be keeping one of for pollen if they take root.
And the Dirty Taxi all popped up on day 3. One Blue Jack City rescue pup may make it, the other two didn't. That makes three and a possible for to have ready to go after pollen. There's also the ones in veg already up-potted that will take the place of the FB68V2 and the Ricky Retardo.


Dazed and confused
This is what I had before lights out. The back left is the Dirty Taxi and she's getting stretchy. I think I am going to pass on taking clones and just prune her back for a bit. I want a good size shrub to make beans and I still don't know if the nanner tendency is gonna pass to the clones. I think flipping early is likely one of the stressors I put on them all, and some strains might hold it against me more than others. I think I can wait another 3-5 days to smoke on that MacFish (front left) andd decide if I want to keep her at all. I still have a pack of the beans left but if it's amazing I might want one to catch pollen. The Chem91 clone back center is just a pretty plant; nice and compact but not crowded looking. And she still doesn't have the chubby, stubby, thick, jagged '91 leaves. I have one new bean going so I am excited to see them side by side eventyally.
View attachment 138274
I have been watering roughly every third day in flower, and except for babies I top off the veg plants then. Anything I can put in the water for flower can get watered into veg. Not vice versa. If there's kelp in it putting it in flowering plants makes them keep flowering.

This is the Hollyweed x TKM10 flower clone. Right at 3 weeks to show good reveg. The mom looks interesting but nothing special. But she also as not producing bulk flowers either. Keeping this clone, and possibly taking a Corey's Crush and a Chem-n-Koffee will be the same as the MacFish. I might just want more of that smoke. Those were small freebie packs so if I get a girl that's all there is. If it's mids, it's mids.
View attachment 138275
In the first pic there are a few skinny looking seedlings but all the Greenway look beefy, and the clones along the edge are stretching nicely. Based on the smells from mom I have a keeper. The headbanger is hanging out to catch pollen just because. I have more and likely he has more if I like it.
View attachment 138276
The Oilspill and the CSI UK Cheese cross are all skinny plants. One of the Oilspill is a mutard,
View attachment 138277
Greenway seems legit and on point so far,just might be my next purchase 🤔


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think it must just be an intuitive thing, trusting my instinct. The #2 Dirty Taxi of three was the only one the top clone took like a champ, and it was the latest to nanner of the three seed plants.
#1 is straight nasty, ChemD funk
#3 is like garlic and onions.
I just jarred the #2 and it is probably the best. It dumped twice the kief as the other two and it has both sides. It's chemical garlic.

None are cured but from the larf the highs are similar. The plants all grew similar. But that smell makes me thing #2 is gonna cure out superb.