Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


The Laziest
Last I heard they were having a hard time getting funding to pay for the development and that was over a year ago. I'm surprised their website is still up.
I was reading that they're working on some sensor thing to be used with the app. id have bought the software if it was supported and worked. Wonder if they would sell it? I'd finish it up and sell it.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I was reading that they're working on some sensor thing to be used with the app. id have bought the software if it was supported and worked. Wonder if they would sell it? I'd finish it up and sell it.
My problem is anonymity;I don't want anyone else holding my data.


Nerd Gone Vertical
I like the idea. The tough part is there’s many input variables, and what are your clearly defined outputs? Yield? Thc %? This does lend itself to a “systems dynamics” problem, but at best you’ll only end up with bath tub style curves (graphs) that tell you more generalized answers. The REAL problem however is you need A LOT of input test data, as in growers, and I’m not aware of a forum that even has close to the kinds of numbers needed for this. How do I know? I spent many years working on systems dynamics problems using Latin hypercube and monte carlo sampling methods (advanced statistics).

TLDR; you need millions of growers to generate meaningful probabilities for these types of inputs & outputs.
Holy cow, this is one of those posts that cracks the door of mysteries open just a tiny bit and through it I can see a whole new world of knowledge and ideas.

Please tell me more about this?!

I brought your reply into my thread. Feel free to have a look around.
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