#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
View attachment 7623
A guy is sharing this as a seed he bought from GPS its @Heisenbeans bridezilla.
I think it looks awesome but holy Fuck Batman how is he so far along?
I'm not trying to start trouble just wondering?
If I’m correct that’s one of the pics Heisen put up of his bridezilles.
The guy on other site is full of shit I think.
Unless I’m wrong than i take it back.
Pretty sure that’s H pic though


Dont Need One
If I’m correct that’s one of the pics Heisen put up of his bridezilles.
The guy on other site is full of shit I think.
Unless I’m wrong than i take it back.
Pretty sure that’s H pic though
That's his, I sent a few seeds out to different people. Keyown1 posted a pic of a gg4 a couple months back. I sent out seeds the day I shucked em to a couple people here and there that i know. Theres some wifi 43 out there and a few others.


Junior Soil Food Web Consultant
Folks crying about untested maybe this shut em the fuck up. I got trays of seeds over here coming up. Finding new moms and testing some unreleased stuff.

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:) Maybe its good that I'm not too actively responding to people on threads. All I'm here for is feedback, results, and customer service.My climate it pretty harsh where I stay so I'll give direct feedback of outdoor, greenhouse and indoor grows. just accumulating funds to place a nice order. my currency is pretty wack to usd xD


What happened???
From RIU member Greenthumbs256,
"so, I just want to clear things up real fast, I have never given out any of heisens cuts, not the ones he sent me himself. and not the ones I've collected from other ppl he sent them too.

but now after how everything went down. I no longer give 2 shits, far as I concerned H is dead and so is green! dude after everything changed my picture on the other site, and made a complete joke out of my name, which is completely uncalled for and childish. so I'll return the favor. who ever wants any of Heisenbeans clone only strains, I'll practically give them away for free! don't care to make any money. why do you ask, but fuck that faggot. I'm done trying to be nice and a good person. I have every cut he claims he's is the only person that get them, which is a joke, about 70% of his cuts I received either from him personally or from the hands of someone he gave them to personally. the rest come from the breeders that he calls out saying are fake, and bla bla bla.

go ahead H tell them how everything I have is fake, lol, everyone else, hit me up. you can find me on ig, for a limited time. in case I'm banned here. wish everyone else the best, H suck my fat fucking dick!

GREEN 256 "

"now you guys can run around saying I broke my word and I'm horrible person, bc now it is true! lol peace out "


LED Recruiter
That's his, I sent a few seeds out to different people. Keyown1 posted a pic of a gg4 a couple months back. I sent out seeds the day I shucked em to a couple people here and there that i know. Theres some wifi 43 out there and a few others.
See, you did do some testing!!! On the down low. Duh. Some real walter white shit.
Ya never know whos watching you.
I have had the pleasure of dm'ing some very interesting and seemingly important people on this platform.
Sorry but the trolls at riu that are just looking to bitch at you about something or are very fast to critique how you do things.
I will do my best to raise these babies appropriately and maybe if the chance were to ever happen again, i would be in the position to show proof of my work.
This place is like a resume for,my pot growing abilities. I have learned alot and been given every chance to obtain quality genetics i never before had the chance at.


Dont Need One
Just to clear shit up. Yes I have been giving people seeds for a while. Because I dont advertise and theres a reason. If I did everyone would be hitting me up. So I share with people who on a need to know basis. Same with cuts.
Green claims he has my cuts and he is 100 percent full of shit. I dont know who them fucks are hes talking about but why is there no flowering pics of anything ever. The only thing I gave out was glue and wedding cake. I also gave out the mac and thats it. Them dudes name dropping to his dumb ass or listening to someone's bullshit about where they think I get my shit from.