#Heisenbeans Genetics


I can not seem to find it with the search function. Can someone point me to the Heisen RWDC or DWC system tutorial?

I think i might build one of these over the winter break.


I was thinking about the light and its effect on the newly planted clones. So I raised them up about 8 inches higher than usual and it didn't help much. It's a 600 watt hps running @ 450 watts on a dimmable ballast. I will try to run the ballast @ 50% on the next batch of planted clones. Maybe 300 watts will be more gentle on them. It does seem to be stressing them on the higher wattage. But if the ST works I may not have to.

Thanks H :alien:

I use a 4' long led light that pulls like 30 watts. It can cover several of my aerocloners.
Works great.


How do you guys feel about revegging a plant?
Most seem to have a hard time doing this or failing completely.
I ask cuz I only got 2 of my ecsd/bbc to pop.
Well I wasn’t impressed with 1 of them. So i just flowered her out & that was it for that plant. But now that the second pheno is in week 8 flowering. And i must say she looks real nice.
Smells great great frost big ass golf ball buds. So you see i only got the 2 phenos as i said let the 1 go.
But I’d like to try saving the other 1 i guess i can take a couple clones off her & try to reveg her also.
Maybe i get one of the clones to root or the main plant to reveg. Giving me 2 chances to get her in my garden for the long term. Any advice is welcome & appreciated.
On another subject the heisen strains i know I’m keeping very happy with are Sunday driver purple punch gg4 bridezilla i have 4 of those all look good but 1 looks really good & last but certainly not least i had 3 gmo/bbc and it looks bad ass she’s a winner for sure keeping her around. I still have some crosses to play with just started 4 of the gmo/gg4.
There just seedlings so don’t know how end product will look on that cross yet but we’ll see.
And hell in the meantime having fun going though these genetics & finding which ones have the fire & will be staying on for awhile

I reveg all the time when I find a keeper. Takes a couple of weeks to reveg to start again. Just don't cut it down to nothing. Leave enough on the plant so it won't go into shock when cutting bud off and then a light change.


I think I have 6 of the 36 site cloners. I can put 2 stems in each one if I want. I also made 3 more out of totes. The big grey totes. One holds like 200 of the net cups. I then cut bottom of the net cups. Put in the collars in each one with the pump and pvc misters that I made. Those leaked a little around the edge until I sealed it off.

Years ago I grew hundreds of plants outside and hundreds inside in a stadium set up with bare bulbs hanging out on a light mover. That got old hand watering that many


Dont Need One


Yeah the taller genetics take some getting use to, but they finish so strong and stacked makes me love em. Shorter single cattail style colas ---> :poop:
Some folks like that shit but it always seemed like those style plants produce mediocre shit. My taste in preference has only become snobbish I guess as I have so many I only keep the bell ringers anymore so they are what's used as parents to make offspring.

Do not like foxtailed buds. Much longer to trim up.


What do you put in yours besides water. Anything special?

Nope nothing but water. Tried different stuff over the years but straight water works just as fast as anything. No root hormone or anything.
Just make sure it is bacteria free. That's why I bleach it out and run water/bleach mix through the pump and misters every 2 weeks. If not bacteria seems to thrive in their and it will never root but have stem rot instead.


I even made a wooden stand to take the top out with the stems in it and place in the stand. So I could bleach inside of the tub.
Can't stress that enough. Depends on amount of clones I would get a backup cloner.

My misters clog up with debris or roots but I take a needle and punch it through and blow it out with my mouth. Seen where a lot of people chunk em but I don't. Those roots explode after they start showing.


Dont Need One
Nope nothing but water. Tried different stuff over the years but straight water works just as fast as anything. No root hormone or anything.
Just make sure it is bacteria free. That's why I bleach it out and run water/bleach mix through the pump and misters every 2 weeks. If not bacteria seems to thrive in their and it will never root but have stem rot instead.
How much light you using