The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And it was preceded by a tracking number e-mail.
FWIW dude just ate a $150 pack of beans. That and all the free gear plays into me not having a problem dropping that on a pack of seeds. Also they're fems so it's basically $10-$15 per flowered plant. There were 15 beans in the previous 10-pack, and I got 12 free NL5 Haze crosses in that 10-pack.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Fiddler's Green Planting random places in pots outside you can bury them partway or push dirt around them, cover crop, mulch, whatever. That's what I meant by burying them. The pots might work to keep gophers out of the roots, or chipmunks or whatever. But they'll grow through the pot. I think the living soil pots would probably be bad in the sun because instead of a dry hot spot around the edge you'd be heating up that moisture barier.

I am going to be digging level spots on a slope and maybe use different size pots to make like a retaining wall I can grow some stuff in. And none of it has to be permanent. If it sucks I do something different the next year. It'll be interesting

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Dagga is the shit, Peter is a cool vato. On my top five seed banks easily.

I tried that with the pots my second season and pulling them out after was a pain. Being in the prohib I wanted a way to break down with minimal footprint. 2 gals work great cause I can hold three in each hand.

I have some 16'' hollow logs that are getting fill with some mix I made. We'll see if it defeats the rodent pressure


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have some 16'' hollow logs that are getting fill with some mix I made. We'll see if it defeats the rodent pressure
I am thinking about the pots as a way to grow some root veggies without rodent issues. I am going to get or make some one-gallon wire baskets for all my tomatoes and peppers. Other than the little shits eating my sweet potatoes I think most of the damage they did was just going from here to there. Me digging and planting and all that is what makes them re-tunnel. So after everything gets settled I plan to have extra's ready to fill in gaps.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I tried that with the pots my second season and pulling them out after was a pain. Being in the prohib I wanted a way to break down with minimal footprint.
Mine's all for veggies, but if you chop the plant and leave the pot the roots will die off over winter. Or you just bring snips. I think it's usually half a dozen or so big roots that work through the pot and really go deep. The rest isjust fibrous roots that sound like velcro when you lift the pot.

The other thing is I don't care if I can'r re-use the pot. I'll rip that bitch to shreds if needed.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
New moon in a few days and I'm figuring out what to drop. These have no more than a month left so they don't factor in. My prediction is that these are ripe next new moon.
I needed veg space so I flipped three more Chunk-A-Dunk. I have room in either of these tents for all 8 plants, plus the empty closet that's a 3x3. . so space isn't an issue
I cleared out the mini tent to clean up the propagator and such. They were lidless for a day then moved to the veg tent. Raspberry Boggie get new shoes next time they need water. Since tey are regs they'll go into a 1g. (they need to be in the pot until they show sex at about week 6. The fems got their final pots at week 4 (except runts)
The struggle bus SHN rescue pup, the runty CaD, and the platinum mutant don't count.
There should be 2 of 4 RB regs that flower out.
Then there's 11 regs and 2 fems in the younger batch.
So 10-ish girls on average. A tent and the closet. Leaves the other tent so a smaller drop.

That was me counting on my toes to figure this shit out LOL.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have seeds busted out and water warming up.

After the Headlights (NL5 Haze x Headband) mix-up I had to drop one,
I got anoter 10 Sour Puss (California Sour x Lemon OG x Critical) seeds I am dropping another - and all the MonkeyDog freebies I haven't tried yet
Flamethrower - Cowboy Lemonade x Headbanger Truffle
Flashback '68 - ???
Blue Jack City - Blueberry x Jack Herrer.
another Chemdog since the last one went curly-Q,
I opened a new pack of CLHP and am getting a couple wet.
And I had 4 left in my first pack of Morning Brew (the only regs) because I had duds last drop.

It'll be in the signature block once I get it all sorted. There's 12 beans or one dome-full.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
And after I put everything up, I found a seed on the counter... :rolleyes: 🤷‍♂️

I'll be dropping a lucky 13, and it's got to be a second (or third) of one of the fems.

So there's a new game, how long will it take before I can put a nametag on it? Could be a different enough pheno from whatever it's sister is that I never know.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got the seeds in cups, that was my only chore tonight. The new flips and the late flower are both two days since last watering, and both are at the stage that a extra day will be good. The Raspberry Boogie are almost ready for an up-pot so I'll probably take care o the veg plants in the AM with coffee and a new wake-n-bake.

Half ass smoke report prompted by me making a final "cull" decision on a recent harvest. Only so many times I can inhale a day - it's gotta be top notch.

The Notso Headband x Chemdog was not top shelf. It got enough of both to offset the best aspects of the other. andd it smells like dill pickles. It is beautiful and looks like Chemdog, but it is gonna get packed into a fat cannagar and see how the long cure like brick-weed does it. I think the plants with the less frosty look but the oily, bubble-trich flowers ooze that resin throughout the cigar and "seal" it for lack of a better term. That doesn't discount the rest of that pack, that bean was just a beautiful miss.

The othe crosses I have with it are pretty nice. The Headband x TK is old school stoney and I'm letting it cure longer before really digging in. It's one of my rotating daytime smokes - since I'm retired and don't have shit to do, it leaves me mobile. The Headband x ChemD (recent pic of the fat 10g flower) gave me about 2 ounces of day-wrecker chem weed with no ceiling from a 4-week veg. THAT was worth the price of admission, and what fuelled this post after the dog cross got the axe.

2 for 3 with a "keeper" ain't bad. for a pack I bought and two freebie retail-size 7-packs. I bought the TK and was gifted the other two. How they were labeled I thought they were a different "56-day", or "loompa" or whatever cross and I just wanted to try something from that "LA Pure Kush" pollen donor that was so good it had to get a separate headband name to distinguish it from the rest.

Anyway, I got a cannagar mold that holds 14g so next OCD buzz i get into where I feel like playing with weed I have a chore. I'll take a pic or three. I think I'll be limited by the length of the paper. I'm not doing anything crazy with hemp leaves or rosin drizzles or that shit they think looks cool. But a fat cannagar before it gets wrapped is still pretty cool. it might be a bang-up way to store some long-term prepper-weed for the appocalypse.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My last smoke check from that round was the Chemdog fallen soldier mystery cross. There may be something else in there but if so it's dominated. I think I have a Chemdog S1 - or close enough that it doesn't matter.

Not really as worried about the mystery plants since there's no clue what the next bean will be crossed with. And if I got a Wedding Cake S1 or a Bubba S1 I don't think you could tell because within those groups are a wild variety of phenos.

But Chemdog looks, acts, and smells like Chemdog - or it doesn't. There is not a cross yet that I have found as an improvement on the Dog. I think it may improve other stuff it is crossed with but they fuck it up. The ChemD seems better as a cross.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have 6 Chunky Dunksters flipped (other thread) so I had to rearrange tents. I think I can fit these Macchiato testers all in the closet to finish out if need be when I flip the next batch. I got a salad out of the lower right pot just snipping away the fattest leaves. Some kind of mizuna that has a celery-like stem but lettuce leaves.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is the largest cannagar mold they make. Says it holds 10-14g. I ground up half a zip and had a little leftover to pack a mini (size of a cigarette for comparison) I opened it up for a pic bu it needs to cure for a bit before I wrap it. They are ver sturdy, and they need to be because you have to really compress it to make it work. I stopped packing based on paper size.
After it's cured for a day or more (a week it supposedly best) the stick can still be pulled out pretty easily. While it's still in the mold I push the skewer back and forth a bit to loosen it up without destroying the cannagar. So this is closed back up and stuck in a drawer until I feel like doing another one. I just clean it with a cotton swab and alcohol before doing the next one. The smaller models don't need the long cure before removing so I can do an assembly line, but the 3.5-7g model and this one are fatter in diameter and have to stay occupied until they cure. The 24hr thing is the bare minimum.
I still have at least an ounce left so mext round I grind it all and pack the 14g and the 7g which have to cure, but I can do a bunch of the 2-3g and the mini's pictured above and it's an ounce compressed fancy bricks 🤪


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What's the burn time on the bigguns?

Say goodbye to your tolerance lol.
You could take it to a party and it would still be burning when you leave. At least for us old people. The thing about them is that the weed that is not burned absorbs none of the smoke and resin. If it goes out or you put it out, you relight it and it's like new.

Some taste better than others like this but I have notices no difference in effect other than titration - you get more air with each pull and take more of them. That little one in the pic was maybe 1/2" longer and I just lit it back up after sitting in out overnight. Perfectly fine, and they burn better if they've already been lit the first time. If I light one back up and it's not pleasant I cur off the burnt end and throw it in the RSO jar with my pressed pucks from the nugsmasher.

But there are a few that are so good I'll pop the nub in a glass one-hitters I found that fits each small size cannagar perfectly. I haven't tackled any of the biggun's yet. But you could slice off a chunk and smoke that leaving the rest pristine as long as there is enough to be outsie of whatever holder or tip you have for that size.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The only trick I picked up wit the cannagars is that I now wrap them wet. I want it to mold copletely to the thing with no wrinkles and stuff. I got a pack of those misting spray bottles that basically micronizes the water instead of the mist setting on a regular spray bottle.

I lay out a silicone mat and have the paper hanging just over the edge so I can grab it, then I mist it once or twice to make sure it's flat and evenly damp. Lay the cannagar on it then once I have it started with that edge I roll it on the silicone mat pretty hard to force out any air.

On the bigger ones I misted the mat a second time and rolled the thing through it so it was transparent. It just can't be too wet for the glue to work. The wet paper molds to the thing and you let it dry - which takes about a minute.

That OG one is from before I learned that trick. You can see he paper wrinkles. I can re-wrap it if need be but I may just try smoking it without any paper. The only issue would be bumbing it against something and it breaking in half. It should work better than with paper if it's packed tight and cured long enough before opening.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got curious and opened it up. I think the no-paper thing would work with one that was packed super tight andd left to cure for a while in the mold. This was niether and is actually a little loose. It started curving a little where two of the different strains met so I rolled it better. Good visual on it though, that dark section makes it easy to see what one gram looks like with the standard sharpie as a comparison.
I plan to do one tiger striped nect time I have a reall purple strain. The Deep Chunk has the purple but I think that'll be bowl-weed. One-hitter stuff.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I didn't stop to take a pic once I saw what I was seeing. The mystery bean had no damn leaves! I thought a grass seed got in there or something then I saw it was the taproot. Fucking thing was growing upside down. Taproot was about an inch out of the soil and still beautiful. The dome is at 99% humidity and there was no light luckily.

So I flipped it around and hit it with the squirt bottle a few times to settle it. It still has a helmet head but I left that for now. Just got it wet. The light should take care of it. That and the Flashback '68 are both up after 2 days.