Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


The Laziest
Not sure id use hamster poo for fertilizer. Would have to look into weather it needs composted first. However Rabbits may be an option. Could also eat the rabbits and use their poo for fertilizer. I may even throw another 2x4 bed in there just to grow rabbit food. Would need to see how high the phosphorus is in rabbit poo.
So co2 production from a small martha tent with mushrooms and a couple of rabbits. The used substrate from the mushrooms can go to mulch on the beds along with the rabbit poo!
I think rabbits would eat your weed. I don't think hamsters would.
Hmmmm... Couldn't we build them a nice mesh run between the light bars that get hung above the grow and let them chocolate rain the hell out of it. I guess wearing a hat would probably be a good idea going forward from there though.

DUDE... How much CO2 do you reckon 1 meat rabbit adds to a 12' X 12' grow space? :ROFLMAO: