The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
[pre-edited] this turned into a planning session but this is my notebook. I keep the signature block pretty up to date. The Lime1 x Jaro from Freeborn is very stoney but also kind of introspective/creative weed. Skip it if you don't care LOL.

My veg plants need watering and the full moon is almost here. Since the plants tend to like to be harvested during the full or new moon, I like to flip then when I can. That helps keep stuff on a rotation. Even if they're small it keeps things being harvested regularly. One pause in the drops got my flower tents empty as they are with nothing hanging to dry at the moment.

These were the contest drop and the 14th was around the new moon, then the Boogies showed up and got wet immediately.
[11/14] Platinum Ice, Chunk-A-Dunk - the PI is the mutant two-top and waiting another few weeks. The stumpy, cabbage leaf CaD is getting topped.
[11/23] 4 Raspberry Boogie - I have a hook-up for all I need and a sack left in the fridge. Gotta find a girl to smoke and drop more after I get to try it.

This group got dropped last full moon and are hitting the 4-week mark. Two fems. The Headline is the Shoreline cross from Skunktek that I immediately wanted more of. I planned to veg longer and flower in a bigger pot right from the start. The cookies x meatbreath freebie fem is a runt but might get flipped because I don't care. If it's great smoke I have a few more to try.
[11/28] , Headline (f), Cookie Breath (f)

Z-Sour 91, 2 Dirty Taxi, 2 Jane Doe Skunk, 2 Cronus Sour, Sour Diesel x NL1, 4 Sour Hebrew National
So the regs are all the question marks. If I wait longer than 4 weeks they generally have to be runts. They will stay in that 1g pot after flip until they show sex so that has to be factored in.

One Sour Hebrew, one Z-sour and one Cronus Sour are runts in 1/2g pots.
The Z-sour (Chem 91 x Zkittles/Sourdawg) and the SHN are both normal and I'll probably flip them, so getting a new pot tonight makes sense to let them get over that first.
The Cronus Sour is a semi-mutant that either needs time to grow the top out more, or time to veg some runty limbs into a 4-top. Tonight it loses limbs somewhere to force the others to grow. if the top looks normal I'll prune away the lowers, but if it still looks wonky it gets topped. I need to pop the pot off and look at the roots, but it's been slow and may be fine in that for a bit longer.

Part of having healthy happy plants at the end of flowr is not pissing them off early :sneaky: I'll look back at this later to remnd me what my super-stoned self thought of and compare that to the plants 😂


Insanely Active Member
Bottpm line of the signature block. A few I had issue with duds, like the 4 morning brew and the CLHP. This is day 4 so I may do some ecavating on the non-poppers. Waiting didn't do well last time for those that were growing sideways under the soil with curly tap-roots. Once they got too long you couldn't straighten them without breaking.
didn't know they would do that!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Easier than I thought. The dozen in the red box get flipped after Christmas. The ones on the outside edge don't for one reason or another, and nothing in small pots was ready for new ones. I topped the CaD hiding back right. I removes any single-blade seed leaves if there were sprouts at that first node. Should be 6 girls in there. The more the merrier.
The wonky Cronus Sour is still in a holding pattern. I was gonna top her but the lower branches have a mutant. It's welded to the main trunk until it has leaves. I kind of want to see what that does.
So now I have to keep the top and - another whorly-gig. That makes the Platty Ice, One of the Sour Hebrew and now this, all at once.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
26th is the full moon, and the plan is to take the one Macchiato that is ready, and squeeze the 12 flippers in that corner. She's the short one with the cover crop of bok choi that got shaded out in the beginning. Growing the fuck out of a variety of mizuna.
It is very milky and the only one not pumping out a second round of pistils - just a few here and there. The rest get chopped as needed.
It has a few new ones but nothing major


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Plants got some Christmas loving. After pulling the one Macchiato I had to stick one of the Chunk-a-Dunk in it's place instead of the flippers. Wouldn't have been room anyway I pruned one set of those jurassic fan leaves because those lower limbs were poking the unerside of the leaf.
12 got flipped. On the CaD I have been just plucking lower shoots but leaving their associated leaves. Like lollipopping but leaving the foliage.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's how I do early pruning also. I don't see the point in taking fan leaves until you need the air flow or light.
Those Macchiato crosses with all the trunk-nugs still have all theirs. If they droop onto the pot they go, and if they touch a flower they go - like if a limb is growing under the fan leaf.

A few days before harvest I might remove the ones that are just shading but not touching anything, but if the plants want to grow great in their own shade it's probably best to let them. That Heisen-tree has the full umbrella with just 4 leaves - and everthing is growing great under them.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dropped 6 full moon beans, all fems.

The NYC Piff x Lemon Tree from 707 was a freebie 3 pack. It is reversed pollen from a Cuban Black Haze cut. The first one I dropped was a sickly looking claw-leaf thing I culled.

The Bombthreat and the BNP are both Bubba Kush crosses so I expect slow growth and smaller plants.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The first plant from the Macchiato weghted 125g. From experience that nets me an ounce. IMG_7916.JPG
But this is the very bottom, the only thing close to larf is the looser parts of these lower flowers I'll pluck off to taste when it's smokable.
So the debate about big plants is right there. I'll get about a QP from that tent from 4 plants. but that tent could also have been jammed with 8-9 similar plants - or about a half pack. And that's all headstash. then I'll probably get that half pack from the Chunksters - Damn I hope it's good :cool: So I'll pack up each plant separate, if there's a stand out I'll smoke all that and do whatever with the rest. If they are all the same I'll pick out a bag of the best tokeep in the fridge and the rest goes to a "cool dry" place until I figure out what to do with it.

Moving on :sneaky: My veg tent is consolidated now. The babies are hardened off and look to be enjoying life. The empty mini-tent is what prompted me dropping the beans. I may actually fire up the 100w 3x3 tent and slow-roll a few to mother a clone batch for bulk. The CLHP are being elusive for me now but I still have a few unopened packs. And I had the curly-Q then the dud on the Chemdog. The others are just plain ol' "grow-and-see" plants to get an idea what's left. The Lemon Piff thing might also be a cloner. Hazes seem to do better flowering an already mature tiny clone than the seed plant. And if there's a hazey cross I might like that would be it.

This was 30min before lights on, and today is watering day with several getting new pots of various sizes. Everything looks happy as fuck.
The last Chunk-a-What-the-fuck? is lower right. She had a chance but she gets the axe.
The Platinum Ice bifurcated 2-top is taking a bit to fill in that 5qt pot and start drinking, so I will do some long-term training/pruning on her.
The others were still too small compared to the 1g pot. The ones in 1/2g might get a bigger pot while I'm up-potting those 6 cups.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Dropped 6 full moon beans, all fems.

The NYC Piff x Lemon Tree from 707 was a freebie 3 pack. It is reversed pollen from a Cuban Black Haze cut. The first one I dropped was a sickly looking claw-leaf thing I culled.

The Bombthreat and the BNP are both Bubba Kush crosses so I expect slow growth and smaller plants.
I started listening to The Breeders Syndicate 707 pt2 podcast and he's got some interesting stuff going on. 12-15 weeks for the Cuban Black Haze alone is wild. She's going to be in that tent for a minute, hopefully it's as good as advertised.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I started listening to The Breeders Syndicate 707 pt2 podcast and he's got some interesting stuff going on. 12-15 weeks for the Cuban Black Haze alone is wild. She's going to be in that tent for a minute, hopefully it's as good as advertised.
But it's crossed with the short, quick Lemon Tree. So there may be a decent mix both in growth and effect. I'm not a big fan of the 'nervous' weed, I could never have been a 60's hippie. I would have ended up on cocaine to calm down 😂

I think that him offering the bulk seed that either didn't ualify to get a name, or was a step in making something else is legit. $100 for 100 beans. And it will probably be exponentially more than 100.

Trinity x 707 Chem that went as Dogma was up there as bulk for a inute then disappeared - probably "oh shit" and it got parsed out into Dogma 10-packs. But the Love Candy (Blockhead F3) crossed with something nasty would be good, and with something like Forbidden Fruit which sounds similar. His Potion D'Amour is the last $50 10-pack I'd be interested in which is the FF x Kush Cleaner. Trinity x 707 OG Kush is another big sack I'd snag.

But $1.00 beans - that's like buying heirloom hot peppers or big pumpkins - not weed! LOL

He is also releasing some stuff feminized to reduce his reliance on keeping a certain male around. He grows for effect and I like the effect he selects for. If he pops a generation of beans and selects one to feminize, - I'll run that.

The Lemon Piff cross is the first one he sent to Dagga to pack out as freebies.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Didn't do much everything is slow and the soil felt chilly on the two I potted. The SHN [lower left] tri-top and the Flamethrower
got 1/2g. One to promote growth and the other for support. I just planted the FT a little deep.

The Platty Ice is decided. Everything outside the wires is gone. I am leaving it all there to catch light but I'll snip it when the 8 shoots grow.
How it grew told me "8-top". There''s no opposing limbs. They pretty much all face towards the sides. Perfect for a manifold.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Got those 6 beans in soil everything appeared cracked. I have a dual heat mat rig with a thermostat arriving today I plan to slide into the veg tent. It's same as someone on here has. The single mat with thermostat, then the add-on mat separate was $10 cheaper than getting the dual mat thing in one box.

I also spent $50 on the cheapest water distiller I could get. The good models are in the $200 range but I wanted one for RSO. So far it works great but you have to stop before it gets to oil. I had a quart of tincture soaking and recovered about 80% of the everclear. It has a weed smell to it now though, but it should work fine next batch.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have bashed Jodrey before about being a douchenozzle. He has been in the industry as a parasite long enough to know everyone, and most seem scared to call him out. I tripped out when I saw this shammy-scammy pic of his trip to pakistan... I wonder if they thought he was a local? 😂

And I know he has often said he does whatever he can to make a buck. He has a nursery but that was never enough. I bet he pays top dollar for real growers to run it for him. Then finally I recalled where I got my first clue...


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I can’t stand listen to that dude talk, he sounds like he’s so impressed with himself all the time and it makes me gag. Did he really grow a beard and dress like a Pakistani? Thats expert level douche right there.
Yeah, I hovered over the link and he still had the beard and no-stache look back at home.

To me, if I close my eyes I hear Curly from the Three Stooges. "Hey Moe! woop woop woop" :sneaky:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Macchiato hit 10 wees New Years Eve, and that might be the longest any of them last. Even the new-hair ones look to be tightening up. That full moon does something for senescence.

For the contest plants I am seeing 3 different growth structures, but mainly 2 kinds of leaves.
The Giraffe has the monster leaves,
And I think the one I topped would have been another giraffe but got topped. There's squat ones then mid-size under the giraffe level, but they all have the ginormous shade leaves except the one in the back corner. That looks like the only true oddball from the others. Lost one Raspberry to dude-ism. The remaining three are a week older than the rest o the hoard so I expect them to show first.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Since I flipped at 4 weeks I assume that the difference between growth structures would have been more pronounced if I vegged them longer, both with the height an the branching. So there might be three pheno's there when it all cures out.