#Heisenbeans Genetics


Always rockin’ at half mast
I always noticed a change in my plants from seed to clone in flower. Somehow the buds are always slightly different from the original seed the second time around. I would just say fuck it. I aint asking any questions cause people already think I'm insane :alien:
Adjusting to your room. Same bud, slightly(Sometimes drastically) different appearance.


Always rockin’ at half mast
For anyone confused
“ clones copy the genotype of the mother plant 1:1 and you’ll continuously end up with the same phenotype assuming a constant environment. Let’s say you grow one of these identical clones using a hydro set-up, and one in organic soil. This varying environment might result in different phenotypes of the same genotype.”

Check out that assuming constant environment part

“T he way an organism physically expresses itself via its genetic makeup is its phenotype. All expressed, observable traits associated with an organism are that organism’s phenotype. The phenotype is a result of selective gene expression, or the ability to turn genes on or off. Genes may turn on or off depending on environmental conditions, which alter the organism’s phenotype. Terpene and cannabinoid profile, height, bud density, and leaf shape are all examples of phenotypic traits that can vary with different growing conditions, even within the same genotype.”

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Seed Aficionado
For anyone confused
“ clones copy the genotype of the mother plant 1:1 and you’ll continuously end up with the same phenotype assuming a constant environment. Let’s say you grow one of these identical clones using a hydro set-up, and one in organic soil. This varying environment might result in different phenotypes of the same genotype.”

Check out that assuming constant environment part

“T he way an organism physically expresses itself via its genetic makeup is its phenotype. All expressed, observable traits associated with an organism are that organism’s phenotype. The phenotype is a result of selective gene expression, or the ability to turn genes on or off. Genes may turn on or off depending on environmental conditions, which alter the organism’s phenotype. Terpene and cannabinoid profile, height, bud density, and leaf shape are all examples of phenotypic traits that can vary with different growing conditions, even within the same genotype.”

Buddy no offense but this is day 3 on this . Time to let her go....


Seed Aficionado
I feel like the articles should be enough to clear up confusion on the subject.

But just because of your post, I’m curious what the correct amount of time to debate a topic is? I tend to respond as long as I’m being quoted or tagged....lol.
Sorry man I was just trying to move along , not taking sides. Sorry to offend . Like u said that's enough to clear anything up so ...


For anyone confused
“ clones copy the genotype of the mother plant 1:1 and you’ll continuously end up with the same phenotype assuming a constant environment. Let’s say you grow one of these identical clones using a hydro set-up, and one in organic soil. This varying environment might result in different phenotypes of the same genotype.”

Check out that assuming constant environment part

“T he way an organism physically expresses itself via its genetic makeup is its phenotype. All expressed, observable traits associated with an organism are that organism’s phenotype. The phenotype is a result of selective gene expression, or the ability to turn genes on or off. Genes may turn on or off depending on environmental conditions, which alter the organism’s phenotype. Terpene and cannabinoid profile, height, bud density, and leaf shape are all examples of phenotypic traits that can vary with different growing conditions, even within the same genotype.”

Who's confused and what did the geno vs pheno links have to do with it?

I noticed when my room got dialed, and at this point I don’t change much of anything ever. Plants with no environmental change over three runs look better, grow faster, and overall stay healthier. That doesn’t hit me as me dialing the strain. Everything in my rooms gets the same thing more or less and I don’t really have problems with any strains under any light type around the grow.
Like you said......Reading comprehension bro.............you say/infer in that quote that your plants are getting better on their own. You said that doesn't hit you as dialing in the strain, right? Uh huh........

Exactly. And imo that isn’t because I’ve gotten better at growing, it’s because the plant is used to my room. Leaf and flower structure changes a lot in 3 runs ime.
Same thing here............it isn't because you got better, it's the plant right?

3 runs, they get better? 3 runs is not 3 generations, the three are identical. However there is one difference between the three runs...........the maturity of the plant matter.


Topanga #1
Day 70 chop . 3 others on day 68. Ambers started this week.
Easy to trim, heavy rock hard buds.
Really great tasting pine flavor
View attachment 58618
You got pine there huh? Is that the S1? Sticky? Looks good. I jarred a TopW, zero pine but lots of cakey taste! In fact I've never smelled anything like her before, not sure how to describe, but the first descriptor is sweet, then something floral.


Always rockin’ at half mast
Clear up what. Look at the url links attached to those bro news articles. Dropping a morning deuce right now wishing those were on paper so I could get an extra good wipe.
Lol. You’re really going to look at url links and argue with science because of where they’re posted? This was sort of looking like it was getting dropped and definitely bothering people, but when someone responds in such a useless way...it’s makes it sort of hard.....can you elaborate on what you’re arguing with? I know you didn’t read them because you said “look at the link urls”...what makes them bro news articles? Does being on weedmaps, royalqueen, etc. in itself discredit the info? Lol. Here’s some that say the same shit from more reputable sources I guess....lol

Sorry @sfrigon I know I’m about to get berated for this.

Let the name calling begin....😂