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Deleted member 60

I have a maul but I haven't swung it since I stopped drinking...LOL. We used to marg up and bash the fuck outta shit....

But that shit is over. I have a 27 ton Gravely log splitter here now...if we split at all. My stove will eat pretty large diameter why fuck with that stuff if you can avoid it? Just lope that bitch in'll burn...nearly forever...Heehee. Stihl MS391 saw....20" bar. She wails. Also have a Oregon chain sharpener and sharpen my own chains. Couldn't afford having it done with as many as I go through....and at $10 a chain it adds up fast..and you gotta wait on someone to do it. I can sharpen 5 chains in 20 minutes with this thing.
Gravely 27-Ton Horizontal Vertical Log Splitter-800x800.jpg


Just some dude
Kool pics man...
Even your furry friend looks like hes smiling for the

Don't no where your headed next but if for sum odd reason, dont know why anyone wood want too,
But if you come Southern Illinois,
Say so and id throw u small sack to get you bye for couple
Thanks Big T! That's very generous of you. I may have already passed by though. I'll private message you and see. Maybe we can swap a bud or two. :cool:


I have a maul but I haven't swung it since I stopped drinking...LOL. We used to marg up and bash the fuck outta shit....

But that shit is over. I have a 27 ton Gravely log splitter here now...if we split at all. My stove will eat pretty large diameter why fuck with that stuff if you can avoid it? Just lope that bitch in'll burn...nearly forever...Heehee. Stihl MS391 saw....20" bar. She wails. Also have a Oregon chain sharpener and sharpen my own chains. Couldn't afford having it done with as many as I go through....and at $10 a chain it adds up fast..and you gotta wait on someone to do it. I can sharpen 5 chains in 20 minutes with this thing.
View attachment 132331
Damn....bringing back some old memories!

Met my buddy, a timber faller in 1980.
Never had to pay a dime for firewood, deal was whatever I cut had to do the same for him.
Hauled it all in his 50s something farm truck top speed 45 mph....granny geared mfer.
4 cord at a time, no dump bed. My kids would take off for the neighbors when they saw that truck coming??

Hell.... he would let me run my choice of his Sthil collection.
The 084 with a 3' bar was a killer on a deck of stacked alder, maple and fir.
He usually had access to equipment, so I got spoiled cutting off of raised decks.

Fucking hand split more cords that I can be young a dumb again!
I was a splitting machine back then, dead accurate and untiring.
Would have the boys taking the splits away....really speeded it up, I'd just bang away!


Fuckin A...much respect. It's Hell gettin' old!
He's only 8, lost his sight to glaucoma a year and a half ago.
A rare genetic a mile long, found in both labs and poodles??

We were giving him 4 eye drops 3 times a day to no avail.
Was just looking at pics in my documents, came across those taken after his enucleation.
Fucking makes me cry when I think of what he went thru......horrible!

Love him so Much..:love:

Deleted member 60

Damn....bringing back some old memories!
And you as well. My "one man show" for gettin' rid of product for all those years (20) is a guy I met the first week I moved to Vail in '84. We worked "lifts" together for years and skied a lot on our days off. He eventually got a job on the "Trail Crew" in Summer and was one of the guys who cut the runs on "The Birds Of Prey" series of runs @ Beaver Creek where they hold the World Cup. He/the guys he cut with were out on front of the big log grabbin'/etc. machines and they would fall huge stands of pines ALL AT ONCE by doing precision cuts on a run of trees and then they'd "domino" them all down in one fell swoop by cutting the first row of uphill trees down. The company would stack it all up to be hauled off...but because he had access as an employee...we'd load the truck with beers after work and head back up the hill to collect free rounds. Nice rounds. Already cut rounds....LOL. The USFS was always a good source for wood as well because they were clearing a lot of beetle kill areas. I only remember falling trees 3-4 times in my years there. So many folks only take the big stuff that we'd go in behind others and get all we needed from the trash they left behind.

Deleted member 60

He's only 8, lost his sight to glaucoma a year and a half ago.
A rare genetic a mile long, found in both labs and poodles??

We were giving him 4 eye drops 3 times a day to no avail.
Was just looking at pics in my documents, came across those taken after his enucleation.
Fucking makes me cry when I think of what he went thru......horrible!

Love him so Much..:love:
It's so hard when shit is out of your hands or choices are limited. I salute you for going the extra mile. No shame after that. Shit just is what it is and all ya can do is make the best of it.

I'm a dog person as well. ( person...LOL) They'z family...especially now that we're older and there's no kids around anymore. Not sure I'll get any for now the 80 pound "toddler" will suffice. I've been fortunate to not have too many health challenges with my dogs over the years and have had some fairly long-lived pups. Our "Kief" will be 14 on Christmas Day. Had a Golden that made it to 14 as well. Another to 12. Our "Whoodle" was 11. My late son's cattle dog was older than dirt/dunno how old...but OLD.

My pup would love the beach. Not sure I'd get her to come back...but yeah...she'd be in zoomie heaven....


Insanely Active Member
How many cords has it busted and how many handles had it gone through?
at least 6/7 busted handles over the years, not even a guess at the number of cords at the time my pare
It's so hard when shit is out of your hands or choices are limited. I salute you for going the extra mile. No shame after that. Shit just is what it is and all ya can do is make the best of it.

I'm a dog person as well. ( person...LOL) They'z family...especially now that we're older and there's no kids around anymore. Not sure I'll get any for now the 80 pound "toddler" will suffice. I've been fortunate to not have too many health challenges with my dogs over the years and have had some fairly long-lived pups. Our "Kief" will be 14 on Christmas Day. Had a Golden that made it to 14 as well. Another to 12. Our "Whoodle" was 11. My late son's cattle dog was older than dirt/dunno how old...but OLD.

My pup would love the beach. Not sure I'd get her to come back...but yeah...she'd be in zoomie heaven....
my boys had a mountain cur cross that made 19 years old,no teeth ,deaf, went blind about 6 months before she died. she was well taken care of and still missed every time i pull the wraper off a craft singles ,cheese i hear claws comin down the hall.:(still miss that fur baby!
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Deleted member 60

Yup...mostly scrub Oak on this load. Burns just like the Oak back East but tops out @ maybe 10" in diameter/30 ft tall here. Most of this was 3-4"...and most of what is on my prop is 6" or less. Even on the ground for 10+ years it's perfectly seasoned for burnin'. Only a bit was pithy/rotten....and we still pick it up if it will fit in the stove right off the ground. It's all BTUS! That'll last us a few weeks, for sure.
oh...and oak firewood is a rarity here on the market. Talk about expensive. Like $400 a cord now.