The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One thing that takes getting used to is feeding a plant I'll be likely be chopping this weekend.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I spewed a few posts on the contest thread that were supposed to be here. Aside from that stuff I heard a good podcast with Coot talking about alfalfa - the stuff that is usually in compressed pellets in your organic top dressings. Some of the primary things you want out of the alfalfa like triacontanol disappear shortly after you kill it - so the pellets are basically worthless.

I started an alfalfa cover crop on these so I can make sure there's some to chop and drop, then I'll shift to the diverse seed mix when I pot the girls.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Dukes out of the pokey and first podcast drops a lesson that might be exactly what I was looking for with plants that don't want to finish in living soil.

Dukes out of the pokey and first podcast drops a lesson that might be exactly what I was looking for with plants that don't want to finish in living soil.

Oi... Gold bar for real. Is that how you just got BCL(tell the truth) to fade out so pretty H.A.F.?


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am trying to come up with a loose schedule to follow like what to top-dress when, and (like kelp) what not to top dress with any more and save it for a tea used in veg. That is definitely going on the list do try as soon as that second round of pistils starts cranking in the 7-ish week range when the first ones are usually finishing up. Strain dependent obviously.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think these three are perfect to try on, and I'll start at a low concentration and see what happens.

It's also an idea for the pots after harvest when the cover crop is still going.

I'm trying with molasses first because I have that on hand and I know it's organic.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Most of the compost teas call for molasses so brewing a late-flower specific tea might be something. Just making it more about the molasses than the other stuff.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Also removing the worm feeders. I think that might be a good thing to do at flip then spread what's left and the worms back out after a few weeks.
CLHP 1 and 3(Center) don't seem to mind being relegated to the foldgers dwc pimp bucket and are cruising right along on Day 16. Northern lights is indeed a mutant and her whole right side is gimped, she was fun to watch grow but I am about to pull her as she is running into the other girls with her very strong good leaves. My late cut of BCL 2(Back Center) is finally throwing 5's again and I think I am about to top her and clean her up a bit so she is on stand by to go to flower if any or all of my Lemon Slush X Baboon wine turn out to be male. If push comes to shove I could veg her an addition week or 2 in the 3 X 3 and fill the whole tent with her no problem.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Working on some of the Freakshow today, and it is a surprizingly good buzz. A little racy, but in a 'get-r-dun' sort of way. Definitely on the sativa effect side of things. Nothing dramatic on the smells or tastes, but it is a pleasant 'finish the joint' strain.

Combined with the fun grow and it's a keeper for the stable. You'll see it again ;) Even the males are fun to grow until you cull.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One BCL and one ORGI down and drying. Took lots of pics. Chopped the plants. Looked at the pics - big fucking greasy trichome schmear all over the lens... Everything with any kind of detail was screwed, this of the BCL ain't bad. It has purple buds and the lime green leaves looking from the bottom. Should clean up nice.
One of each left, then a jumble of new stuff. Nice fade on the other BCL - nothing fancy, just an autumn yellow. I gave both the molasses treatment to see if that brings on the ripening. The BCL is close anyway. The Orgi looks like it will never stop.
There was no thought in rearranging, just grabbed the front two out of 👇 tent and shoved them 👆 in one. Probably change again next watering.