#Heisenbeans Genetics


Are you talking about shoreline? HE DOES NOT HAVE THE SAME PUNCH I GOT. No clue where he got his but are not the same. The only cuts I ever got from him was 91 chem , ecsd and a busted ass katsu bubba. I tossed them all. The only 2 people with my cut are dustjesus and the dude in oregan I got it from who has been missing in action for like 2 years now. Dude had a meltdown and disappeared.
Do you think only 2 people in the world have that cut?


Dont Need One
Do you think only 2 people in the world have that cut?
Dude they are not the same cut. You posted 1 pic of a shriveled nug. No flowering plant pics or veg pics?
Why you are telling people that shit is ignorant. I know for a fact you did not get that cut. Post a flowering pic and well put it to bed. My punch has hairs so long it's almost impossible to brush pollinate. It's the only one I have to air pollinate.


some flower gifted to me from a cool ass cat :cool:
This quickly became the wife favorite smoke shes ever had lol
Purple punch Flower from the cut H uses
This shit is super fruity smelling reminds me of a bowl of fruit loops that sugary fruit smell. with hints of grape when smoked.. the high is nice and mellow i bet this would do well for people with anxiety
Shit is Fire Imho
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Dude they are not the same cut. You posted 1 pic of a shriveled nug. No flowering plant pics or veg pics?
Why you are telling people that shit is ignorant. I know for a fact you did not get that cut. Post a flowering pic and well put it to bed. My punch has hairs so long it's almost impossible to brush pollinate. It's the only one I have to air pollinate.
I'll post some pics on Strainly. Its the same cut.


No the fuk it ain't dude. It is not the nova or the alpha. I got the cut from dude in oregan. The same kid I got my black banana cut from.
Post the pics here why strainly. Let's put it to bed.
You telling people you have my punch cut to sell clones is shady as fuk.
It because you delete stuff, so I will post on Strainly. It's not your cut, it's purple punch that is everywhere.


No the fuk it ain't dude. It is not the nova or the alpha. I got the cut from dude in oregan. The same kid I got my black banana cut from.
Post the pics here why strainly. Let's put it to bed.
You telling people you have my punch cut to sell clones is shady as fuk.
I never called it Heisens cut, I just said it's the same.


No the fuk it ain't dude. It is not the nova or the alpha. I got the cut from dude in oregan. The same kid I got my black banana cut from.
Post the pics here why strainly. Let's put it to bed.
You telling people you have my punch cut to sell clones is shady as fuk.
Did someone say black banana
Shit is so damn good and smells like a banana nut bread/ muffin with some earthy hints fucking deliciousIMG_0045.JPGIMG_0046.JPG


Super Active Member
Everyone is fighting and being a bitch now that “legalization” has opened the door. Too many new motherfuckers who didn’t have shit to do with it back when you had to risk your ass for it. All this fighting for chump change. Don’t know what it’s really worth. Now is the time when we should be coming together. Those of us who have really been around and actually love this plant need to ban together, not bicker. These motherfuckers like Monsanto are just waiting to pounce and take everything we have worked and fought for. Do you guys realize what filth we are up against? These are the people that bought all the land around indigenous farmers who wouldn’t buy their seed, pollinated those farmers crops, and then sued those farmers to ruin for “attempting to steal genetics”. Billionaire scumbags who care more about a buck than human life. They lobby governments to lie to the people and push the use of products that not only rob the plants of their essence but cause cancer and other illnesses. They keep farmers in a perpetual cycle paying homage to the monopoly, producing a subpar product and furthering the decimation of the native soil. A destruction which increases the farmer’s dependency on the monopoly. This is just the growth side of the issue. The genetics side goes even deeper. Just look at how many varieties of corn were common 50 years ago compared to now. How can China have practices that were sustainable for thousands of years but after adopting western “conventional” practices they are already having problems less than 50 years later? They have already gathered a ton of data from phylos and are set to patent strains. They are going to claim legal rights to strains, pull out big lawyers and big money, buy off whoever need bought off, bottleneck the gene pool, etc etc etc. We are up against a huge enemy who has more money and more power than we can imagine. But we’re over here fighting about who’s selling what seeds and who’s saying what about who...


Dont Need One
Is there anyone on this forum or thread that got that cut from shoreline? Save me the trouble of having to get his so I can grow em side by side and post them here so everyone can see how this dudes saying he has the same punch cut I have to boost his sales.
Anyone that has it please hit me up and I'll make 10 times worth your while.
Pretty shady shit imo saying that when u dont even know for a fact. There's like 100 different punch going around and you saying you have the same one i have is a joke.