Where did all the time go? It's the >Everything Old School< thread!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 60
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I'm Hoarding Skunk
It was a >resourceful< hobby then...as you well know @vostok . There was no INTERNET...no seedbanks...no clone shops...very few hydro/garden shops/etc/etc/etc. It was all about what you read and who you had a chance encounter with who had more knowledge than you. It was often easy to tell if they did when they broke out their stash. I had a chance encounter at a party one night and it changed my world. The guy knew how to clone pot...and was "holding" some very nice green bud. (in a brown bud world..LOL) After a few attempts I got the cloning thing down. Like you...I did 2 grows w/shop lights and saved enough $$$ to grab a 400 hps. From there it just mushroomed.

The acceptance/legality does work both ways on the "fun" factor here. I miss the feeling of old that few were taking the risks I was...and the nice rewards for that risk... but it was also very wearing. Without a doubt...the more money and ease that came into the picture the less sharing and caring there was....but that's not to say that the old days were free from the greed and the BS. I'm sure you remember some of the same stories I do of crossed partnerships/friendship ending spats. Ah....the glory days...Heehee.

Over here in the US...we have quite a ways to go to "accept" pot for what it is...and to allow it's use to be in the same realm as alcohol. The public likes the thought that the taxes are there...but they don't wanna >smell< how that money was made and for the most part...all of it is still hidden in the shadows. I mean...remember the concerts of old where you could barely see the band on stage for the weed smoke? Now it's a buncha fat ass fucking drunks...blabbering through the entire show. LOL...and nobody really has the balls to fire one up...take a few big hits...and pass it down the row to the next folks lie we did back then.

So in all reality...a bunch of that fun stuff we once knew changed quite awhile ago rather than >just recently<.

Sure would be nice if some of it would change back again...LOL.
At a ZZ Top concert, I was coughing hard on some good Skunk, and when I turned,
I passed it to a concert security guard that was standing beside me. lol
He kicked me out, but I sweettalked the ticket lady into letting me back in.
I was a handsome devil back in those days.

Deleted member 60

The concerts were certainly epic. We were so young at the onset that we'd Shanghai our dads into driving us to/from the show.

Saw the first KISS tour. Smoked a shit load of weed and ate some kinda downers...and by the time I hit the lobby after the show I was feeling the full effects of the night. Dad was circling the venue waiting for us to come out...and I...by that time...was holding up one of those giant pillars in front of the building. My buddies kinda shielded me a bit from view and drug me over the car. Plop. I somehow held it together...sorta....and we went home. The next day when I got up my dad was at the kitchen table...tilting his head...and I knew the shit was about to hit da fan. "WTF was that shit last night. What were you on?" I was able to circumvent and tell made up tale about some kinda booze some guy passed to us at the show...that musta had >something< in it...

but from then on the taxi rides kinda stopped...LOL.....as did coming home at a reasonable hour....snicker... trip...stumble...oops...


I'm Hoarding Skunk
The concerts were certainly epic. We were so young at the onset that we'd Shanghai our dads into driving us to/from the show.

Saw the first KISS tour. Smoked a shit load of weed and ate some kinda downers...and by the time I hit the lobby after the show I was feeling the full effects of the night. Dad was circling the venue waiting for us to come out...and I...by that time...was holding up one of those giant pillars in front of the building. My buddies kinda shielded me a bit from view and drug me over the car. Plop. I somehow held it together...sorta....and we went home. The next day when I got up my dad was at the kitchen table...tilting his head...and I knew the shit was about to hit da fan. "WTF was that shit last night. What were you on?" I was able to circumvent and tell made up tale about some kinda booze some guy passed to us at the show...that musta had >something< in it...

but from then on the taxi rides kinda stopped...LOL.....as did coming home at a reasonable hour....snicker... trip...stumble...oops...
I once moved in a house, moved out of the house, run my car in a ditch and got caught for wreckless op, all in 24 hrs on those damn 714's.
Lucky, I never drank and blew 0's on the breathalyzer.
Like Lays Potato Chips, couldn't eat just one. lol


Well....let me tell ya about my first epic concert......The Monkees!
The second....Paul Revere and the Raiders!
Then the progression into pot smoking age....New Riders of the Purple Sage!

Craziest concert ever...1973 Frankfurt Germany, headliners Moody Blues, ELP.
Another 8 or 10 bands Gentle Giant, Little Feat can't remember the rest, lotta hype.
Place was packed to the rafters!

ELP started... epic light show, fireworks, moog.
After they got done were waiting for the next band.
Announcer came on and gave the bad news.....nobody else was gonna show up!
Can't remember why?

WTF....my first intro to a full on riot.
Crazy fuckers were stomping in the balcony so hard it was shaking the building.
Then chairs, wine bottles.....a lot of wine bottles came raining down from above.
People were falling down getting trampled trying to get out.
Lot of peeps cut and bleeding from the above onslaught....fucking rads!


I'm Hoarding Skunk
Well....let me tell ya about my first epic concert......The Monkees!
The second....Paul Revere and the Raiders!
Then the progression into pot smoking age....New Riders of the Purple Sage!

Craziest concert ever...1973 Frankfurt Germany, headliners Moody Blues, ELP.
Another 8 or 10 bands Gentle Giant, Little Feat can't remember the rest, lotta hype.
Place was packed to the rafters!

ELP started... epic light show, fireworks, moog.
After they got done were waiting for the next band.
Announcer came on and gave the bad news.....nobody else was gonna show up!
Can't remember why?

WTF....my first intro to a full on riot.
Crazy fuckers were stomping in the balcony so hard it was shaking the building.
Then chairs, wine bottles.....a lot of wine bottles came raining down from above.
People were falling down getting trampled trying to get out.
Lot of peeps cut and bleeding from the above onslaught....fucking rads!
OMG! The Monkees?
You are f'n old.
Back there with the Brady Bunch, Mckales Navy, and F Troop.:giggle::coffee:

Deleted member 60

Wazzzat when Hendrix opened for 'em? :ROFLMAO: Grab yer Love beads and go! Too cool.

Sure were fun times. My buddy was the concert reviewer for the KC Star for years. There were free front row seats out the ass.... til the point he had trouble finding folks to tag along with him. LOL. Concerts almost nightly. I saw just about every New Wave band that was touring '79-81 or so. Blondie/Costello/English Beat/Pretenders/etc.etc.etc. Ditto with the early hair bands. LOL. Got backstage a bunch of times but stayed out of the mix cus he was interviewing the bands/etc. and that was about the only request he ever made of any of us that tagged along. It was his JOB. LOL. Hard shit to remember cus I partied and had myself a good time...always...even though he couldn't get more than a bit blazed. Saw some Jazz acts, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Pointer sisters and a few other disco acts....just cus i felt sorry for him that nobody wanted to go along.

Looking back...it was epic shit.

Deleted member 60

Today we are doing one of those memory games for your dementia, kids! (Yes...you'll get your meds soon)

OK guys...I need a brain jilt here. Does anyone remember an approach called "The Grow tunnel" that was popular for a bit there....and I think...was intro'd by a guy called "Keef Trees"? Ring a bell? Did I burn through the fog?

I remember making a huge "reflector" out of a 4' x 8' piece of 1/8" thick masonite that I glued a space blanket to....and curving that bitch with a wood frame......then slapping 2 or 3 1000's in there... bare lamps or in cool tubes. The fucker was almost as heavy as a Can Filter in the day...LOL.

LOL...>>>>STONERS<<<< Sure was more inventive and out there (IMO) back then than it is today. Just buy and hang that light...just buy and hang that light. (remember...those diode things go on the bottom) Heehee.

Fuckin' Old People

OK...med time!

Deleted member 60

Those are Tuinal 200 mg. A mix of Amobarbital and Secobarbital. A six pack in a pill....Heehee. The Darvocet-N was the one that fucked me up once when I had the flu in college w/chest pains. All I could keep down for days was OJ and Darvocet. It was a nice ride (at home...on the parents couch) for feeling like shit...Heehee.

"Better Living Through Chemistry"


Here's a stou\
Those are Tuinal 200 mg. A mix of Amobarbital and Secobarbital. A six pack in a pill....Heehee. The Darvocet-N was the one that fucked me up once when I had the flu in college w/chest pains. All I could keep down for days was OJ and Darvocet. It was a nice ride (at home...on the parents couch) for feeling like shit...Heehee.

"Better Living Through Chemistry"
Ahh yes....rainbows!


I'm Hoarding Skunk
Today we are doing one of those memory games for your dementia, kids! (Yes...you'll get your meds soon)

OK guys...I need a brain jilt here. Does anyone remember an approach called "The Grow tunnel" that was popular for a bit there....and I think...was intro'd by a guy called "Keef Trees"? Ring a bell? Did I burn through the fog?

I remember making a huge "reflector" out of a 4' x 8' piece of 1/8" thick masonite that I glued a space blanket to....and curving that bitch with a wood frame......then slapping 2 or 3 1000's in there... bare lamps or in cool tubes. The fucker was almost as heavy as a Can Filter in the day...LOL.

LOL...>>>>STONERS<<<< Sure was more inventive and out there (IMO) back then than it is today. Just buy and hang that light...just buy and hang that light. (remember...those diode things go on the bottom) Heehee.

Fuckin' Old People

OK...med time!
View attachment 132848
That would be a tulynol. lol
There were 5 different ones. Sodium Amutal(truth serum) Seconal, tullies, Nembutal and one other. Ihad a script for Nembutals in the n80's.
Remember the red or green Placidils?
Talwins sucked.

Deleted member 60

I saw Talwin and Dilaudid long before Percocets. A bunch of my HS buddies started playing with needles and got strung out bigly on all of that shit. I was fortunate...cus needles fuck my head up and tend to make me pass out. Just not my thing. Hasn't come in handy for physicals/vaccinations....but it probably saved my ass all those years ago. Lost track of 2 of 'em...but I heard that 2 of the others self-destructed...one via the 12 gauge dental plan and the other from a lifetime of opiate use that finally caught up to him.


What drug did they use in the 70s for housewives?

From 1969 to 1982, Valium was the most prescribed drug in the country, with Americans ingesting 2.3 billion of the little pills annually. Women were its biggest fans, popping them like candy to take the edge off a stressful day -- a practice immortalized in the Rolling Stones' 1966 hit "Mother's Little Helper."

See there ya go........in the 60's they developed good drugs for bored housewives.......we have fallen so far ;)


I was a 60's kid and moms suffered bad from migraines.......well ya know, I got older in the 70's and then one day I had a buddy over and he's like l
'let's see what kinda drugs your moms has" So I showed him the cabinet and he informed me....... "JACKPOT"!!!!!!!
Tuey's, demerol, various valium flavors, big and little secanols and a few more that I am forgetting. Not much better than demerol, holy shit! And most of the bottles were full! it was a cornucopia of slow motion mode. I never got caught for that either and we ate a bunch of those pills over time :)

What was not in that cabinet was Biphetamine 20 and that boys and girls. really rocked and might be the cleanest buzz I ever had. That's why they killed those off. Black Beauty's. They were too damn good.