LED Recruiter
I did an all out RESET. bye bye tentslooks like you are stayin super busy!@Terpy Tyrone , how are you doing the grow looks real good, movin the tents helped a lot from the looks of things!
It looks like mess. Bur I assure you it'll be up to our standards by the time I use the room. I have anotger light ir 2 to add if need be. If very ezcitwd to grow out of my tents. It took a solid 4 hrs to clean and dismantle 2 4x4s and add this 9x9 I inherited to hold the lights. With this ild fiberboard. I cant drill into it without ruining the ceiling. So I improviswd using already gotten materials. Im ready to fliwer some breeder cuts hwre sgirtly. Stay tuned....

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