#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
Good luck. His site hasn't been active in a year, lol.

I push most of his stuff 10ish weeks. Them last couple weeks make all the difference. I just let em go until theyre to my liking.
Do you push out growth on the early finishers by doing a longer flush or just flush as usual later.
Don’t want to fkp the swelling of the flower by flushing too early.


Do you push out growth on the early finishers by doing a longer flush or just flush as usual later.
Don’t want to fkp the swelling of the flower by flushing too early.
The early finishers in soil usually get an extra week to 2 weeks and I notice extra weight on some during this time. I dont flush per say. I taper down then maybe a day or two of water if theyre not where id like trichwise. In hydro I monitor their eating habits multiple times a day so i dont flush at all. I really push them longer as time is not a restraint. I'll pay more attention for you. Soil I just feed until done in far from a soil grower. There are much better growers here to ask this who can provide a more coherent answer. Sorry lol


Since I’m defoliating the BrideZilla

even the 6” pots Anyonelse pushing HB strains all out to 10 weeks of flower?
HB got me intrigued to see these strains all out to 10 weeks full swole up...View attachment 60605
I cut them out of the Scrog
I need to bottom dress and lollipop
These girls are all tops now 😁
Still in week 3 but they are sticky😊🌱
I have ran bridezilla a few times the plants I let run way long due get dark & heavy, a couple went 12 weeks but trichromes suffered, 10 weeks is outer limit for my setup, cmh & co2...she loves\needs that extra week though imo


Really Active Member
Day 67 for the Purple Cake. She is starting to get a nice fade to her, and I expect to chop in a week or so. Haven't checked the trichomes, and still a number of white pistils, but we are approaching the completion on the 10th week, and while just a guideline, she is listed as a 56-70 day flower.


Purple Aliens is looking semi close to finishing, though again, haven't looked at trichomes lately, but did seem to see lots of cloudy last time I looked a week or so ago. Probably going to start to phase her feed back as her leaves are still dark green, and hope for her to finish in the next week, maybe 10 days.


Topanga Canyon, also on day 54 seems to be foxtailing (have had at least 1 plant foxtail on each of my grows). Her lowers are starting to look like they are ripening up, so I will likely use that as guideline.



Super Active Member
I think your spot on with the finishing. It makes good sense to taper down feed and then
A few days of water. I’m not pushing plants running about
I have ran bridezilla a few times the plants I let run way long due get dark & heavy, a couple went 12 weeks but trichromes suffered, 10 weeks is outer limit for my setup, cmh & co2...she loves\needs that extra week though imo
wow 12 weeks ok ...that’s it I’m gonna up-pot all 12 of the 6” pots in flower to 9” smart pots to finish....if I can find them ....thanks


Master Grower
Day 67 for the Purple Cake. She is starting to get a nice fade to her, and I expect to chop in a week or so. Haven't checked the trichomes, and still a number of white pistils, but we are approaching the completion on the 10th week, and while just a guideline, she is listed as a 56-70 day flower.

View attachment 60703View attachment 60704View attachment 60705

Purple Aliens is looking semi close to finishing, though again, haven't looked at trichomes lately, but did seem to see lots of cloudy last time I looked a week or so ago. Probably going to start to phase her feed back as her leaves are still dark green, and hope for her to finish in the next week, maybe 10 days.

View attachment 60707View attachment 60706View attachment 60708

Topanga Canyon, also on day 54 seems to be foxtailing (have had at least 1 plant foxtail on each of my grows). Her lowers are starting to look like they are ripening up, so I will likely use that as guideline.

View attachment 60710View attachment 60709View attachment 60711
Looking good, but when do you start counting the days? Here’s a Purple Punch, pic was taken 5-24, trichs were all clear, today they all cloudy with a few (5-10%) amber-


Really Active Member
Looking good, but when do you start counting the days? Here’s a Purple Punch, pic was taken 5-24, trichs were all clear, today they all cloudy with a few (5-10%) amber-
View attachment 60729
I count mine from the date of flip to 12/12. It naturally takes 10-14 days for pistils to start forming. I imagine some people count from there, but I just go by time flip, to make it simple and easy to follow.

PS: Looking good.