The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I finally found my round tooit an got the cups potted. The RB on the right side prompted it. They were not happy anymore in the cups. The 2 back left are the contest leftovers that have not been drinking much or looking like they want to veg out. I potted all but that no-coty SHN that now has two cute little leaves. I stuck that in the dome with the seedlings for a restart ;)
I used the small pots for both the runts and one of the two fems. The other is the Headline that I will be vegging a little longer and sticking in a 7g. And I just dropped another bakers dozen LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Just an odd observation that may not last more than a week - I am growing an assortment of sour stuff.

Almost all have the 3-blade leaves on both the second and third node (or the little blades are so insignificant they don't count) and the middle blade is like a double-size duplicate of the two next to it. It looks like they could have all come from the same pack.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I may just stick the PI and the last CaD from the contest into 3g plastic pots and flip 'em soon. I don't need the smoke on the CaD side, and the PI has enough growth on the two top limbs to make a plant.

I have the Pink Champagne x Gelato33/Cherry Limeade stuff from Freeborn and I have sacks of beans left of them and the Runts cross. So I have more sparkly weed when I run low. It has a great smell and a deep background high. really get stuff done and every once in a while you just have that "I'm high" feeling. 2 different sacks and it's dense and resinous so they'll last me.

And I think the PLCG (lemon cherry gelato) seems like a very similar animal. I'm betting the Freeborn stuff is back there in the genetics. But so far even though it "Mean Gene from Mendocino" weed selected and perfected and whatever, it is great weed but not a high I crave. It'll be in the rotation of stuff I smoke until it's gone, but it doesn't have that thing I want.

Long story short I don't think I'll need a lot of the PLCG, and if I do I know where to get beans.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
What are the newest additions to the menu vato?
Bottpm line of the signature block. A few I had issue with duds, like the 4 morning brew and the CLHP. This is day 4 so I may do some ecavating on the non-poppers. Waiting didn't do well last time for those that were growing sideways under the soil with curly tap-roots. Once they got too long you couldn't straighten them without breaking.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The main drop was just 6 fems. The MonkeyDog 4 plants, the Headline and the Chem91. There was a crack and nubby tails starrting on the CLHP, so it they don't do anything it's not germination, it's age or vigor.

If I don't get either CLHP to grow I drop the rest of the pack next and probably think about keeping a mom.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
From the bottom. I have one salvage. The Flashback '68 may have ben buried a little deep. I saw green as soon as I picked at the soil. The others are likely a no-go but I re-moistened them to wait a bit. At least I know they aren't curly under the soil.
The Sour Hebrew National from the previous drop is looking cool. that's in the mini-cups - I could cover the plant with a quarter. But it's healthy as fuck. It was the hard-to-crack helmet head that lost most of the coty's but already had nubs for the next leaves.
The veg tent got it's first real watering since the transplant. some needed more than others. I put them on the scale and brought all the 1g up to about 1200-1250 grams - with the tray. I determined that by weighing the first one after I watered it good. In 2-3 days I'll do that again but I'll be able to see which ones are drinking better, but mainly it's to keep me from overwatering and it is a good assembly line practice for a lot of plants.
The PI 2-top is looking funky on the next set of leaves so it grows out more. I may cull that cabbage leaf CaD next to it it. I have a tent of 6 already and would prefer the room. One of the Cronus Sour is a dead-end, two leaves on top facing the same direction - then nothing. but it has killer branching even on the seed-leaves, this'll be a 4-top and veg a bit. but its a reg so not that long
The next level is on the contest thread, then there's the 8-week Macchiato x Jaro With the fan leaves remove these could hang to dry in no space at all.
One of the four looks about a week ahead of the others. It was also the one leaning fro weight that I had to hook to a stick.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
For what it's worth, that last pic is exactly what Heisen was talking about for getting the best pics right around 8 weeks for a 9-10 week plant. You get some of the completely dried back pistils, some still white, some in between, and the frost is just starting to milk up so it sets off all the shiny clear ones nicely.

On a different note it would be funny if the mystery bean happened to be one of the Sour Puss
that I have a lot of now -
that I combined the 5 and 10 packs to one vial -
that had the best chance of one going astray on the counter...

funny because that is the only MondeyDog fem that looks like it didn't pop - and I have a replacement already growing.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is in front of the 100w tent that I might just fire up again with some of the slow-n-tiny plants. I'll need the soil soon but I was just letting the bok choi grow out to make worm food out of what I don't eat. I might get some cover crop seeds out of it if the bottom pot pollinates. The Aloe that started as a pup looks like it needa another pot. These have just been getting any extra water I have mixed up for the plants.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got that massive CSI package, and also the Headline replacement pack from Dagga. Early Christmas here.

Now I can sort what I want in my next drop. The P-red Hashplant regs, hell, all the free CSI regs Ive collected seem like fire. Paki Chitral, Pine Tar Kush, Uzbekistani, Now the Panama Red. I think those may all be their own thing at some point and a big drop. Fallen solders as well.
So probably one each of the lower 5. I should have a small assortment of similar but different weed.

FWIW I know the Bubba is a bitch to cross from what everyone on the podcasts has said. It's tiny, it reverses for shit, etc. But it's good smoke. Pretty sure the Bombthreat is just an S1 selection from the Bubba Kush but is bragged about and usually limited because you only get it with Bubba as the reciever, then she doesn't make many seeds. This was a 50-pack release but at a normal price - SOLD!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am liking this as a storage thing for the excess that I can't bring myself to decarb. This one is the Irene Colombian from Coastal.
Both of the large ones are about the same weight. Bigger than that and it goes past the length oc a paper. Basically if I packed them full it's a half ounce, quarter, and eighth on the sizes. There's also the little one that holds between one and two - the cigarette size one. Those get smoked right away - these are scary :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Took some pics before I got started watering and now I think the auto-focus with no flash is probably the way to go. I have an older camera, and if I use the flash the pictures turn out crisp, but with no flash it's like it eases into capturing the pic and they come out blurry because the camera isn't on a tripod. The Macchiato x Jaro is very pretty, looks super dense and there's lots of colors in there that are prismatic. It's like you see different colors depending on how the light hits it.

No Flash - and you can see some color.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I was ready to add water to them last night but the only one light was the Platinum Ice and I think it is finally ready for a new pot. It has the two top limbs then a mess of little sprouts around the base. I'll remove all thise and keep it as a 2-top, but if those two get good branches on the first node I may re-top and mainline it based off those two limbs. She's getting a larger plastic pot, but not the final until I see how she plays out. Plastic pots are better for training and tying stuff back anyway, and I can transplant again easy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Macchiato x Jaro are getting kind of nasty smelling. 8 weeks Tuesday so getting in the window to start paying attention.
The leaves have a purple/chocolate/deep green shimmery thing that doesn't show well in pics. The lower right is a week-ish ahead of the other three, which all seem very similar.
She has a sour/lemon, cheesy, onion, garlic :unsure: it has lots in there and it's all on the nastyier side. Not what I was expecting - probably better. I was thinking cookie/coffee type smells maybe.
My veg plants looked unhappy at lights out, like they hit their light limit and were tired. They look great after a good sleep, but I dimmed the light a smidge to be safe. The Platinum Ice got a new pot that says 2g but it is a 5qt paint pail without the handle - and with holes. same size.
The cabbage leaf mutant Chunk-a-Dunk beside it needs to show me something to get a new pot. But it might be that special smoke? that's why I grow. Plus I have 6 good-un's in the big tent. Other small pots are runty plants that now look great. One is a fem and it'll go right to a big pot.
The 4 Raspbery Boogie are the larger ones lower right, a week ahead of most of the tent. As soon as they get as big as the pot I'll flip.
Same goes for the rest so I can gradually fill the flower tents back up. There's a few fems in here but half-ish will get the axe.
The Cronus Sour that looked like a dead end moved on. It'll be a project plant for a bit until I figure it out. It has the great limbs coming off the seed-leaves I was going to use if it stopped up top. For now it just grows and I wait. I might still grow out the lower part.
These looked a little harsh at lights out as well so I dropped them back to one 65w light. The Flamethrower was the one that started upside down and doesn't have great roots yet. The Flashback was the helmet head that I had to crack. The Sour Hebrew National is the struggle-bus plant from the previous drop and is so cute :rolleyes:. I think it is showing whorled phyllotaxy on top of everything else. 😂 Basically half the dome are being little bitches.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I took pics of the Chunk-a-dunks but there was a greasy leaf smudge from taking close-ups of the Macchiato - then the battery dies...

I removes some fan leavesthat were on the lowest level on a few, and some upper ones that were shading or interfering with the tops beneath them. Good limbs stretching now and I want to promote that and maybe get them to beef up their own fan leaves.

My house stays right around 70, but I wonder if the plants are sensing the super cold few days just past. Barometer or something?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I just thought of another reason I do the small plants. Not every pheno of every plant is good. Since I do not moocrop I never know which plant might be the one, or just another one. Ditching an ounce or two from a plant that didn't agree with me is a lot different from trashing half your stash because one of the two plants you vegged and flowered for the last six months sucks.

Assigning an ounce to decarb, hash, or pressing is much easier than if it was a half pound.