#Heisenbeans Genetics

You want vigorous seeds? You come here. Heisens seeds EXPLODE right the fuck out of their shells as soon as they get wet. Think I lie? Look at these Space gorilla seeds :alien:

I wet them @ 6am 12/12/19. This is @ 6pm 12/12/19. Notice the demon circle. Much needed for fast explosions.
space 001.JPG

The next day @ 10am explosions happened. The demon baby leader reaches out to her minions :devilish:
space 002.JPG

Fucking demon babies all of them :giggle:


Active Member
U got a link for your bars? I couldn't find what u named them online? I searched solarled 80w bars but nothing i seen was prolly ur ones. But from your driver u listed being a 240-1050 ma is u got ur bars wired in series right? If u list the brand of bars or got link i could see how many volts is needed to power them like u wanted.. Do u no the volts they need? U can private message me if ud like cause i dont want to clog up heisenbeans thread. Hit me up IMG_20191213_194924461.jpgIMG_20191213_194924461.jpgon there and we can figure this out. 👍✌


Active Member
Vato_504: Man y’all gotta start doing homework before posting this propaganda. You grew a cannarado strain in the WC x SD and I’m sure that BBC is from another breeder. So all he did was sell you fem seeds off a clone.. To me if Heisen shit was official he wouldn’t have to sell it under GPS!!!

Like youve got to be fucking kidding me
Yea I was wondering why he has this GU saling his gear if he has his own site but my guess is that GU gets his own cuts send to heisen and he makes seeds from those


Insanely Active Member
Yea I was wondering why he has this GU saling his gear if he has his own site but my guess is that GU gets his own cuts send to heisen and he makes seeds from those
i think its more of a partnership where they both share certain benfits of the arrangment. i dont think they would be in business together if they both weren't getting something out of it. Just my guess


Noob 4ever
Very interesting.
Purple Crash = Punch Buggy
The Punch Buggy I have that is revegging (really well) is totally different in looks and terps. Grape licorice candy in nose and comes through in the smoke.
My grape pie pheno is tits. I have about a 1/2z left. It was heavy on the cherry pie smell/terps with the grape. It did lose the funk after a couple of weeks. Although, it could've been the humidity that played a part in it.


I have 2 purple punch and 2 ice cream cake running on week 6. Very vigerious growth. The ice cream cake is about 1.5' taller than the purple punch. The purple punch stem is absolutely huge with a ton of buds on each. The ice cream cake buds are longer and smells like lemon cookies. All I got to say is these 2 strains are worth every penny. Thanks Heisen


Active Member
The only prob iv had with there gear is the bad hermieing other then that I think everything I have in flower is fire just sux being a new customer and have a bunch of time in this grow 1st n 2 weeks after flower I have find sacks n some open n some pollen got loose but other then that I took a tiny sample off the bridezilla at 5 maybe 6 weeks n my buddy said he took 3 hits n was good so I'ma grow out these again n see what happens


Tegrity Greenthumb
You want vigorous seeds? You come here. Heisens seeds EXPLODE right the fuck out of their shells as soon as they get wet. Think I lie? Look at these Space gorilla seeds :alien:

I wet them @ 6am 12/12/19. This is @ 6pm 12/12/19. Notice the demon circle. Much needed for fast explosions.
View attachment 43334

The next day @ 10am explosions happened. The demon baby leader reaches out to her minions :devilish:
View attachment 43337

Fucking demon babies all of them :giggle:
Next time plant them when before they crack. This prevents damage to the hairs on the taproot


Tegrity Greenthumb
Man there was a few that was super nice we discontinued but gu calls the shots on what's made. I'll have some side shit going in here in about 9 weeks. I would love to make some of the old ones again. Maybe I'll just make them and he won't have a choice but to put them up on the website lol

What ones do you guys really wanna see come back?
Are you reversing any of the clementine? Really liked the cross with the dog. Lots of orange flavor. That blended with a blue dream could hold some real potential. Haze lover here. That plus any of the cakes, punches, etc could be legit af. Also a topanga cross with the dream or clementine would be tits.