High Kev’s breeding / chucking

High kev

Yankee seeds
Maybe I need to let them so for a little longer. I practically plucked from plant and threw them in a cup of water. some cracked. It’s just the bandaid x (Mac x aaw) that I’m having that problem with so far. I’ll check more beans just to see and will let you know what I come up with. I also have some pollen stored of a few diff kinds. Few diff crosses and a whole shit ton of out door plants. I’m still leaning the ropes when it comes to chucking / breeding so I will keep trying to improve. The seeds seemed mature. What would make them not crack?


Maybe I need to let them so for a little longer. I practically plucked from plant and threw them in a cup of water. some cracked. It’s just the bandaid x (Mac x aaw) that I’m having that problem with so far. I’ll check more beans just to see and will let you know what I come up with. I also have some pollen stored of a few diff kinds. Few diff crosses and a whole shit ton of out door plants. I’m still leaning the ropes when it comes to chucking / breeding so I will keep trying to improve. The seeds seemed mature. What would make them not crack?
That's rough, though i suppose you can push another seed in the dirt, just don't have to fill cups next time.

Seeds usually need some kind of dormant period before they are germinated. Some need a "winter" cycle. I think I've read somewhere cannabis only needs a couple weeks before being germinated. @J.James can probably shed a little more light on the subject.

How long have they been in the cups?


LED Recruiter
Maybe I need to let them so for a little longer. I practically plucked from plant and threw them in a cup of water. some cracked. It’s just the bandaid x (Mac x aaw) that I’m having that problem with so far. I’ll check more beans just to see and will let you know what I come up with. I also have some pollen stored of a few diff kinds. Few diff crosses and a whole shit ton of out door plants. I’m still leaning the ropes when it comes to chucking / breeding so I will keep trying to improve. The seeds seemed mature. What would make them not crack?
I'm putting mine in the freezer!!


Someone sent me this picture today from some free seeds I gave them. It will be So cool to see Bobberr in the mix with bandaid haze soon. This is just Bobberr berry…
Evening bobberr: These are from the auto seeds high kev sent me, I assume they are yours? Loved the packaging... Easy grow outside grasshoppers loved the fan leaves but they all came out great, I will get more out of them next run I potted these up and watered only thank you



What kinda smells you getting?
From all the way across the yard the smell is strong skunk but once I get close it changes to a sweeter, marshmallow & huckleberry, one still out is purple I don't know what it is about my local "terror" but most of my grows stay green, coco, ocean forest and even super soil... Maybe it's my water supply a creek with lots of minerals, but in the winter I use our well it's high in calcium, going to do a indoor auto grow last one I did had a few hermies but I am confident your seeds and the others will stay true this round....


How tall are yours? Mine only got about a foot tall.
Sorry for the late reply my friend I was being chased by fires & didn't get much time online lol, they were on the shorter side 2-2.5 feet the shorter had denser buds, did yours reek of skunk & sweet? Just chopped a couple the shorter one was more looked like it was seeded but she's definitely not, think I can do better in coco and daily care I tossed these in super soil image.jpegimage.jpegoutside and watered once a week


Maybe I need to let them so for a little longer. I practically plucked from plant and threw them in a cup of water. some cracked. It’s just the bandaid x (Mac x aaw) that I’m having that problem with so far. I’ll check more beans just to see and will let you know what I come up with. I also have some pollen stored of a few diff kinds. Few diff crosses and a whole shit ton of out door plants. I’m still leaning the ropes when it comes to chucking / breeding so I will keep trying to improve. The seeds seemed mature. What would make them not crack?
I always wait until the seeds start falling out of the buds the whole lot breaks loose when shaken I have never then turned them straight to germinate but have had stragglers pop up in old pots... Seems seeds without darker colors rarely germinate


Maybe I need to let them so for a little longer. I practically plucked from plant and threw them in a cup of water. some cracked. It’s just the bandaid x (Mac x aaw) that I’m having that problem with so far. I’ll check more beans just to see and will let you know what I come up with. I also have some pollen stored of a few diff kinds. Few diff crosses and a whole shit ton of out door plants. I’m still leaning the ropes when it comes to chucking / breeding so I will keep trying to improve. The seeds seemed mature. What would make them not crack?
I plucked my Wedding Cake x SLH seed right off the plant and stuck them in Pro-Mix and they started popping 7 to 10 days later. Have you tried dropping them right into your medium, bypassing the water soak? I've had seeds sprout in the buds before.
If you want to send me some of those MAC's, I'll give it a try and report my findings back to you. lol