Fiddler's Green
Just a regular vato
About a 15 minute shutter read:
It talks about changing the prohibitive ways of getting into the market. Plus the nickel on the dollar cut they get.(fuck you, pay me)
Supposedly going up to the house on Friday.
H.R. 3884—MORE Act of 2020
COMMITTEE ACTION: REPORTED BY VOICE VOTE on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. FLOOR ACTION ON H. RES. 1244: Agreed to by record vote of 225-160, after agreeing to the previous question by record vote of 225-160, on Thursday, December 3, 2020. MANAGERS: McGovern/Woodall 1. Closed rule. 2. Provides one...
It talks about changing the prohibitive ways of getting into the market. Plus the nickel on the dollar cut they get.(fuck you, pay me)
Supposedly going up to the house on Friday.