#Heisenbeans Genetics

Hellmudd bones

Active Member
Oh btw, I had the most amazing dream last night. Nope it wasn't with Heathenraider and Finchy :giggle:

It was about a tent, and what was in it. I was walking down this long corridor and it was kind of scary. It was very dark and the only lights were the black bulb type and everything looked purple. Then I came upon an open door but could not see what was inside the room. I walked inside the room and the door slowly creaked closed behind me.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up but I wouldn't run. I waited for my eyes to adjust and then I heard a noise. It was a zipper opening up and light was slowly emanating from the opening. A smell of lemons wafted out upon the air and right then I knew what it was.

I gazed out into a field of Lemon Tree. Birds flew to and fro and Finchy made a quick appearance only to vanish amongst the glowing blossoms. Uncle Heisen was there. Spreading some pollen about. He turned around as I approached and asked me what I thought about the gorgeous plants around us.

I said................"Fuck you cock teaser. But I still love you." We both laughed out loud and then went about our ways. I woke up quickly after that with the smell of lemons in the air, only for a few seconds tho as the apparition abated too soon for my liking.

Alas poor Lemon Tree how I think of thee. Maybe one day you will soon fill my beloved tents :geek:
I had that same dream!o_O


Super Active Member
growing Heisenbeans ...
seedlings 🌱 which are
genetically selected & ass-kicking
WTFG uncle Heisen😊👍🌱
bigger moms needed new space
Topanga canyon S1
Purple cake #2
GG4 S1
Then we got 1gal. moms are in filling
Adub S1
Wedding Night
GMO kush
Wedding Dub
Gorilla punch
Rum Runner
Sunset wedding
Space Gorilla



Super Active Member
Please , I need Direction on a really dependable bare root cloner (equipment)
Going sterile for moms I don’t think I can manage mom inventory in dirt they just get bigger to be thrown into scrog. Bare root clone allows me all options to maintain a HB pheno that becomes fire. I can slap it into dirt and it’s safe .... walk away from grodan for clones. I need to order now..
a system which repeats relentless no more than 3 cutting per mom bare root
I have 36 moms
5 big 3 gal.
8 small 1 gal.
23 solo cup
No way 36 HB seedling 1 gal. Moms
Are going to fit in any veg tray 😱


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