#Heisenbeans Genetics

Rolly reads this forum and knows who everybody is that posts over there. Even me I suppose.

I know you guys are having fun but is it worth it? Why bother? You are doing exactly what they want you to do. Post on RIU and get bant. So they get the last lol.

Want to win? Post the fire here and on the Heisenbeans thread over there. Rolly wont say shit if you flame on that thread. I know the guys style for 12 years now and he wont ban anyone on H's thread unless it's overly excessive. BUT, Gen has pull with other mods there. So he must be crying to Sunny about what's going on and reporting your posts. Of course he will deny it, that's his style. "Not me, I don't play those childish games", all the while playing those childish games.

You want to win on RIU? Listen to Hotty. Rolly likes the flames but only in specific threads. IMO, don't even visit that CP thread anymore. Keep the flames and fire on the HB thread :alien:


So I had one adub and one sundae s1 just fall over and die maybe the got damped off? Hard to say but the other 5 beans are doing fine waiting on one to pop still not all Heisen gear
Never really had an issue with seedlings damping off, it wasn’t tall and just fell over possibly they needed more water as they were pretty dry when I checked them after work today idk guess I gotta pick 2 more beans to pop