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Hobby Farmer
When your number is up it is up...sneeze in my face and your number might be up!

People are testy...i was being funny on a national news site up here in Canada and said they should close golf courses and open them up to make tent cities for the homeless... It sounds funny when i type it.

OMG....nuclear meltdown. I think its the most impactful jab i ever dealt on any forum..

And i was just bored...i thought it was hillarious and i dont even golf....but i will take it up when my wife retires. It will be weird having my ass kicked perpetually by my wife at sports but...hey she is better at sports. She was on a national softball team that won it for Canada when she was 20. all 5 foot and 100 pounds of her.

We all have our strengths..

I digress...Topanga Canyon....A1...get them...grow it....FANTASTIC.

They opened a bunch of shit here yesterday. Across the street from me is a municipal water shed park and its been non stop. Lets see what happens. Pool opens on thursday..who gives a fuck I will be chillin like a villian on Friday....well every day but in a pool!

I think instead of a mask i will go full burka so when someone irks me and they feel the 2 x 4 of doom slap i can exit without anyone knowing who the giant stealthy bald man is....or not

Deleted member 60

Folks will be cryin in a few weeks that their mom died or their kids have it. "Help MEEEEEEE". Have seen a few vids down here of folks in the hospital who didn't take any of it seriously and played into the tin foil hat "reopening" shit saying "I'm sorry..I should have worned a mask'.

Nope..didn't pass the "smarter than a 5th Grader" test on the TV show. Sadly.....they are >everywhere<.

In a couple of months yer Golf course idea isn't gonna be all that far fetched, sadly...especially with the "reopening" crowd runnin a muck and showing their smrts.

Be safe up there and don't ferget yer flippers...


Hobby Farmer
Seal flippers? shit i think seals are in season...flippers for all?

You think i am kidding...seal flippers taste like shit but the meat makes a fine stew....try as she might my grandma could never get me to like those rubbery fish tasting seal flippers...and its too bad they have a real pork rib thing going on.

Covid has changed me...and i am happy for it. I am going as off the grid as i can and when the wife retires i think i want to do a final move. and i want a decent 1200 square foot house off the grid with a wood stove and room to plant food.

So i am getting my shit in a sack on a stick and moving in with @stiickygreen

Deleted member 60

Guest'll have to downsize the house a bit...mine isn't that big...LOL. And we're on grid..dammit...but it is what it is. Pretty sure the powers-that-be won't let a guy go off-grid fully here. I know friends of mine who are building a very energy efficient home tried to get the county to allow them to put in an electric toilet but they were denied and forced to go with a traditional septic/crapper/etc. You are forced to hook to the grid as well. The legality of weed spurned some of this cus a bunch of folks moved here and set up Gypsy type camps to get rich...ignoring local laws/building codes/ many counties reacted by passing far stricter building codes. 700 sq ft minimum here now. No tiny houses/shipping container houses/alternative structures allowed.

We have room for another garden though. Just bring yer own hose and pump....


Hobby Farmer
Tell you what....get back to us in a month. That is when you would see the transmission as a result of business as usual.
We can see what the cost of freedom costs in covid2020

I like the slower pace they did up here...we can watch how it unfolds over the incubation period and see if it makes sense to open more stuff up. But hey like i said we pay for health care in taxes...for everyone.

it makes sense to keep the pace slow.
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