#Heisenbeans Genetics


Transcendental Humanist, AnCap & Weed Enthusiast
Very Coated😎 great work for This Heisen/Greenpoint.
And dunkoholic for growin a lovely plant🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Glad to have 2 packs of these in vault 👍🏼
That’s a great looking plant but I am confident that image was altered with enhanced sharpness and contrast to really make the trichomes and colors “pop”. Those make good marketing photos that’s for sure!


Sour D Fein
Is there a picture of the whole plant. Always nice to see the plant as a whole alongside bud pics.
This is the best I can get lol. It's tucked in the back left corner unfortunately. Super fire plant 💯 I have clones of her going now ! My buddy and I are doing a full tent of it next run. It has amazing bag appeal and I'm sure it will be good smoke 🔥🔥🔥



Really Active Member
It’s up to you man. You take great pictures and it’s just easier to view and resize if they’re already full size.
TBH, I do most everything on a PC (I'm young enough to embrace the cell phone era, but old enough to still prefer PC access). Hadn't really thought about that. Figured it would be about the same on a mobile. Most people use full size, and I can adjust, it just wasn't what I would have first done, thats all.