Roadkill Skunk-


Insanely Active Member
That's it! Rising shotgun. lol
Someone that actually remembers them days.
Very few of us left. lol
that my girl friend at the time was , into that big time.
That's it! Rising shotgun. lol
Someone that actually remembers them days.
Very few of us left. lol
That's it! Rising shotgun. lol
Someone that actually remembers them days.
Very few of us left. lol
a few still around , its most everyone who stayed away from the needle, i of know about twenty-five or so that hep-C got ahold of and died from liver problems thirty or so years later.there were several friends that would offer a straw to snort ,with that would have blood on/inside the straw because they had a nose that was raw inside ,would get pissed , if you rolled up a hundo to snort with, me i'am still here!and still able to vote and speaking up about med. and rec.for cannabis.


Insanely Active Member
I don't remember guys coming up to me from behind and squeezing me. Shit like that in my hood coulda got a man hurt :alien:
around was'nt just the guys grab and squeezin the laydies were right handy at puttin you out .
I actually purchased Skunk seeds from Sacred Seed collective. I bought every Skunk seed I could get my hands on 20 years ago.
What you're missing today in these so called skunks, is the "alcohol esters" that contributed to the plants defense against pests to some point etc.
To bring this trait out is like 1 in a 100 or 1 in a 1000 plants. Sure people say, it's Skunk because it might have a slight Skunky smell.
That sure the fuck ain't Skunk. There was no sweetness to the Skunk of the late 70's and 80's. Today, sweetness is a common word in a Skunks description. Bull shit! Like Skunk #1 for instance, that is just the plant version that breeder came up with and marketed.
Catpiss smells and tastes like what catpiss would taste like. Ain't no sweetness to a cats piss on the carpet, right? lol
The closest I can describe Skunk is being in a barn at about 90 degrees, cleaning out a calf stall, and when you get down to that juicy sawdust and straw full of soured piss. Makes you sick at your stomach. Literally! Bacteria doing its thing.
That's Skunk!
Don't be deceived fellas.
I have one that is showing these catpiss traits out of 6 plants.
I've been searching for a couple years off and on going through my old seeds and have finally got "one". It's holding an ammonia and catpiss smell both.
I had a couple other plants that had only the sour ammonia smell coming through in the aroma to joint.
It's getting smoked. lol
Not good for concentrates. Has very undesirable tastes coming through when pressed and consumed.
Like rotten cucumbers or zuccini. (The smell when a "copperhead" snake is close by)
I'll use the "dessert" strains for concentrates. lol
to me it was skunk with a kind of sour dishrag smell.


Super Active Member
Plants that uptake greater levels of sulfur compounds produce "volatile Sulfur compounds" aka various mercaptans (skunky odors), the telltale signs they possess anti-microbial, antifungal, anti-viral medicinal value, hence plants that stink have higher resistance to mold mildew and viroids.

The science that proves this via medical research will allow cannabis to be federally legalized.

Science willing 🙏

This is the effect we saw where cannabis smokers had lessened effects of covid infections of the lungs.

More mercaptans= greater immune response baby.
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Super Active Member
Google= mercaptan pro-inflammatory response tcells

This triggers "exponential growth"(according to this study) in Tcell formation and these "Volatile Sulfur Compounds" pass the blood brain barrier immediately and so are extremely effective.
"Roadkill" mercaptans will save us from federal prohibition.
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Super Active Member
Cannabis possess many terpenes which counteract the pro-inflammatory response, thus aiding in effective relief of inflammatory symptoms, yin and yang.

Sugar Pops

Not s
Google= mercaptan pro-inflammatory response tcells

This triggers "exponential growth"(according to this study) in Tcell formation and these "Volatile Sulfur Compounds" pass the blood brain barrier immediately and so are extremely effective.
"Roadkill" mercaptans will save us from federal prohibition.
I’m not sure those compounds will “save us from government”, but it isn’t like they can stop the wave now without making themselves look like absolute asshats. That would be the biggest contradiction of our time

Sugar Pops

even the doctors would stand at this point with all the new findings and what not, but more realistically would be the revenue canna brings… think they want to say no to them billions now? Not gonna happen


New Member
the skunk everyone is looking for is call 1985 original Texas skunk. Was everywhere in the state. very distinctive super fat seeds with viens all over and very wide leaf blades and wedged stems almost black in color. very skunky smell I would recognize the seeds easily and plants are easy to spot. has to be somewhere still in a drawer somewhere


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I posted here with some theories, but I have one now that I think has legitimacy. When we got skunk in the 70's/80's it was 'fresh' weed instead of compressed stuff. If you didn't live in NorCal/Oregon/Washington there wasn't a weed farm near. All weed was pressed to ship it to wherever, but the foreign stuff was usually older, and more likely a 'sativa' like buzz.

Skunk was easier to get on the east coast. It was just lightly compressed and had almost no seeds. I don't think it was ever that potent, but it was an enjoyable high, you could feel it in your face/head and it made everything funny.

Here's the theory - it was never that strong. It was strong compared to everything else available, and it was the only broad leaf variety we could get so the high was noticeably different. And we also had the tolerance of teenagers.

I think skunk varieties lost favorability because OG and other things popped up with a superb high. I don't believe it was because of the smell getting people busted, because even though that likely happened those weren't the people growing weight. The hillbillies in the Appalacians were growing ffields of the stuff guerilla. They quit growing it when better stuff came around too. Helicopters were the big issue and you aren't smelling a field from there.

So it is probably still around and might be in some of these skunk seeds being sold now, but the skunk artifact in so many strains I have grown tells me it's still out there. Crosses that made it more potent probably made it less stinky.