Jacrispy's seed auction


Heathen Basterd
Word is the guy who sent in the More Cowbell had to ass smuggle them into country I am sure that the smell and ass hairs are gone by now, I ,,, I mean He ( I was told ) had a hard time passing em . But in spite of that and for a good cause $50.
Word is the guy who sent in the More Cowbell had to ass smuggle them into country I am sure that the smell and ass hairs are gone by now, I ,,, I mean He ( I was told ) had a hard time passing em . But in spite of that and for a good cause $50.
Oh Like You havn't had some solid objects rammed up cozy and insulated by some prostate pudding Tyrone


See alot off people saying they reached out to Hazeman through email and were able to get answers and buy beans direct. Think he shut that down, cant seem to find any contact info other than IG and he hasnt answered there.


See alot off people saying they reached out to Hazeman through email and were able to get answers and buy beans direct. Think he shut that down, cant seem to find any contact info other than IG and he hasnt answered there.
I emailed him last week and asked for a strain list, got a response the next day. That’s how I’ve ordered in the past and it’s never been a n issue.