The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I took pics of everything but the flower tents are all the same. The Deep Chunk are doing fine. And I dropped them on the full moon instead of new moon so that shit might matter a little but not much.
Today would be drop day, but I am holding off. I have little room in the flower tents, but I have 7 that hit 8 weeks soon. The Durban Poison is the only known longer flowering strain, the Dank Sinatra and Fruit Jam are almost done, the others from that flip look to go 9 weeks or longer. So the veg plants are what determine the next drop. If I can't flip these I ain't dropping more. I haven't done any pruning but after watering them last night that's next. I'll snip the seed-leaves and the 3-toed leaves on all the plants that need it, especially the short ones. Usually once I do that they start to show how they want to be pruned or topped or whatever.
The front three on the right are Pink Champs crosses are going in 5g if they are girls, and I don't want them too big - I have more. So they flip as planned at 4 weeks and I'll make room for girls. The back 7 are the Grape Lime testers and I want more size out of them. The fems are the front two on the left and are the only ones as big as the 1g pot. But both are stretchy and not branchy. If they had limbs they would be ready, but I think they'll be tall skinny ones with flowers up the stalk like one of the Lime1's is doing. I have had several of these lately, but all seem to be plump flowers down to the ground instead of being larfy. This is a zoom in on a shitty pic but it shows what I mean.
I got my "prize" in the mail which I basically got by bashing auto's in a podcast chat. Since they are fems snd not a big commitment in a drop to get a girl and try the smoke I will drop the Grape Gas thing next drop for giggles. Pretty sure you'll not see the strawberry guava or any other auto's grown in my tents. To do them right you need to flower them at 18/6 which is a waste of electricity. If you put them in the veg tent then they are way taller than the plants you need to veg so and everything ends up on shelves and it's a pain. If the smoke at the end wasn't part ruderalis it might be worth the effort.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I love gadgets, and wanted to try the canna-gar thing. I read reviews, and the cheaper versions on the amazon mention bulging seams and cheap made stuff. This is about twice is expensive but solid. It's got a tight latch with that little pin that keeps it snug. You pack the shit out of it to make it work, which is why cheap ain't better here. You could probably make something after seeing how this works better than the crap in the bargain bin on amazon. So I found the info on amazon - then went to the Purple Rose Supply website to buy stuff :cool: (coupon code AE20 got me 20% off)

The knob on the poker is like a mini gear shift knob threaded onto a sturdy metal pipe. Pretty sure it's stainless because it's not magnetic, but it's anodized black - have to see how that holds up. You need either pliers to pull the skewer while it's in the mold, or you can tap it on something back and forth to loosen it up. You let it cure in the mold for a while, longer with the bigger molds. This holds 2-4g, and they make on that holds 1g, or big 7g and 14g models. I was not interested in a ginormous one just for me, but the 1g one seemed too small. You don't have to fill the thing up, and I am hooking the next one up with a glass tip to see how that works.

Anyway, it smokes slow and there's more puffing like on a cigar, but it's a nice change of pace. Good for being outside for a while. Need to light it with a torch to get it going good. I have regular rice paper wrap on it instead of hemp leaves and that works fine. I sprayed the entire paper with a mist of water then laid the log on it to roll up. Then let it dry.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
You think stacking flavors would work?
I had a few strains ground up for packing bowls with and this takes way more than it looks like. The one burning in the pic had 3 flavors in it ;)

I think you could do an all-day joint with it, pack the bottom with your dankest couchlock, some flavorfull milder stuff in the middle then a hazy thing on top to start with. This thing lasted me all day, and it never tasted like an old joint does. I think the compression keeps the unburned stuff from picking up much residue. Out of curiosity, near the end I cut off all the ashy bits then flipped it around. The butt end was still green, not resinous and nasty - Which means all that nastiness is just for you and not the roach LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think you could make one of these with a large, round-bottom doob-tube as the packing chamber. You could drill a hole for the skewer, but getting the thing out afterwards would never work. It would have to open in half, or not have a rounded end so you can push the thing out when you are done. You could make a packer out of a proper size wooden dowel and drill a hole to accomodate the skewer.

Lots of stuff you could do, but it's all to come up with something almost as good as this. So I have no problem rewarding an innovator for their efforts.

To be clear, there are cast and CNC'd aluminum block cigar molds and such so the technology ain't new. But you don't compress a cigar like you would one of these so it's a good blending of the tech's
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
A woodworker with a good block of hardwood could replicate this with a drill press and the right hardware.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I came up with a drop compromise. I opened all the 3-packs of CLHP from after the hurricane a few weeks ago and got 3 to crack out of 15, but the tails turned brown and they didn't grow. It's like they blew their wad just cracking the shell and were done.

Not a problem - now I know and I won't be dropping 3 at a time and hoping forever. I have 5 packs that are perfect, and as usual I am dropping 2 from a 13 pack and have 12 left. I love extra beans! (FWIW 707 seedbank sells 12-packs. They advertise as 10-packs but every pack I have opened has had exactly 12. Not sure what I think about that LOL)

So I am dropping those two CLHP and one each of the two new fems I haven't tried that I got as freebies. I have the NYC Piff x Lemon Tree frm from 707, and that has me excited. It might be a longer flowering one but is sounds like a lemon haze thing - I'd buy that for a dollah!

I also have the "UNRELEASED" Star Killer x Grape Gas from James Loud that I got as a freebie. From the podcasts I put James Loud up there with Kevin Jodrey. He is an OG that has been in the game long enough to know the people and have the connections to produce some dank weed. That said I think both are scammers to the 9th degree, looking for the next bandwagon to jump on and pocket more cash. Regardless - I ain't loaning him money or buying a car from him so all I care about is if the weed is legit. I am looking for it to be more like Ethos weed, pretty and shiny with midsy effects but a lot of smell and/or flavor. If I am lucky maybe even a killer buzz that just doesn't last long.

But I grow killer flowers so if it sucks in my garden then we know :LOL:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I figured I' update my storage practices for flower. I ditched the tins. Stuff was eventually having more air than weed in the container and getting a dry consistency regardless of the humidity packs. I got freebie Grove bags from Dagga and had enough to test them out for a bit, but they are too expensive for "daily use". I found these bulk foreign made ones and bought one pack. I have gone through the lot re-packaging what I have on hand so I bought two more. 100 for about $25 ain't too bad.
The other thing is that my weed fridge has no humidity control. Those bags might be good, but I have low humidity so if they breathe eventually they will dry out. That's just science. I have the cheapo plastic ammo cans with a fat 62% pack and you can fit about 20 8ths in one if you put the next batchnin upside down nothing gets squished.

These skinny ammo cans fit in the weed fridge easy for my current smoke, but I have one of those knock-off RTIC heavy duty ice chests that seals and I can store extra in for edibles or whatever. I also have some of the larger size bags as well, but when I get around to busting them open I'll probably divide it into small sacks and seal them back up.

Those sacks are frequently out of stock but their larger ones aren't so they get re-stocked.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Fruit Jam got the axe. She has an amber here and there but I would have liked more cloudy. She had one nanner on top 3 days ago, I tweezwered it and watched close. Tonight there was a pair on one of the under-nugs on the top. She smells fruity - like the name suggests so that's good. 200g wet but I might get closer to 30% on the flower - there's not much to the stems :sneaky: 😜
But that opened the door for change. I am using the stool so I have an unobstructed lower fan, so I picked the Dank Sinatra from the short tent to go in here, and the other Lime1 x Jaro is back in here for the duration. They are about 8 weeks going 9 or 10, but the single-spear structure on the shorter one makes it perfect to jam in here.
The Wedding Cake x Pina filled the spot of the Dank Sinatra in the 4x4, and I have two left under these lights.
They are the original HLG V2, before they had the Rspec, Bspec etc. They seem yellow compared to my other lights and will be replaced by a 3x3 Ionboard, exactly like the one in the closet.
I have to do some major cleaning and will pull the tent out and re-run wires and such, so I stopped for second dinner. I can put the last two plants in the veg tent while I play, but I have to remember to get them back to the flower room before morning. I also have room for flipping the 3 regs and putting the 2 1g fems in their big pots. No clue how everything will shake up for location. For now the 4x4 has 9 and they are a fairly even canopy. I think keeping the smaller tent for the taller plants is still gonna be a thing.
I also got the Chemdog bucked. There was no trimming except getting a few of the fans off the tops. 2 oz off a 4wk veg and a 11 week flower. Plus enough extra to pack a few bowls with some smalls.


From the podcasts I put James Loud up there with Kevin Jodrey. He is an OG that has been in the game long enough to know the people and have the connections to produce some dank weed. That said I think both are scammers to the 9th degree, looking for the next bandwagon to jump on and pocket more cash. Regardless - I ain't loaning him money or buying a car from him so all I care about is if the weed is legit.
Kevin Jodrey gives of a used car salesman vibe every time I watch one of his videos 🤣


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Grape Lime testers are all alone now, they are a little shorter than the ones that got flipped.
This will probably get topped, it's looking crowded
The Deep Chunk look normal, and have been under 65w of light for the duration so far. IMG_6702.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The ground cherry is all droopy at the edge of the pot and almost growing on the ground now, and I didn't want it dropping fruit on my Deep Chunk. I rigged this "shade cloth" using the mesh from a dehydrator shelf. They seem to be good with it, so I may rig something more permanent for when they are in the bigger pots. I was also thinking of using somewindow screen with a darker shade to it.

The Grape Lime testers are still short. Wednesday is 5 weeks and I think these may veg for 6. I dimmed the light because they were getting droopy before lights out.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Are you trying encourage more space between nodes with the light set the way you have it? Are you going to blast them with more light when you flip?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Are you trying encourage more space between nodes with the light set the way you have it? Are you going to blast them with more light when you flip?
From Tom Hill, the Deep Chunk were evolved from, or into a plant that would grow well in the shade of manzanita trees where they couldn't be seen by helicopters. They aren't part of my regular drops because they'll never see the flower tents. When they go to 1g I am sticking them in the 3x3 with the 100w light, which has a dimmer switch so I might not beed the shade thing, just turn it down to 60 or 80w. Basically shade grown weed.

So yes, trying to stretch the nodes, but no to the blasting them later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I need to look into that since I utilize the same method using diffused light. Thanks for the info vato.
I've been thinking more about it, and I have several strains that would probably do better with less light. Aside from the Deep Chunk I have had the Lemon Tree, Catpiss, and Cherrywest that may have just been runty plants that I got but may be a short cultivar in general. Once they get to the one gallon stage I think I'll watch close at the end of the light cycle to see if they droop like they've had enough, or are praying like they want more.

I also don't know if having diffused light is the same as just dimming a light.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Of my recent harvests there's lots of great smoke. The 11 week Chemdog is already great and I have lots so everything else is gravy.

But the CSI stuff has also rocked with the Obamacare which is a potent kush-type, and the Big Bad Wolf which is ChemD x Chemdog or vice versa. The BBW is some daywrecker shit. I think there will be more pheno's in that one since the D can lean either skunky or chemmy, this one is a little of both and should be avoided in the morning - I know that now... I should be out mowing but I'll get around to it.

I packed one of those cannagar things with the BBW. I think it may last a week.