From 'reliable' sources (on youtube LOL), flushing is a myth

If it cannibalizes your leaves it was still hungry and still wanted food. This is right when we are wanting them to plump up. Stress it out and maybe force a nanner ot three by forcing it to change a regimen that it was pretty happy with

One thing you are guaranteed to do is lose trichomes on your sugar leaves if they start dying.
Anything bad you want out of the plant before you smoke it should have never gone in there, because it becomes part of the plant at a cellular level. The plant itself does not store "reserves" like a cactus. If you are bottle feeding, when you stop feeding it stops eating. It may still have soil microbes in there but their lazy asses ain't been working for months and have no clue how to pick up the slack in an emergency.
Just food for thought. Your plants look great and having done both I really prefer trimming healthy plants