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Deleted member 60

Guest's not the same as back East Oak...but it IS a hardwood...and little else here is. Nice to have coals. The cottonwood just makes a shitload of ash. The pine burns dirty. But...ya go with what ya got. Thankfully these Blaze kings just eat everything and turn it into BTU's.


When I worked for a city parks dept in Or in the 80s we could take downed trees home.
Burned every kinda tree that grows in the northern Willamette valley.
Big firs for the most part, they are the first to go down.
Some monster white oaks during the big storms.
Some of the rounds were 3'to 4' across, this will test your hand splitting!
Nobody wanted to take the cottonwoods.
The ones that would go down were usually old and punky....stunk as well.

Deleted member 60

Cottonwood isn't super popular here either...but these BK stoves eat it up. It's just the ash that is the downside. It burns hot and clean. Our cottonwoods feed off the creek. They won't grow anywhere else here. Some are 3 ft across...and most all are hollow/full of rat/squirrel nests. They runs down...rots the bottom of the tree...the BAM...down it comes. like I say...I burn the pithy/rotted shit too. Otherwise I gotta load it on the 6 x 12 trailer and haul it out. I hauled out about 10 huge loads of brush this Summer. So much fun....


Insanely Active Member
View attachment 132366
View attachment 132369

Trying something different this year with the stack.
8.5' diameter, two rows deep, center empty.

I wish I had a tractor
a tractor and backhoe will get you out of a lot of crap,along with 3/4 in. cable and three pullies , you can move near anything ,if you can get rigged up to pull the wire tight, i still have shackles that will hold a three way to a dozer, new i think they were about 250 each back in the day, when i was rigging underwater.was a time when they were not that much of a problem to work with ,need 1an1/2 in hole for the pin.i forget the ton rateing ,haven't used them in ten years .
When I worked for a city parks dept in Or in the 80s we could take downed trees home.
Burned every kinda tree that grows in the northern Willamette valley.
Big firs for the most part, they are the first to go down.
Some monster white oaks during the big storms.
Some of the rounds were 3'to 4' across, this will test your hand splitting!
Nobody wanted to take the cottonwoods.
The ones that would go down were usually old and punky....stunk as well.
the big stuff is like eating a whale start around the edge ,splitting maul and keep spliting the outer edge off,right quick you get points to stick out , then you can really start to load the truck!


Insanely Active Member
Cottonwood isn't super popular here either...but these BK stoves eat it up. It's just the ash that is the downside. It burns hot and clean. Our cottonwoods feed off the creek. They won't grow anywhere else here. Some are 3 ft across...and most all are hollow/full of rat/squirrel nests. They runs down...rots the bottom of the tree...the BAM...down it comes. like I say...I burn the pithy/rotted shit too. Otherwise I gotta load it on the 6 x 12 trailer and haul it out. I hauled out about 10 huge loads of brush this Summer. So much fun....
we allways used the trash wood to fill low spots, in a couple of years you have good dirt, in that spot you couldn't use before!

Deleted member 60

When we bought the original 4 acres here in 2013 we had a crew of guys come in and take down about 30 cottonwoods. They pretty much shredded the majority of it...but we had wood for a few years as well. Then in 2017 we snagged the 3 acres next to us. It was filled with BIG, ROTTEN 'woods. they took out 70 trees in total.... and my neighbor (or his skid steer) and I (on shovel and broken back) took most all of the trunks and filled in a huge washout on the creek bank and moved the creek over about 20 ft. had dammed...and then split around a good stand of bushes...leaving an island. WE also inherited a culvert that comes off the road. For 35 years it poured sediment onto the lot.....up to 4 ft deep. I warred with the fuckers at the county over it for an entire Summer. Told me I could never build on my lots cus "this culvert drains right on it". Fuckin DUH you cockbiters. I'm paying taxes for the right to build..or i asked em to move it. " don't pay enough taxes for that kinda services".... Fuckers. Pissed me right I did the reach around...grabbed the wallet...stuck it in his face...and said...THEN STEP THE FUCK ASIDE AND WATCH >>ME<< MOVE IT FUCKER. YER NOT GONNATELL ME SUCHV SHIT NOPE. HOMEY DON'T PLAY THAT GAME!

So we used the trunks and the sediment to fill in a 10+ ft deep x 60' long x 20 ft wide space. We started filling this.......with the trunks.


Then he went in and dug out a bunch of the sediment and we topped it with that. In the process we found...yes...ROCKS in the Rockies...fathom that! So he grabbed them...piled em up on the top of the hill....and I then rolled em down by make this new creek bank. We also seeded it and covered it with mesh to re-veg it. 7 year later,,,,the trunks are rotting and it's all settling nicely....and the huge hole is gone.

Fuckin' Old People!


Just some dude
When we bought the original 4 acres here in 2013 we had a crew of guys come in and take down about 30 cottonwoods. They pretty much shredded the majority of it...but we had wood for a few years as well. Then in 2017 we snagged the 3 acres next to us. It was filled with BIG, ROTTEN 'woods. they took out 70 trees in total.... and my neighbor (or his skid steer) and I (on shovel and broken back) took most all of the trunks and filled in a huge washout on the creek bank and moved the creek over about 20 ft. had dammed...and then split around a good stand of bushes...leaving an island. WE also inherited a culvert that comes off the road. For 35 years it poured sediment onto the lot.....up to 4 ft deep. I warred with the fuckers at the county over it for an entire Summer. Told me I could never build on my lots cus "this culvert drains right on it". Fuckin DUH you cockbiters. I'm paying taxes for the right to build..or i asked em to move it. " don't pay enough taxes for that kinda services".... Fuckers. Pissed me right I did the reach around...grabbed the wallet...stuck it in his face...and said...THEN STEP THE FUCK ASIDE AND WATCH >>ME<< MOVE IT FUCKER. YER NOT GONNATELL ME SUCHV SHIT NOPE. HOMEY DON'T PLAY THAT GAME!

So we used the trunks and the sediment to fill in a 10+ ft deep x 60' long x 20 ft wide space. We started filling this.......with the trunks.

View attachment 132392

Then he went in and dug out a bunch of the sediment and we topped it with that. In the process we found...yes...ROCKS in the Rockies...fathom that! So he grabbed them...piled em up on the top of the hill....and I then rolled em down by make this new creek bank. We also seeded it and covered it with mesh to re-veg it. 7 year later,,,,the trunks are rotting and it's all settling nicely....and the huge hole is gone.
View attachment 132394

Fuckin' Old People!
Nice work looks killer! Fruits of your labor haha


Insanely Active Member
When we bought the original 4 acres here in 2013 we had a crew of guys come in and take down about 30 cottonwoods. They pretty much shredded the majority of it...but we had wood for a few years as well. Then in 2017 we snagged the 3 acres next to us. It was filled with BIG, ROTTEN 'woods. they took out 70 trees in total.... and my neighbor (or his skid steer) and I (on shovel and broken back) took most all of the trunks and filled in a huge washout on the creek bank and moved the creek over about 20 ft. had dammed...and then split around a good stand of bushes...leaving an island. WE also inherited a culvert that comes off the road. For 35 years it poured sediment onto the lot.....up to 4 ft deep. I warred with the fuckers at the county over it for an entire Summer. Told me I could never build on my lots cus "this culvert drains right on it". Fuckin DUH you cockbiters. I'm paying taxes for the right to build..or i asked em to move it. " don't pay enough taxes for that kinda services".... Fuckers. Pissed me right I did the reach around...grabbed the wallet...stuck it in his face...and said...THEN STEP THE FUCK ASIDE AND WATCH >>ME<< MOVE IT FUCKER. YER NOT GONNATELL ME SUCHV SHIT NOPE. HOMEY DON'T PLAY THAT GAME!

So we used the trunks and the sediment to fill in a 10+ ft deep x 60' long x 20 ft wide space. We started filling this.......with the trunks.

View attachment 132392

Then he went in and dug out a bunch of the sediment and we topped it with that. In the process we found...yes...ROCKS in the Rockies...fathom that! So he grabbed them...piled em up on the top of the hill....and I then rolled em down by make this new creek bank. We also seeded it and covered it with mesh to re-veg it. 7 year later,,,,the trunks are rotting and it's all settling nicely....and the huge hole is gone.
View attachment 132394

Fuckin' Old People!
i love it man , keep up the improvements!