The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am just getting a few beans wet. The Flashback 68 I have going and the one I love are from the first pack that I have 4 left if the one going now isn't as good. The guy told me he lost that parent and that the two new packs I bought were with a different parent. Both with the 1968 plant though. I'll have one plant out of the lot that I like I'm sure, but I want to see how different the second version is to know where to concentrate my hunt

The 1968 plant might be the pollen donor or the catcher but the first cross was a Mazar Lemon Jack and the second was Jack Herrer Lemon Skunk/Cowboy Lemonade

The other two are dagga freebies. Corey's Crush from Boneyard and an unknown breeder but the name "coma" kept grabbing my eye LOL. The Boneyard is his Space Cheese crossed with the Topanga Canyon Pure Kush.

I have roots visible in the clear inner cup for the newest 91 clone so the big one is good to flip. Maybe later, maybe in the morning. I am debating how to pack the pot so the large pant has enough for the grow. I think more castings in the bottom should be good.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are the new moms except for the Headbanger. Not sure if I'll keep her around until I try the smoke. This is the DT top that rooted well and never looked back. If I get any of the others to do well so be it but this is the one unless the smoke is way different on all three. I am not into cloning so one that does it easy factors in for me. The two fems are gonna get topped once they have enough nodes for smoke and clones.
These are the two other tops, #1 has roots but no top so it needs limbs from those remaining nodes. #3 hasn't shown roots at the cup edge yet and looks like hell - probably compost. There's the second Chen91 clone I took that didn't root as well but is good, and the two Frosty MacFFish clones are rooted well but I still haven't seen top growth so they'll probably reveg.
I have these lower two clones from each Dirty Taxi in sink or swim mode. A few had roots and all were swollen up when I took them out of the cubes. 50/50 seed starter mix and castings.
An this is the two Dominion G that suck. a runt and a mutant that still might both be boys. Probably compost.
But on the good side of veg I have the two moms here with the viable DominionG and the 6 Hollyweed. Because I had this new Dog mom I was able to pot and flip that 2g plant that will be my longest vegged plant in quite a while.
So except for the 6 DT clones this is veg. I have the light on the left side and the clones on the right so they get a little more indirect.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
On the flower side, the Chemdog seed plant went 72 days. This was all I needed to see, not the amber but the consistent milk. It finally looked opaque from a distance. So I have 200g wet hanging plus the two limbs I took a few days earlier which will be pretty much the same but dry sooner.
That leaves the two CLHP crosses and the Trinity cross (back right) in here
The first three Chemdog clones and the three Dirty Taxi
And the Chemdog super tree ended up in here front and center. The Muttzarella started leaning from weight so she got a crutch.
These flowers have started coming up in almost every pot, not sure what they are but all are yellow and it makes no fruit.
And these guys are still hanging around. I see a few hopping aroundd the cover crops when I water and a few up top usually prefer the younger plants. That will help keep me from harvesting any ;)
And they don't like the buds, so I don't have to worry about smoking mantis shit


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One of the Headline mixed tent is taking longer than the other and smells more dank and less astringent, so they may not be twins and the pheno I want may not be hard to find. That may be the next project.

The '68 v2 will be a 'veg til cloned' plant, and the three Corey's Crush, but I have a pack of the OK Coma left and those three will be quick-flip and hope for a girl to see what might be in there. Flower cloning may be an option there.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
One of my Headline is almost done. The top has some ambers and some empty stalks where they already dies and fell off. But the lower stuff is still on the clock. The two short 6-tops up front are iddentical in structure but way different in everything else. The left one is just now starting to turn and has some of that smell I am looking for. The Mutt on the right is close too. It has a lighter blue cheese smell than I would expect, but that and a little sweetness smells tasty. With any Chemdog cross I have quit looking for a better chem high. But the smell and flavor on the UK Cheese make it go away quick even if it doesn't get you as high. So if the '91 pumps up that effect side of things it is what I wanted.
The Headline has super thick trichome density, and pretty uniform large resin glands
All three Dirty Taxi are growing and looking the same, mainly pointing tonthe fact it probablt doesn't matter which clone I keep - and after the smoke report I'll have a bunch of clones to put into flower for more smoke.
Peppers definitely prefer 12hrs of light to 18.
I think the white walls instead of mylar make it tougher to take a good group shot. All three of these are chunky
The CLHP x CSR are from a breedder called sticky ritchie that has a Chemdawg Special Reserve male he kept from an Aficianado pack.
The shortie must take after the dad
but the tall one has some of that CLHP look to it. It smells sweeter but that can always change.
The Trinity cross is a beast. It is getting a nasty smell to it so it is not OG dominant with either gas or insence.
And she's got nugs on her nugs 😜 FAT foxtaily looking things.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Invest either time or money into a proper dry/cure environment for your weed, then let it dry and cure.

I played around with that Chemdog seed mom since I have 4 others now in flower to grow out to perfection. I took some early limbs, but the last two limbs I took were only 2 days before she was ready to harvest.

The 2 limbs I took at 60 days got me high but it didn't last, and even pulling the buds apart it didn't feel like finished weed. So that theory may apply to people that start flushing plants at week 8 or something.

The plant went 72 days, the two limbs I took at 70 days are good. Each limb had two sets of nugs then a 3-part top with the two little undernugs.

I have been pulling a few of the nugs each day since it was dry enough to smoke just to see. Today it hit 7 days and I have been enjoying it all day. One-hitter fix-it weed.

But the stuff earlier in the week was not it. same limb. Proper drying matters immensely.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I love fresh peppers, but in reality frozen is just as good for most stuff. Frozen fresh out of the garden that is - not Birdseye. If you are slow-cooking a pot of chili or spaghetti you can't tell the difference. And unlike a lot of veggies, peppers aren't the same once you can them. Whether they're pickled, brined, in oil, whatever - they always taste different.

Bud if you toss fresh frozen peppers pot to simmer in something you get those little toothpick shaped rolls of pepper skin that doesn't seem to happen when they're fresh. Toasting them right before freezing also carmelized some of those sugars. I just used the last of last years bell peppers that I torched then de-seeded and froze in little cups like you'd use for stuffed peppers. I made stuffed peppers ;) but you can pull out a frozen bell-shell and smask it with a skillet and there's no chopping needed. They shatter into a nice "rough chop" LOL.
I forgot to mention that I have a baby-bottle drying rack that I stick the cleaned peppers on to air dry before freezing.

I think letting them rest before washing the skins off lets some of those natural juces inside absorb back in. Same with letting them air dry. They freese without that ice crystal sheen that turns into freezer burn even if you vacuum seal it. I just froze them on a sheet pan so they kept their shape, then stacked them up and kept them in ziplock bags


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am pretty stoked now that I have the Chemdog that doesn't eat itself, AND the buzz is there. I have the Headline, '68, and the Taxi's that re still unknowns. Pretty sure they'll be fine but it's whether or not they'll be stellar. I have 5 nugs left of the Flashback '68 that are gonna be 4 in a minute in celebration. The rest of the plant was 200g wet so that's about 50g of primo to last me until the rest are done - not a chore since it's not the only thing I'll be smoking.

I have the second and third '68 going, one just broke ground this morning. Eventually I'll drop another Chem91 S1 and check my math against this one. I think I'll just need to dedicate a small portion of the drops to dropping the sisters of the moms I have kept to see if I need a divorce. But they can be spread out so its just one at a time. Each project will likely net me a good bit of flower from mostly keeper plants. The Dirty Taxi will get thinnedd from three to one without another grow.

Next is just popping lots of older stuff, especially regs that I can just snag a flower clone after the herd is thinned. Flower cloning a fem just seems lazy, or a drastic last resort. For regs it's a good plan to keep from cloning twice to three times as many plants.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
In veg the second Chem91 clone got some water, but mostly it was decision making. In here I have the 6 TKM10 cosses back/center that now have enough nodes to top them soon. Not a damn limb between them and if I want to take a flower clone of the girls they have to have limbs. The Headbanger [tall] and Flashback '68 [short] are up front. I may pot those 6 on the lefft tonight or tomorrow, and when I do I'll top those 8. maybe a FIM cut just to stop the top growth. Not wasting time trying to clonethose flimsy-stem tops. 1-for-3 on the Taxi's was pure luck.

I had the latest '68 I dropped pop up with 2 Corey's Crush so I moved them in here with regular light but still in a vented dome. The two Frosty MacFish and the two DT1 are in the dome and well rooted. I think the MacFish will reveg. The two DT1 had good tops and roots. In the left is the DT2 top that rooted quick. She's the lush one. Above and below her are the DT 1 and 3 tops that rooted but lookedd like hell so I had to top them. Both have limbs starting now so I may just top the other one. The goal is keeping these alive, not worrying about a flower-ready plant.
On the far left is the DominionG seedling and the two Chem91, upper one is the new mom.
This is the clone/problem child tent. It stays warmer and I'm not wasting much electricity on the 20w setting of a 100w light. DDoesn't even need ventillation since stuff is domed and 20w is a nice warmer. No heat mat either. I topped 3 of 4 on the DT clones thathadd dead tops like the closest one. When it grows out a bit I'll top it too. The two DominionG are fucktards, but you never know. as long as there's another node there's hope. Yes that's like a 5-blade water-lily pad on the close one and a runty 3-lobe opposite. The seeds may or may not do anything. One off the Gold Coma's had a taptrroot when I excavated but it may have been stalled. I covered it back up a little and we'll see.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
My other veg tent that's off has that light with a more yellow/orange tint to it. I may shift them and see if that makes a difference. They are currently under a grow-daddy 4-bar 200w light that is dialed way back. It was supposeddly in a veg spectrum for what that's worth. Looks white like the flower lights to me.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This is veg now. I made sure everything was comfortable, uppotted a few, topped the two fems andd the TKM10 crosses should be ready to top next watering.
I have the Chemdog mom, the three Dirty Taxi tops - which I guess aint exactly 1 for 3. All of these had roots enough to get out of the little cup, but dead leaves went away. It's sink or swim for them. They only need to make one clone.
The seedlings have one lagger, probable dud. the FB68 V2 is stretchy. The Dominion G went from cels to cups an look like they may make plants eventually.
This is the second Chem91 and the lone DominionG then the two fems from seed that got topped. 3-toed node, then three more and a fim cut. The TKM10 need another node.
This is the lower limb clones from the three Taxi in the mini tent showing very little roots - but rooted.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I watered and rearranged and the closet is on harvest watch. This is basically the story on all four, milky with the occasional amber
Full moon is on the 23rd - go figure. Unless they nanner that's the harvest date. I'll probably shut the light off and use this as the drying room. Both CLHP x CSR, the Muttzarella, (both 10+ wks) and the earlier of the Headline (9+wks). Not farting around though, they're done if I needded to chop tonight. When one is done they all are.
I moved the pepper and one of the 7g Chemdog in here so I have a first run clone and her mom both in flower (front).
Midddle row is the other Headline, the JD Skunk and the Trinity x 707 OG.
The Frosty MacFish is the respectable size one in the back corner and back center is the T-star - super broad leaves (Trinity x Stardawg.)
That leaves the other two Chemdog clones and the three Dirty Taxi in here. They look like clones so that's real good. I want a single clone of a killer plant. Not sure the flavor but that yellow lettuce is killing it as a shade grown cover crop. probably plant half the seeds next time but it goes in the keeper pile. Some haven't done shit but may just mature later.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Fiddler's Green
1. Are there any changes to the mix from cell to cup?
Yes. I use storebought seed starter mix (black gold) in the first thing I plant them in. After that it's my regular soil, worms and all if they happen to be in there. If it's going to another small container I'll give it a quick sift through a 1/4" grid to get any big rocks out.

2. Does the lettuce get in the way of watering?
Yes, but you can lift up the stuff by the pot edge and water fine. or it's just time to mow it and have tacos,


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That's the good thing about not watering with chemicals and stuff. I water right on the lettuce and it loves it. That low stuff is usually wilty and not my favorite. If I have to chop the young stuff like that it's just good variety for the indoor worm bin.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I hust had an epiphany. I have grown and killed and smoked some phenominal plants.

I have not kept one until now an I am still finding fire.

I don't need to keep all the clones.

I just need a few reliable ones.

All the other smoke is a tolerance break to make sure those few still do their job.

They are necessary but I don't need to keep every good plant. And I know culling them will be hard for me. I bet I end up keeping all 3 Dirty Taxi for a while.

Anything I have from CSI can be bought again for the most part. Having the Chemdog mom is that comfort zone.

The Hollyweed/TKM10 sounds interesting so I'll grow it and smoke it. I don't need to keep it. Every plant I have clones of is seeds I won't drop. I have seeds not germinating already.

So I have a few staples that I still have packs of to run through - plus everything else. Life is good.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am not breeding the plants for the same reason.

As soon as you make a cross you are locked into growing them out to see what you made. And good or not it won't be variety. It'll be lots of variations on the same thing and usually the highs will be similar.

So having a small stable of moms is it.
Chemdog - and I have more seeds to pop and compare with the current mom and keep the best - occasional project.

Headline - I may write this one off unless I find one that gives me the right smells in flower. 20+ more fem seeds means cloning is probably a waste. It's all potent but the astringent ones just don't have that special whatever. Excellend decarbed powerful weed if it doesn't smoke well.

Flashback 68 - I have 2 versions in veg now, with 4 fems left of the one I loved. Another occasional project mom hunt based on what I find.

Dirty Daxi - I have three that may be different or not, but it'll take a few months to sort it all out. More beans here too but they're regs. Might be a sausage fest.

I have the Frosty MacFish that I haven't even tried yet. But they're rooted soooo probably only one gets an up-pot and the other gets flowered

But that's all I need. CLHP if I can ever get one to pop will be one addition.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
before my stoner ass goes to bed a last thought, and this one will take some calendar planning to make a better decision.

I will very likely pull some versions of a keeper if I pop new ones and they are better, but that's why it needs to be a project probably with more than one going and clones of everything - then the big flower-out for all but one after I have smoked them all. That's 4-6 months to smoke the seed plant and hope the clones grow true.

A better option would be just growing the seed plants to make clones for the first flower run. Flower all the clones at the same time and just keep the moms going, or the best clone or something.

But after smoking the '68 (I have three .8g top nugs left) and the Dirty Taxi I don't even know if the CLHP was better. I think it was very similar and all could likely be a replacement for each other and it's probably all the same kinds of terps.

I see the Taxi, and the Chemdog being one side of the stable. The high school high, super stoned every time. Smiles and stuff.
The Flashback, CLHP, the right Headline all have that meaty umami profile that actually eases pain for me. As well as a general head and body high that always works.

The MacFish has an outside chance just because she slid in at the right time, and there will probably be a clone I keep if I pop something else that strikes my fancy and the fact I'm cloning anyway makes that easy. But Each one needs to be a whole pack project for those. All or nothing and maybe flower clones only if it's regs. I may do that on the TKM10 just to see the timing, and because I have no clue what Hollyweed is and have no others in the vault LOL


Insanely Active Member
before my stoner ass goes to bed a last thought, and this one will take some calendar planning to make a better decision.

I will very likely pull some versions of a keeper if I pop new ones and they are better, but that's why it needs to be a project probably with more than one going and clones of everything - then the big flower-out for all but one after I have smoked them all. That's 4-6 months to smoke the seed plant and hope the clones grow true.

A better option would be just growing the seed plants to make clones for the first flower run. Flower all the clones at the same time and just keep the moms going, or the best clone or something.

But after smoking the '68 (I have three .8g top nugs left) and the Dirty Taxi I don't even know if the CLHP was better. I think it was very similar and all could likely be a replacement for each other and it's probably all the same kinds of terps.

I see the Taxi, and the Chemdog being one side of the stable. The high school high, super stoned every time. Smiles and stuff.
The Flashback, CLHP, the right Headline all have that meaty umami profile that actually eases pain for me. As well as a general head and body high that always works.

The MacFish has an outside chance just because she slid in at the right time, and there will probably be a clone I keep if I pop something else that strikes my fancy and the fact I'm cloning anyway makes that easy. But Each one needs to be a whole pack project for those. All or nothing and maybe flower clones only if it's regs. I may do that on the TKM10 just to see the timing, and because I have no clue what Hollyweed is and have no others in the vault LOL
H.A.F. you always give me another , thing to try to do well ,i have it set in my head this is stuff i need to know how to do, to keep to myself and not depend on the boys draging stuff in from out of state . i don't want .the latest clone only ,even where i live starting to see a lot of things i don't trust .


Insanely Active Member
I hust had an epiphany. I have grown and killed and smoked some phenominal plants.

I have not kept one until now an I am still finding fire.

I don't need to keep all the clones.

I just need a few reliable ones.

All the other smoke is a tolerance break to make sure those few still do their job.

They are necessary but I don't need to keep every good plant. And I know culling them will be hard for me. I bet I end up keeping all 3 Dirty Taxi for a while.

Anything I have from CSI can be bought again for the most part. Having the Chemdog mom is that comfort zone.

The Hollyweed/TKM10 sounds interesting so I'll grow it and smoke it. I don't need to keep it. Every plant I have clones of is seeds I won't drop. I have seeds not germinating already.

So I have a few staples that I still have packs of to run through - plus everything else. Life is good.
when anyone's life is where your 's is , it gives my old ass hope that is something i can do also ,so i try to do better every run !@ the moment it is dry time 5/7 choped ,turned off the lights and heat59/62 degrees f watered all the empty pots to up the RH49/63 percent( used tent for cure room) small fans ran all the time thru trim jail, all those little pointers are starting to work well ,thank you very much!slowest cure ever for me.