The PURPetual Grow


Active Member
On a side note, I enjoy updating the journal. I've become very busy and exhausted lately and besides my family, this grow and this journal is truly one of the brightest points in my day. That isnt meant to sound sad. I'm just a really busy guy with not much time for anything and I'm basically saying I CHOOSE to grow and choose to be here when I do get that little bit of downtime. My plants are important to me and this "hobby" somehow, someway, brings me very great joy, genuine excitement and peace. The way I think and look at the world, they're aren't many things that give me those feelings anymore. Not even people. Truth is, I dont like most people, I tolerate them and be kind and helpful. Beyond family, Its THIS that makes me excited about tomorrow. Therapeutic AND rewarding. I LOVE my garden and I'll never let her go. I'm sure you understand my sentiment, as most of you have also, "caught the bug" if you will. I guess I'm just trying to say, For this gift, I am grateful beyond measure......... that is all..... carry on
This is like the growers mantra. I love it. Growing is my absolute favorite thing to do. Everything thing about it! It definitely has led me to meet some pretty cool people that have contributed immensely to my growth as a grower.

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Brought that big-ass tent back so it could be returned to Amazon. It was packed but I couldn't get it neatly folded to fit in the box the way it came. they were cool but I could tell they weren't excited about having to pack that shitt.i couldn't figure out how to get it back in the Box my damn self but thank God for Kohl's Amazon return. I was browsing boxes to buy that were big enough to ship it and they were ranging 60 to 90 bucks . For a box.. nope, not me sir, I refuse lmao. I did feel like a huge asshole carrying it through kohls but was MORE than happy to finally pass it off. when I read my amazon return thing and it said "kohl's wil pack and ship your return for free" I almost jumped for joy. Hahaaaaaa

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
Yup, slowly going up. Gotta see where it stops and hope it isnt to hot at that point. That's kinds y I started so low. With the submersible water pump, that water starts to run a tad too warm after a while. The. I rotate frozen water bottles in the bucket like twice a day if I can20201205_132232.jpg

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
I run my cloner on a timer to keep water temps from getting to high. I think water temp should be around 75*f for cloning? My timer is set for 30 min on, 60 min off.
That also works. I'm going to see where the temp settles before making any adjustments. By the end of the day itll probably be around 78F, .maybe higher.

Grow Harder

Super Active Member
I aim for 65 to 70 tho. Only to avoid bacterial growth and/or rotting stems. I gotta be honest here tho . I've failed at cloning more times than I've succeeded tho so I'm definitely taking in the info you're providing from your experience. Maybe that's y they took long to root the last time I used the aerocloner. It worked well and the water stayed clean . It just wasnt the fastest experience


I aim for 65 to 70 tho. Only to avoid bacterial growth and/or rotting stems. I gotta be honest here tho . I've failed at cloning more times than I've succeeded tho so I'm definitely taking in the info you're providing from your experience. Maybe that's y they took long to root the last time I used the aerocloner. It worked well and the water stayed clean . It just wasnt the fastest experience
How offen do you change the water in it? I try to change mine every 4 days. Do you run any nutes or just plain water?
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Grow Harder

Super Active Member
How offen do you change the water in it? I try to change mine every 4 days. Do you run any nutes or just plain water?
Last time I used no nutes and no rooting hormone. This time no nutes but did use clonest gel and mist. I will continue to apply the mist daily. Ph'd the water down to about a 5.9. And about every 3 to 4 days or when and if I notice a smell. Not a horrid smell but a smell that tells me I should change the water . That smell happens quicker when my temps are on the high side