#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
I 💘 the last LED pic , very cool perspective/focus
This Orange Cookies x Choc D I’m running in one of my smaller tents has been a breeze to run so far. Super bushy, I probably should have topped her a week ago, but I’ll get to it tomorrow. This pic was taken at day 25/26, about 6 days after being transplanted from a 1 gal to a 3 gal, and she’s already got roots coming out the pot.
View attachment 34058
Definitely a nice looking girl there :love: if the nose and taste hits, you most definitely have a keeper on your hands. Hope you keep a daughter or two. 🌱🔥:cool:


Hobby Farmer
That day 70 A-dub..wow. Mentally debilitating. It is hard to function without forgetting what i am doing with a coffee in my hand (was i drinking the coffee or putting it down).

Holy shit that is strong. like really really strong.

And it tastes really good. Smooth too so I guess i have to roll smaller doobs or something. This one you dont put hash or rosin in and walk the dog or someone will have to call search and rescue.

Lemon lime and pine. Really great.

But save it for your real stoner friends because that would be rough on a newb !

I am growing that again !


Dont Need One
Yeah the contest was for the top 5 posters in the thread of people who actually posted what they got. I'll have quite a few of these seeds so I'll go through the thread and pick a few people based on effort also. This tester run is pretty important to me so I'll be running a few myself but I really want others to see the final results of the soup I been cooking.
There are a few things i do you guys dont always get to see. I cant talk about everything i do lol.

High kev

Yankee seeds
It’s hard to get to page 237 if u don’t have it saved on that page u have to hit next 235 times on my iPhone. It doesn’t have the option to select page just next. The trick is ya gotta keep ur phone always on and always charging. I can cook an egg on my phone right now while I scroll through looking for the winners. Good thing we got some time I hope 🤞 I want to earn those freebies lol 😂 I’ll even take the little white ones to. Hey ya never know


Dont Need One
It’s hard to get to page 237 if u don’t have it saved on that page u have to hit next 235 times on my iPhone. It doesn’t have the option to select page just next. The trick is ya gotta keep ur phone always on and always charging. I can cook an egg on my phone right now while I scroll through looking for the winners. Good thing we got some time I hope 🤞 I want to earn those freebies lol 😂 I’ll even take the little white ones to. Hey ya never know
Turn your phone the other way and you can go to any page you wantScreenshot_20191206-095614_Samsung Internet.jpg


That day 70 A-dub..wow. Mentally debilitating. It is hard to function without forgetting what i am doing with a coffee in my hand (was i drinking the coffee or putting it down).

Holy shit that is strong. like really really strong.

And it tastes really good. Smooth too so I guess i have to roll smaller doobs or something. This one you dont put hash or rosin in and walk the dog or someone will have to call search and rescue.

Lemon lime and pine. Really great.

But save it for your real stoner friends because that would be rough on a newb !

I am growing that again !
Hey gwheels...do you get that soapy fresh smell after you smoke? Mine is lemon/lime pine as well. Most stuff doesnt have a unique smell after you burn it. Usually just smells like weed, but the adub and glue put off a distinct smell. I was just wondering if you got the same thi g going on.


Are orders taking longer to ship because of Black Friday? Mine has been processing since Tuesday morning, just curious, usually they would ship the same day as payment is received.
I had four orders that took a few days longer than normal. Shipped yesterday and today. Black Friday has to have bogged them down a bit. Still impressed with the turnaround. How many orders would you guess they've processed over the last 2 weeks.
Bets its more than I would guess. Gu and Heison are killing it.
My order changed to shipped today, but then i get an email from help desk after emailing, that its going to ship in the next few days. I dont mind that, as they have been very busy which is understandable but what i dont like is that your order (international) ships WITHOUT a tracking number which is a real shitter for me.

Ordered from Heisen and he sent out before payment reaached him in the post via a tracked method. This way at least you know where your order is at.

Now lets say i dont get my order in the next 2 weeks (even tho should take a week or so) how the fuck do i know if was even posted or not? did it get lost? customs threw it away? proof of sending the order?

The $15 for shipping def should cover orders via a tracked method so at least if the customer doesnt get his order he knows someone along the line snatched it but it was shipped at least.....that i can live with

Any local and international peeps on here agree with me?


Cannabis Connoisseur
I had a gotten a message on BF saying my thanksgiving order had shipped, was getting worried it was misdelivered as we have a new, less competent mail person, then I received another notice today saying it was shipped today? NBD, my tents are all full anyways, it was actually a bit of a relief to know they weren’t misdelivered.
Well done man. That's so her. I miss that plant but it was just one of those that not many people.wanted and was just not worth having around taking up space.
People may have not wanted previously....but faq me has it caught on....those that have it hoard it....and those that don't desire it.....hmmmm....sounds like Heisen should bring her back ( if possible)..... 💰 To be made .... 🔥 To be found....


Heathen Basterd
That day 70 A-dub..wow. Mentally debilitating. It is hard to function without forgetting what i am doing with a coffee in my hand (was i drinking the coffee or putting it down).

Holy shit that is strong. like really really strong.

And it tastes really good. Smooth too so I guess i have to roll smaller doobs or something. This one you dont put hash or rosin in and walk the dog or someone will have to call search and rescue.

Lemon lime and pine. Really great.

But save it for your real stoner friends because that would be rough on a newb !

I am growing that again !
I fucking warned You its fire , sheep riding strong