Vertical Goodness and Other Batshit Craziness


Nerd Gone Vertical
So the lesson is that you can't let your stock solution sit around too long.

24 hours after the second nutrient change out- this time starting with a fresh stock solution- the kids are greening up and taking off.

Gonna take some cuts this weekend to sex them.


Nerd Gone Vertical

Okay, so in the spirit of making and showing my mistakes so that others don't make them, here's a pic of the plants very much on the road to recovery after a couple of weeks with, as it turned out, two bad batches of nutrients. The stock solution I made had been sitting for a long time, many months. It clearly went off and the two batches I made from it clearly did the plants no favors.

A couple of days ago (after dealing with some personal stuff, see above for @Joebud and his inimitable commentary lol), I mixed up a fresh batch of stock solution and made fresh nutrient solution with it.

The plants have exploded since then. You can see the crispy leaves but they've been superceded by a complete set of fresh leaves in just a couple of days. They're greening up strongly and clearly all is back on track!

I'll give them a few days to get rolling again and remove the leaves they don't want to save, clean up most of the side shoots and use those as clone stock to sex the plants.

After that, they'll move to another table where they'll keep getting the same nutes but they'll have more headroom. Again, I'm not concerned about the setback because by the time these girls are big enough for the trellis, all this will be a distant memory.

But I do want to point out that part of being a good grower is working out what's going wrong and handling the situation without panicking or throwing the batch out and starting over. Every golfer finds the sand trap now and again; what separates the best from the rest is how they recover.


Insanely Active Member
Hmmm... So shine cutting the hole big enough to fit a 5 gal dwc collar on it and instead just cut a 6" hole & drop a 6 "net pot directly on the hole likey this H?

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I foiler mine with aloe. Shit is amazing.
been working on my aloe plants for the beanies !