The James Gang


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
@Meatman2636 & @Streetpro09
I don't know who if anyone cares LOL I figured I'd just include it in an update here.
My two flower areas each have HLG260 which is ~250w.
3x3 closet, from about 28k-35k edge to center. The two shorter ones are getting the lower end of that for now.
40"x40" tent with centerline-lighting, 2 boards in a wider tent. It's about 30k under the lights and about 23k at the edges. As the plants stretch they'll get more, when they stop stretching I'll rearrange everything and adjust the lights again.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I am using 1/4-1/3 of the recommended nutes, in the 30-40k range for flower when some of the videos recommended 75-80k - but I started out burning plants left and right. I usually didn't know what the buds would look like until I trimmed away all the crispy brown leaves and tried to knock the broken brown leafy bits off the buds :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I think my sanity and stress level also benefit from the gentler grows.
I still get the occasional monster plant like in the closet, but that's the strain - not me.
If you have good beans and keep the plants green start to fade, the buds will be as tasty as they're gonna get.


Thought more about that -


I have no secrets. Well, about this stuff :cool:

Dude - we can take up a page or two discussing it - I'm retired and the bandwidth we use on here doesn't cost me a cent :ROFLMAO:

Hell yeah man. I was just giving you a hard time. But it is nice to see some "real world" lumen numbers for reference and what to expect for an outcome.

I know a guy that likes to burn the shit outta his at the end. Was never sure what it was. Nutes or lights but know that you say something about burned plants in sure his problem is from the lights. He just had to go the 1000de route and in a basement no less.

I knew you didn't pull weight cause this ain't my first time visiting. How many plants do you think you could fit in a 4x4, with your growing style?

I'd ask if it's something I can't figure out but usually that just not my style. I'm not one to pry with a bunch of questions into someone personal life/how they do things. Now if they open up and it comes up naturally in conversation I figure that's my cue, otherwise I'll figure it out on my own. 💨


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I knew you didn't pull weight cause this ain't my first time visiting. How many plants do you think you could fit in a 4x4, with your growing style?
Put empty pots in the tent and see. I can fit 9 3 gallons in the 3.5'x3.5'. Right now there's 10 plants, but 3 are clones in 2 gallons.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I should add that the reason I went with 40" by 40" is that I can also fit nine 5 gallon pots. In a 3x3 you can fit 4.

I like doing the 4 tops because it's easy to keep within the diameter of the pot. if the pot fits, the plant fits. And if you get a plant with ginormous tops like the HC x RS, there's still plenty of room. On those I had to prune all the inner fan leaves so I could scrunch the limbs together.

And regardless of how crowded together the leaves get it's just those 4 tops that need light. It's a decent system for rotating plants like I do because each drop I am just filling in blanks. If I see plants going longer I'll drop a few less beans next time.


I should add that the reason I went with 40" by 40" is that I can also fit nine 5 gallon pots. In a 3x3 you can fit 4.

I like doing the 4 tops because it's easy to keep within the diameter of the pot. if the pot fits, the plant fits. And if you get a plant with ginormous tops like the HC x RS, there's still plenty of room. On those I had to prune all the inner fan leaves so I could scrunch the limbs together.

And regardless of how crowded together the leaves get it's just those 4 tops that need light. It's a decent system for rotating plants like I do because each drop I am just filling in blanks. If I see plants going longer I'll drop a few less beans next time.
That sounds like some decent numbers.

If you can fit 9 in a 40x40 and you pull 2 off of each plant, that's 18 outta one tent. That's about what I'm doing but I'm probably putting in more work.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
That sounds like some decent numbers.

If you can fit 9 in a 40x40 and you pull 2 off of each plant, that's 18 outta one tent. That's about what I'm doing but I'm probably putting in more work.
Never really thought about it like that but you're spot on. Running random strains and stuff I am chopping at random times, a plant or three is usually the 'harvest'. I keep an awesome pantry, but I'm only adding a quart here or a half gallon there. No 5 gallon buckets.


Never really thought about it like that but you're spot on. Running random strains and stuff I am chopping at random times, a plant or three is usually the 'harvest'. I keep an awesome pantry, but I'm only adding a quart here or a half gallon there. No 5 gallon buckets.
Yeah I'm no 5 gallon bucket guy either. Best Ive done so far is 11.5 from one plant and 22 outta a 4x4. Have only done that one in the last year. Usually in 14-18 outta a 4x4. Idk I'm still learning though. Only been doing it about a year and a half, maybe 2.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Yeah I'm no 5 gallon bucket guy either. Best Ive done so far is 11.5 from one plant and 22 outta a 4x4. Have only done that one in the last year. Usually in 14-18 outta a 4x4. Idk I'm still learning though. Only been doing it about a year and a half, maybe 2.
The biggest thing I have found is that the way I am growing each of the 4 limbs is gonna produce the same weight, whether I trim all the lower shoots off before flower or not. So as they get taller, there is still just the top 3-5 nodes of the plant that have buds. What is left will get fatter, light penetration is not an issue, trimming is a snap, etc. only downside is that I don't get a half pound per plant.

But I am harvesting plants every month. I am retired and this is my hobby, so it keeps me busy.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
If I wanted weight I would just need to veg longer and train more. Doing a manifold for 8-tops instead of 4 is the easiest still keeping my style of grow.

You don't have to let them get huge, but the extra time it takes to get them from a 4 top to an 8 top - same height at flip - will let each of those 8 limbs produce the same half ounce per limb. Doing a manifold keeps them shorter, you can still flip them when the tops are only a foot tall, but with the LST each limb is taller than that. But then you need 5 gallon pots.
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a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I only veg for 4 weeks. Some people run 12/12 from seed, so I have no worries there. they are getting some veg on 🤪

But @J.James taught me they need a quart of soil per week of grow as a safe "these won;t have rootbound issues" way to determine pot-size. That's a gallon per month, so for a 4-week veg and ~8-week flower a 3 gallon is perfectly safe. Lots easier on the watering too. If they go a little longer they just need watering more often. But so far they get to the point where they are almost done and drinking less by that point.

A few times I have had longer flowering plants that I have up-potted late in flower. When a 3 gallon pot starts needing water every day you bite the bullet and try not to break anything :)

But I try to guess at that when I flip them and put them in their final pot. Like, the Vietnamese Silver Leaf is going into a 5-gallon if I get a girl.