#Heisenbeans Genetics

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
So I'm not sure when it will be but I'm trying to plan the next set up. I'll have a limit of 12 but I'm thinking 9 would be optimal in a 4x4 for yield and variety. Most likely gonna be a heisen mystery run but maybe a purple cake, purpcrash ecsdawg run,

Anyway question is should I do any kind of training to these thing? Planned on running about 4 weeks from seed and flipping, or at about 12 inches height, in two gallons coco. I've only grown using lst and supercrop methods when neccessary making bushes. I was thinking to remove every lower growth tip about 5 nodes down to give them more of a pole structure but heisens plants seem to benefit from having plenty of bud points. Trying to manage width but also maximize canopy. Open to suggestions and variations of the plan. Call me a pussy but no reason for me to go over 12 so that and the 4x4 are my constraints.
This is Eight plants topped three times for eight tops each in 3 gallons in a 2 x 4 under a 600 watt MH/HPS. Flipped at 8 - 14 inches.

Note: All side branching was removed for what I define as a mainline (vs. a manifold).


Ya man. Got a buddy like that. Never wants to talk about growing but if theirs a stoner lady around he talks all kinds a nonsense. Then liberally slips something about my situation.. that’s why no one should know. Even if you trust that person, people can’t keep their mouths shut.
Key is claim to folks you just have one plant. Then you don’t have to pretend you aren’t smoking your homegrow with said individual and nobody’s like “guess what man, I know a guy who grows one plant! Let’s rob that millionaire!”
man you say that about the one plant the story gets funnier when i grew a second plant in a small middle closet with energy saving bulbs xD. this was during the time i was living at my mums and she didnt know about it.... first plant (auto nl5) i got down but the second one my uncle found it and grassed to my mum. so i ended up taking this plant to this friends house inside a wheel suitcase about half an hour down the road. only talking like 3 weeks till finished i said ill be round to water it dont worry just leave it and ill give you half the bud. he only goes and gets police raided and while looking around they find it and take it. honestly i wasent that mad cause when i got caught at home with it i kind of thought if i manage to get anything from it now thats a plus 😆. but fuck me sideways 3 weeks man couldn't even just chill with it .


Ya man. Got a buddy like that. Never wants to talk about growing but if theirs a stoner lady around he talks all kinds a nonsense. Then liberally slips something about my situation.. that’s why no one should know. Even if you trust that person, people can’t keep their mouths shut.
Key is claim to folks you just have one plant. Then you don’t have to pretend you aren’t smoking your homegrow with said individual and nobody’s like “guess what man, I know a guy who grows one plant! Let’s rob that millionaire!” 😆
and i forgot the whole point of the reply ahaha . yeah sometime after this . some guys came to try kicked down his door shouting we know about the grow. hed been mouthing off and with this being in Stockport UK people do some seriously stupid shit for literally fuck all reward.

gotta love your first ever grow attempt 😬


LED Recruiter
This is that ugly bbc x pp i posted a while back (this was from first drop not the recent pp crosses) it got over whatever that leaf thing it was doing but it smells so good, did you ever have a fruit flavored tea it smells like some kind of exotic tea cant nail it down. glad i let it grow and didnt cull it
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Looks sticky/stinky!!
I had a friend run those outdoors. They never came to fruition for me. Oh what coulda been!!! These Damn summers dont lend to guerrilla type outie grows. But I learned alot last year. Thats the point right. Shit we're gonna run some Acapulco Gold which is a loooonnngggg finiaher. I think if the plants are healthy a frost or two wont kill em, fact is it bulks em up. I work with many outdoor guys that own acreage. As long as thw floq is good , it can happen. 2020 goals. I WILL get a heisenbean to go the distance.
A friend that would let me take a picture ran the bridezilla and was very pleased. But a paranoid bastid. I saw it in late sep
and i forgot the whole point of the reply ahaha . yeah sometime after this . some guys came to try kicked down his door shouting we know about the grow. hed been mouthing off and with this being in Stockport UK people do some seriously stupid shit for literally fuck all reward.

gotta love your first ever grow attempt 😬
Couple of twenagers killed a guy gor his groq and 3k in cash. 3 kids gone for what!?!


Tegrity Greenthumb
Looks like topping is the verdict. Might just bend her over and give her a little spanking. Per usual. Keep the main stem intact. Only time I've topped was by accident when bending cause I never understood removing the top when you can keep it. Any advantages besides the ease of just snipping to topping vs low stress training ? Sorry if this clogs the post I can post elsewhere though it is hb related. Thanks again guys !


Tegrity Greenthumb
This is Eight plants topped three times for eight tops each in 3 gallons in a 2 x 4 under a 600 watt MH/HPS. Flipped at 8 - 14 inches.
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Note: All side branching was removed for what I define as a mainline (vs. a manifold).
That really gives me perspective of what im trying to achieve. Thanks Old St1r. When removing side branches do you maintain doing this I'm veg or wait till the flip. I was thinking my 5 node down idea would achieve that but I'm just a padawan admittedly. Gonna have to feel it out I know but creating a pre journal to make everything optimal.

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
That really gives me perspective of what im trying to achieve. Thanks Old St1r. When removing side branches do you maintain doing this I'm veg or wait till the flip. I was thinking my 5 node down idea would achieve that but I'm just a padawan admittedly. Gonna have to feel it out I know but creating a pre journal to make everything optimal.
I removed some of the sides during veg, but I let two side branches grow out and when they were big enough, they were taken for clones. By the time they were flipped, they had only 8 tops each with no side branches.


Ya man. Got a buddy like that. Never wants to talk about growing but if theirs a stoner lady around he talks all kinds a nonsense. Then liberally slips something about my situation.. that’s why no one should know. Even if you trust that person, people can’t keep their mouths shut.
Key is claim to folks you just have one plant. Then you don’t have to pretend you aren’t smoking your homegrow with said individual and nobody’s like “guess what man, I know a guy who grows one plant! Let’s rob that millionaire!” 😆

I tell no one. Not my best friend for 40 yrs knows. Not anybody.

If they do know you grow around here word spreads. Eventually someone gets popped for pills, ice etc and they run their mouth. Ive been brought up like this in the past when someone used to run their mouth about me to people he dealt with. They didnt know me but brought my name up. I actually saw a signed confession by one of the ice dealers that got busted that said i was moving 82 lbs a month which was BS.
I was being followed, staked out, pulled over constantly, relatives questioned about me etc. I burned everything i had and even threw my trimmers in the river.

Now im out and dont do anything and dont mess with any of those people i used too. Had to build a new client base which consists of mainly 3 people with 1 person getting 90 percent of my stuff. I could sell 5x as much if i had more but would open me up more than i like.

Around here you cant even date because the girls always talk and nosey as fuck. Its a solitude life and makes you wonder why even do it. But you see those beauties growing and smelling so good and puts a smile on your face.


I have a few Adub vegging. I've topped and I have one that is shorter and bushing out. The other 3 are stretching a bit and the lowers are pretty short yet.
What's the normal growth for adub? I take the stretch side?