#Heisenbeans Genetics


Active Member
Youl never know..
How ever i will say that this pic i just posted. . all came from hermie genes.I planted something like 36. Got rid of the bad herms plucked a couple not bad ones and the remaining were not herms .. so if thats the case why would i pay 80 for a six pack of fems when i can get the same damn ratio my self. This whole thing started.. because i grem fems yes from a herm and had some herm.. then i grew dreamcatcher. Which were regulars. And had no problems..no herms.. i have also herd alot of people say greenpoint fems tend to herm which i didnt pay attention to because i didnt know if it was just another company try to slander bussiness away..
Probably from accidental pollination...I have a bigger container of those that I will never use. I'm probably going to mix these into resin and make an ashtray from them :ROFLMAO:
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No there not actually but these plants were from the hermies. All 27. Had 30 something originally. Tossed out the bad hermies the rest that did herm threw bananas late flower with a seed here and there wutch usnt a bad ratio at all but i wanted to see what thiss sensimillia crazy was about.. how ever if im gonna get seeds etger way from fems i cabt see paying 80 for six of.. them thats fer shure all of the hermie seeds i ever droped popped. So yea i was frustrated to pay 80 for a pack of fens have 4 pop one mutant 3 make it to flower and one herm.. damn straight shure u would to.. i just grew a dreamcatcher with no herms. Which leads me to belive that it doesnt mater if u grow fems theres a higher chance of herms.. so why the hell would i pay 80 for six i mige as well let the gmo polinate its self and run those if its not breed to stabity..



How ever i will say that this pic i just posted. . all came from hermie genes.I planted something like 36. Got rid of the bad herms plucked a couple not bad ones and the remaining were not herms .. so if thats the case why would i pay 80 for a six pack of fems when i can get the same damn ratio my self. This whole thing started.. because i grem fems yes from a herm and had some herm.. then i grew dreamcatcher. Which were regulars. And had no problems..no herms.. i have also herd alot of people say greenpoint fems tend to herm which i didnt pay attention to because i didnt know if it was just another company try to slander bussiness away..
No there not actually but these plants were from the hermies. All 27. Had 30 something originally. Tossed out the bad hermies the rest that did herm threw bananas late flower with a seed here and there wutch usnt a bad ratio at all but i wanted to see what thiss sensimillia crazy was about.. how ever if im gonna get seeds etger way from fems i cabt see paying 80 for six of.. them thats fer shure all of the hermie seeds i ever droped popped. So yea i was frustrated to pay 80 for a pack of fens have 4 pop one mutant 3 make it to flower and one herm.. damn straight shure u would to.. i just grew a dreamcatcher with no herms. Which leads me to belive that it doesnt mater if u grow fems theres a higher chance of herms.. so why the hell would i pay 80 for six i mige as well let the gmo polinate its self and run those if its not breed to stabity..
How in the world do you end up with all those herms? You got to be the most unlucky "seed buyer" I ever seen. I've never had any of GPS herm.
Regs or "fens".


Active Member
Oh the horror! .....
But id buy a Q off the street for 80
And ohthepain leave evergreen alone. Hes harmless and u havent proved your point. Show me a solid grow, no banners 👎
Why dont u go through 3 years of my posts also and string together ur own concoctions of my words like u runin a fugin cia counter opp in attempt to save face for a company i never bashed like ur trying to cover up problems with fems to.. heres ur no banan grow... ohh by the way its a gps strain u. u probly shouldnt stuck up for ass hats..



Why dont u go through 3 years of my posts also and string together ur own concoctions of my words like u runin a fugin cia counter opp in attempt to save face for a company i never bashed like ur trying to cover up problems with fems to.. heres ur no banan grow... ohh by the way its a gps strain u. u probly shouldnt stuck up for ass hats..
Take your drama back over to RIU where it belongs. You also type like a teenager. Learn to type your words out and maybe people will take you more seriously.


Active Member
Take your drama back over to RIU where it belongs. You also type like a teenager. Learn to type your words out and maybe people will take you more seriously.
Ill stop with saying. U must be ignorant aswell. sticking up for some one that is completely fabricating what i say out of 3 yrs of post.. and slandering me.. u asked for a grow with out naners there it is.. and agian nothing but ignorance


Ill stop with saying. U must be ignorant aswell. sticking up for some one that is completely fabricating what i say out of 3 yrs of post.. and slandering me.. u asked for a grow with out naners there it is.. and agian nothing but ignorance
I’m not sticking up for anybody and I never said anything negative about your grow. All I said was that you type like a teenager and you are stirring up drama here.