The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails

Grow goals
What I wonder is if it has to cure? Do you smoke it with the leaf green? That makes it look super easy. I may and try a quick everclear wash in the freezer just for the purpose of making some clear "glue" ;)

I would much rather yank a fan leaf to roll with than tobacco however it was grown.

The size I got is tedious to fill unless you do a real fine grind. it's a small funnel area and a lot of poking the stuff down before you get to packing it in.

That's the only drawback I've seen. The size is perfect because I can pack an 8th into it and know it's the right size. The hole to draw through may be a little small, so I am gonna be experimenting with different skewers.

Their larger one would be perfect to pack, just because there's a lot of room around the skewer for the weed to drop down woth no effort. Fill it-pack it. Quicker but it will take twice as much weed or you have a literal blunt. A short stubby thing that's a roach after you light it once.

I think I may try the larger one next toy purchase I make. Perfectly stored cigars will last quite a long time - why not these? And for storage of bio mass in a small space . . . . . :unsure: :sneaky:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Quick notes.

RSO is not glue for green leaves. I now have a regular hemp-paper rolled, RSO coated cannagar.

I think being used to paper I may need to dry the leaves pressed flat in a book or something, the re-hydrate with a mister to roll with. I think with that process the hash snake flattened out will be good enough.

Another idea I had regarding the hash-snake-glue thing was to press out some dry sift. hit it with a hot rolling pin between parchment or two silicone mats and you can actually roll with it. It's a bitch with loose flower, but this might be the perfect way to use it. The cannagar logs are solid and you just need to wrap them, not really contain anything like with a joint. Ain't nothing falling out the end LOL

I thought of this while gardening and wanted to jot the idea down.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
On a fresh sheet of parchment paper, press the rosin into a big thin coin after collecting while the plates are still warm. I've seen madness where they just roll the cannagar over the rosin then wrap.

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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That coin would work great wrapped around the log as glue, good stuff.

I just have the mini, but I think the plate size will be enough to wrap any of the cannagar sizes. I was thinking about pressing dry-sift so it dries leathery instead of gummy so it's more of a wrap than a glue. Might even use some of the bigger micron sift so there's more veg matter. I think this might be a better way to go eliminating the hemp leaves and the paper and the glue. If it stays a mess I can always wrap it with paper.

I tried the small mold I have with a littl thicker skewer and it is money. The "proper" size is maybe 1/16th for the smaller ones. I used the stick from a long cotton swab that I bought by the 500 pack and it's perfect. It's in between the mini and a regular bamboo skewer.

Since I got that figured out I did one up with the Chemdog. Letting it cure for a few days before trying it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The second Lime1 x Jaro is on it's last legs. It hits 10 weeks 10/1. Full moon is on the 29th - go figure I'll bet she pops enough amber to justify a chop Friday night. She still has a little too much clear, but I'd say it's 50/50 milky and clear, and it has been changing rather quick. Very plump with nice little florettes.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's another one of those comparison pics. This is the Lime1 x Jaro that only went 8 weeks. This was the shorter, beanpole plant with no limbs to speak of. This just feels heavy though. What is there is spread out but dense. And it's really sticky. I used the 58% rH packs on this one to dry it a little more.
The thing on this one is that after hanging a week it still smells exactly like cilantro. I don't actually know if that's a good thing. It has almost a stink-bug quality to it. Not the smell, but the way that smell burns your nose. If this is a great high it'll be a unique, memorable smell that goes with it, and then it will probably smell good. I am not a big cilantro fan though. In food that is ;) Trimming was easy. I plucked the bottom 3 leaves off each bud and the rest is completely covered, both sides of the sugar leaves.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm not sure what is considered a good yield, but this is 17% from 3g of the Lime1 cilantro plant. I wanted to try something and the flower is pretty oily. Not sure if it would burn well. This is just with the 2-ton hand-crank press with no pressure dial or anything. I went at 190 for flower and it seems to do OK. The pic is a little darker than it actually is, and I think the lighter stuff tastes better. IMG_6989.JPG


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Deep Chunk got 1/2g pots. I think I'll flip after they fill these out a bit. Everything seems to be growing fine under less light without an actual shade screen.
So far, the back three Grape Lime x 1st Crown are girls. I lost one to dude-ness, and the other three aren't showing anything. Those three would finish off this tent, and I have room for one more when the Lime1 harvests. If I get too many more girls I may see how some do in low light with the deep chunk.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The Lime1 x Jaro that actually smells like lime got the axe. Full moon, and she started popping the new all over. She would have been 10 weeks tomorrow so she did her time.
That set everything else in motion for rearranging and with the exception of the little 3-limbed mutant there's room for everything. If the WiFi OG cross goes soon that can have a regular spot - if it's female. If not it gets "space available" and a small pot and may slow flower with the Deep Chunk when I flip them. It is setting on the shelf, and the Durban hits 8 weeks tomorrow. Wish she was in a bigger pot.
The closet has the Wifi cross and some CSI stuff. Notso TK and Notso Dog in the back, pretty obvious which is which, and the Chemdog fallen soldier mystery mom up front.
If I had to make an early guess this is a Chemdog S1. I have never been so happy to see a "deficiency" LOL. If it's not straight Chem91 it's a Chem 91 leaner and that's good with me.
One of these will go on a shelf in the other tent where the mutant is. Shortest plant wins. I am getting the pots ready today for the 5 up-pots. The oddball Grape Lime cross is on the shelf in here. She is drinking a lot slower than her sisters. I was gonna giver her a 7g pot but I think that would be wasted on her.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The 707 Fruit Jam may be my new daytime smoke. It is the Kush Cleaner male crossed to the Betsy, and the high is pretty amazing. I am not a racy "sativa" fan - at all - ever. I don't like the nervous weed. But this has an energetic "lets do some fun shit while high" buzz. Wake and bake at 4am (went to bed early) and all of a sudden I am a morning person. Moving plants around, damn some of these are light, lets water, etc.

I got a good pheno or this is a good cross. Based on the male being used that means it's a good mom. But since this makes me happy there's no need to drop $200 on the Betsy by her lonesome unless I was doing breeding - which I ain't.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have the Lime1 plant that smells of cilantro, now the one that smells lime. I have the Dank Sinatra that sells of meaty/bready delisiousness, like a sandwich. You can keep your fucking cookie skittles gelato crap, I'll take the deli counter over that any day :cool: 🍕🍔🌭🍗🥩🥪🌮


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
At least one more pic scheduled for tonight. My patience paid off and the mutant turned out to be a male. I discriminated that motherfucker right into the up-pot soil ;) I now need 5 pots. 5 girls out of 7 ain't natural - in my mind some poor bastard got 5 dudes one decent girl and a mutant girl. If I had more of them I would guess the rest to be more male than female.

I would like to arrange it so all the Freeborn stuff is in one tent. I have the 2 Pink Champs and now 5 Grape Lime. I may raise the lights and have the taller stuff in the 4x4. [duh] It's mostly in bigger pots so there's more room. I can fit nine 5g in the 40" x 40" tent - the extra square footage over a 3x3 makes a difference there.

I have the 7 Macchiato testers all popped, and even the blowout one took root. The Blackbird stuff had a dud, a helmethead growing sideways that may or may not make it after repositioning, and a helmethead that had a super tough skin that wouldn't let the coty's open. That has the best chance of survival now that it can open but I have had that kill them before if they go to long jammed up. With the female boom I wasn't counting on I will not be dropping replacements.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I now have 5 Grape Lime x 1st Crown plants to flower out. They are more different than I thought. The one on the shelf is shorter with a very broad leaf. The other 4 have the same thinner-blade leaf type, butt they go from beanpole to one building a lower canopy. I also have the 2 Pink Champs in here eith the mystery Bubba and the Sout Puss.
I pulled one plant in here but didn't feel like doing the full re-shuffle. The 7 Freeborn will move in here and this tent will empty into the other one so the 7g pots have more room.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I didn't get much off that little Dank Sinatra plant, but it's gonna last longer than I thought. I decided to do a wake-n-bake with it then go mow to get some mulch for the garden. A couple of bong rips and I went out and harvested peppers. Lots of peppers. Then I fired up a cone to smoke while mowing and never made it outside. So a bong-rip or two is fine for getting some random shit done, but a smallish joint and it's true day-wrecker stuff. I think I'll take a nap.