#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
i grow under hps cmh quantums and cobs.

HPS , Cobs, quantum boards ,CMH
in that order for putting out the heaviest product.
and thats a few years growing under all those lights to reach my conclusions. not just buying a light last week and running a comparison.
To me the cmh is right behind the hps, just the 315 though cause the higher the wattage with cmh the less they perform. 3-315s at only 945 watts vs 1000w DE is very close with the added spread of 3 source points from the cmh. The 630 DE and 945w DE cmh bulbs with the xtra 315 arc tubes imo out perform the 500w and 1000w watt bulbs with the 500w arc tubes.


Crush m0d3
@Ahlkemist wow!

I hate getting to the back of the room...i will stop complaining.

Nice tent ! It looks like the old golf games on computers where you saw the green on the approach... :)
Unfortunately about one run a year goes hulk beast mode like this. Its bitter sweet. The aug heat causes so many secondary issues. Maxing out electricity at The house n unable to go any further in this location.
Sadly this was the culmination keeper pheno run of 2 yrs. 8 runs.non stop 4 of these back to back to.....each year, of work. Clones aren't making it.
My luck a sewage pipe burst on my desk all my meters nutrients data journal. It was manageable until i realize it was PISS WATER N POOP ! Like btw ay bro u did great but we will shit on you n sabotage the project finally. N we killed the little bitches kids. Hhhahahahahahaah
If i could just get all the clones to root id feel better but im going to have to reveg I'm sure...
My fault bc technique and forgetting this happens n being too comfortable expecting 100% clones in the aero. I can't loose any them. All my checks every box plus 1 for yield champions. Un recoverable what doesn't pull through.


Really Active Member


Crush m0d3
I figured things out it was the Cal Mag because I use RO water and was trying something new so they were overdosed through stretch... I'm just glad I figured it out. Because the RO water and what is typically said I don't know what the hell I was thinking now that I know what I did. The answer is the complete opposite of what everyone says because my program is extremely dialed in with flawless repetition year after year.
Now the next issue is why my clones which I normally have 99% are failing...
I am pretty sure it is something to do with the temperature and humidity and lack of fresh air and the stomata are not able to open up and they're suffocating because the only one that isn't and was Flawless is a Romulan and to me Maybe This is Bro Science but I figured since it's from the 50s that it probably has better genetics and was able to work through that but every single other one 6 Hbean strains n 4 honest strains and multiple phenotypes of each are all failing.
they root fine in the aerocloner but won't grasp when transplanted and now everything's solid week 6 flower and lollipop to hell and back and I don't know how to reveg 15 monsters.
Trying to process all this I cannot even think right at the moment if anybody has any suggestions or ideas I would probably be open to it I need these genetics and I don't know what to do I don't have more seeds and six of the nine varieties will never be made again