The Ultimate Growing Circus


Water boy
Hang on I just read the rules in their entirety without blurred vision this time and I don’t think it would be right for me to enter considering mine were cut on 1march. Like I said I’ve held them back on purpose but still.. If majority of entrants don’t mind I will but otherwise not keen to stand on toes..
Edit* I would only be entering two also


Seed Aficionado
Hang on I just read the rules in their entirety without blurred vision this time and I don’t think it would be right for me to enter considering mine were cut on 1march. Like I said I’ve held them back on purpose but still.. If majority of entrants don’t mind I will but otherwise not keen to stand on toes..
Edit* I would only be entering two also
Fine by me , more the better ! 👍


Always rockin’ at half mast
Probably not in their current state. I’m repotting tomorrow and maybe in a weeks time I could take cuts
I don’t actually care either way, happy to have more people in here. Just was making a suggestion because some ppl got upset about some beans I had in the first pic I posted with my beans for the comp Starting day that were maybe 50-60 hours ahead of the April 3 starting bell. 😂


Super Active Member
Since this turned into a bit of a free for all do we want to carry some of the prizes people are putting up to the next competition? Keeping the current prizes doesn't seem fair to folks who followed the rules closely or the people putting up prizes who were expecting the Olympics rather than a Circus. :D


Water boy
Ok well like I said I’m in if no one minds that much. And please dismiss my Dutch courage bravado last night lol. I’m not looking to win or even considering it if I’m honest. I’ve gone from a purposely built shed with intake, exhaust, drainage, air con, light rails, designated circuit for ballasts at several points, conveniently placed and numerous power points, tying rails everywhere for training... pretty much everything I wanted and needed; - to a spare bedroom in a rental property. No air flow window will be blocked out, no drainage, ONE power point. It does have aircon but that’s little consolation. Not really sure how I’m going to pull this grow off tbh regardless of the comp. .
My ex is an electrician and hvac technician who custom built the entire shed for me. So I’m hoping I can work some magic to make use of his skills again. Lol. Sounds cheeky but considering I’ve walked away after 7yrs of considerable financial and non financial contributions with nothing more than my last harvest, I think it would be in HIS best interest to help me out on this one.


Water boy
Since this turned into a bit of a free for all do we want to carry some of the prizes people are putting up to the next competition? Keeping the current prizes doesn't seem fair to folks who followed the rules closely or the people putting up prizes who were expecting the Olympics rather than a Circus. :D
Fuck somehow I missed this^^^. I totally agree it’s not fair to those who’ve followed the t&c’s. It’s gonna cause trouble in paradise so I won’t do it.