The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The lady bugs just chilling by those glorious nuggets of space cabbage is a really nice touch H.A.F. Beautiful pics man!
You can see the progression. He was in the pic for the top and caught my attention so I got a few more. I gathered those bugs early November after the first frost and they are still hanging out.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Food for thought/argument/discussion/anecdote...

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts and one thing I heard in a living soil discussion that may have merit is that how a seed is bred can determine the best way to grow it. Like, if the mother was in hydro and all jacked up on the Mountain Dew the seeds will be expecting that as well, or they may not be all over it like a spider monkey. Or if the seeds were produced organically they might be more finicky with the Brawndo and show issues more. Both because they have to learn a new way to eat.

I have had a few plants that have had some ugly leaves at the end. Still green to the tips but with random splotches that don't resemble any specific deficiency. Not sick, but at some point not healthy and that stuff doesn't heal. This is Double Alien from La Plata labs and I bet if I looked into it they are not organic.
It's a beautiful plant except for those 4 leaves - which would have been the upper ones at or shortly after flip - right when they were expecting something and didn't get it so they had to work for it instead. The 007up from Swamp Boys was the same, and during ripening got that same look on the lower fans as well. It was still great smoke with good bag appeal after the fact but it was an ugly grow.

It's nothing I am going to worry about, but if it is a little more than bro science it's good to have in mind when you know there should be nothing wrong and you see stuff like that.
Food for thought/argument/discussion/anecdote...

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts and one thing I heard in a living soil discussion that may have merit is that how a seed is bred can determine the best way to grow it. Like, if the mother was in hydro and all jacked up on the Mountain Dew the seeds will be expecting that as well, or they may not be all over it like a spider monkey. Or if the seeds were produced organically they might be more finicky with the Brawndo and show issues more. Both because they have to learn a new way to eat.

I have had a few plants that have had some ugly leaves at the end. Still green to the tips but with random splotches that don't resemble any specific deficiency. Not sick, but at some point not healthy and that stuff doesn't heal. This is Double Alien from La Plata labs and I bet if I looked into it they are not organic.
View attachment 103381
It's a beautiful plant except for those 4 leaves - which would have been the upper ones at or shortly after flip - right when they were expecting something and didn't get it so they had to work for it instead. The 007up from Swamp Boys was the same, and during ripening got that same look on the lower fans as well. It was still great smoke with good bag appeal after the fact but it was an ugly grow.

It's nothing I am going to worry about, but if it is a little more than bro science it's good to have in mind when you know there should be nothing wrong and you see stuff like that.
This totally sounds reasonable and makes sense to me as it is an already proven path to get the result the breeder got from his plant. But I am starting to think growing weed is a lot like brewing beer in the regard that if you stress your yeast a bit that you pitch on your wort that's when a lot of magic things happen flavor and smell wise. You can never really know how a plant will react to the Brawndo until you give it the Brawndo. Maybe that little bit of stress in a different medium might make it grab a gear it never had before.
Brawndo Beanie.jpg


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think of it like wine grapes. How you grow it definitely makes a difference in the outcome. As far as the overall plant health I don't think it matters on the organic side other than a hiccup here and there. If you are in hydro and have issues at critical growth points like when they are just starting to veg well, or just after flip it might be nothing more than the same type of hiccup. But since in hydro (or coco, or soil with salts) you are controlling the plant you feel the need to fix it, rather than hide-n-watch.

This could be why those first clone runs are generally as good or better smoke than the seed run. Whatever system you are in they are dialed in to it.
I think of it like wine grapes. How you grow it definitely makes a difference in the outcome. As far as the overall plant health I don't think it matters on the organic side other than a hiccup here and there. If you are in hydro and have issues at critical growth points like when they are just starting to veg well, or just after flip it might be nothing more than the same type of hiccup. But since in hydro (or coco, or soil with salts) you are controlling the plant you feel the need to fix it, rather than hide-n-watch.

This could be why those first clone runs are generally as good or better smoke than the seed run. Whatever system you are in they are dialed in to it.
Totally this which is making me very excited to see what my cut of Bluberry Brisco County Line that just went to flower turns into cuz her momma is so damn pretty.
BCL & OrgiBX D54.JPG
Clicky for vid


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Happened to be in the tent when the lights clicked off so I snapped a pic. Don't know if the molasses/sugar is doing it but both are looking a lot closer now. Even with all the new pistils on the Orgi that meaty part of the cactus-buds are starting to look like powdered sugar.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
It's been a week or so since I snipped that nanner-top on the CBD Sage. I have been watching it super close and there has been nothing else suspicious. It smells exactly like crushing fresh sage leaves so I am hoping it has a good smoke in there somewhere, but if not I'll decarb the whole thing for medicine.

Easy as hell edible. I decarbed a handfull of the Homecoming Queen - it was about a quarterbag cooked. First batch I have made with super-smokable primo weed.

Full bag of chocolate chips, half a bag of the heath toffee bits, and ~7g of decarbed weed ground up. Melted it and mixed it together then poured it in hershey bar molds that breaks up in little rectangles. The toffee bits go nice with the weed flavor.

I didn't do the math but one little square at bedtime and grandpa sleeps good. I tried it after lunch one day and had a nice afternoon nap. No longer for daytime use unless sleep is the goal LOL


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The BCL goes in a few days.
The ambers are finally here.
That's on an top though, most of the stuff is just a bit behind.

The Orgi is done.
Beefy bitch.
The white pistils are not stopping and it's getting dangerously light green in a few spots like late nanners getting primed
But the meat of the cactus buds are primarily milk, top to bottom. Can't get the damn digital camera to focus on te right stuff with the depth of these on macro.
My 2 Brisco County Line and 1 OrgiBX are really showing their fall colors now smack dab in the middle of HELL WEEK. They will be pulling into harvest station very soon now. Orgi is turning out to have some super dense nugs which is making me regret not taking any cuts off her. They are seriously dense and just tore up with frost, I get the feeling she is going to be some roofies on stick.
BCL & OrgiBX D56.JPG
BCL & OrgiBX D56 B.JPG
BCL & OrgiBX D56 C.JPG
BCL & OrgiBX D56 D.JPG
BCL & OrgiBX D56 E.JPG
BCL & OrgiBX D56 F.JPGBCL & OrgiBX D56.JPGBCL & OrgiBX D56 B.JPGBCL & OrgiBX D56 C.JPGBCL & OrgiBX D56 D.JPGBCL & OrgiBX D56 E.JPGBCL & OrgiBX D56 F.JPG
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Plant 1 of the Orgi and Briscoe County Line bucked and "jarred". Canned I guess.
First, I only use scissors for the stems. I bust the buds down to the small pieces by pulling leaves by the stems. smaller nugs sometimes come off with them. Basically there's no stems to speak of, and no big tops. Then I break off the crows feet and any leaf tips on the nugs.
Overall more weight on the Orgi but it's fluffier and there was more bud in the hash pile that wasn't worth messing with. Just a dank smell for now. Not really that impressive in any aspect except the kief. Crappy pics, but the Orgi was a dry sandy kief. I got very little glove hash with no pistils stuck in it. I'll be dry-sifting both just based on this,
The BCL was more sticky. Three glove changes and twice the glove hash from a smaller plant, and there were pistils and leafy bits in it.
Blueberry something. I'll pin it down in the jar but it's a specific fake blueberry smell. No gas whatsoever. There was also very little bud in the hash pile. Dense. The tiny nugs were worth plucking.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's what I found works pretty well for dry sift. Classification sifters for mining that fit on a 5g bucket, then a stainless bowl from wally world that it fits in. The first run is 1/8" and just a gloved hand rubbing everyrhing through the grid. If it's not dry enough it wads up and you stop. This stuff was good.
Then a 1/12" grid that gets out any stems and stuff. That gets a pretty homogenous mix with most of the trich's already off the leafy bits.
Everything else is gentle through a set of hash sifters. 220m on down.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Oh - static is good for separating the trash from the trich's. I haven't tried it yet but using a CD with parchment paper over it seems to be a thing. Running it through the already sifted stuff can get out most of the stuff that is not actual trich heads.


Here's what I found works pretty well for dry sift. Classification sifters for mining that fit on a 5g bucket, then a stainless bowl from wally world that it fits in. The first run is 1/8" and just a gloved hand rubbing everyrhing through the grid. If it's not dry enough it wads up and you stop. This stuff was good.
View attachment 103512
Then a 1/12" grid that gets out any stems and stuff. That gets a pretty homogenous mix with most of the trich's already off the leafy bits.
Everything else is gentle through a set of hash sifters. 220m on down.
View attachment 103513
Have you seen "Bubble Bowls" yet? I have the 3 stage set and it is great for dry sifting!/Bubble-Bowls-Dri-Shake-3-Stage-Kit/p/50848959


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Have you seen "Bubble Bowls" yet? I have the 3 stage set and it is great for dry sifting!/Bubble-Bowls-Dri-Shake-3-Stage-Kit/p/50848959
I have seen those but I like stainless screen. I have these in assorted sizes - click and there's lots of options. : E-ONSALE Aluminum Herbal Pollen Set of 3 Screen Size Stackable Sifter 66, 96, 120 Micron Hash Extractor Sifter Shaker (66, 96, 120) : Home & Kitchen

But I also got some rolls of mesh to make something larger.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The blueberry Briscoe County Line is not good to run for hash. It's greasy. Even the sticky leaves that some trich's came off of smell great. I have a marble of glove hash to play with, and about a gram of primo kief.

When I run dry sift I can smell when the trim is done. The trim that puts out a lot will smell like grass when the trich's are gone. The BCL put out about 2g but only about a few good bowl toppers worth was the right seive grade.

I am trying something new with the leaves beause they still smell amazing. I tossed the over and under seived stuff back in with the trim and I am decarbing it then I'll wash it with everclear. Lots of options from there. It will be edible/potable quality but you can still dab it. No terps but the buzz is usually fat.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is gonna be the seedlings first feeding. I learned that alfalfa and kelp are primarily beneficial during veg, so I am not top dressing with either anymore. Instead I'll use it in teas during veg. I sprouted a tablespoon of alfalfa seeds for a few days added a tablespoon of kelp and stuck it in a blender. That and a gallon of RO are bubbling with a tsp of LAB. That is gonna run until 10 or so then I'll strain it and make about 3 gallons. I want to soak each seedling. before lights out at noon.