#Heisenbeans Genetics

Green flips the fuck out over the smallest of things tho. We all stood behind him on his numerous rants over the months but I'm done with it. Especially over the seed packs from "the list".

Mods - Please see if you can make a "Heisen seeds complaints" thread. This way all the complaints will be placed there and this thread stays for his "testers".

This way I can post pics of my A-DUB mutants and tell Heisen how much they suck............with pictures, on the "complaint" thread. Then post the good pics of the rest of his goodies here :alien:


What's a SIP?
Green flips the fuck out over the smallest of things tho. We all stood behind him on his numerous rants over the months but I'm done with it. Especially over the seed packs from "the list".

Mods - Please see if you can make a "Heisen seeds complaints" thread. This way all the complaints will be placed there and this thread stays for his "testers".

This way I can post pics of my A-DUB mutants and tell Heisen how much they suck............with pictures, on the "complaint" thread. Then post the good pics of the rest of his goodies here :alien:
yea man, ya know your right, you all right, sorry I'm such a horrible fuck of a person. I can see vast majority feel that way. so I'll do you all a favor and i will fuck off for good, from both here and riu, fuck it, I'll go all the way and delete ig as well! peace!

wish everyone the best!
no hard feelings:poop::poop::poop:

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
Cant have one peaceful fucking day without bullshit. I'm this close to shutting this shit down and staying the fuck off these forums. I see now why breeders never come to these places.
So much bullshit information and lies. The dude flat out threatened me in PM to report me to PayPal. The thing is he had already done it. He tried to get a refund through PayPal. There was an open dispute. PayPal saw what was going on and closed it down.

That's it. No one ever accused green of being a snitch. Why the fuck cant people pay attention. To the facts is beyond me.
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I was like how the fuck did green get called that? so I went over to riu and seen the one dude said it was him and now he apologized ..Some Ridiculous stuff going on over there ,,I just want this thread to get back on track with some Heisenbeans post and not all this b.s.
I can’t wait for some flowering pics to start showing up


Dont Need One
yea man, ya know your right, you all right, sorry I'm such a horrible fuck of a person. I can see vast majority feel that way. so I'll do you all a favor and i will fuck off for good, from both here and riu, fuck it, I'll go all the way and delete ig as well! peace!

wish everyone the best!
no hard feelings:poop::poop::poop:
I mean really man after the argument was over you made the shit post about not getting freebies? I sent freebies to everyone who asked all the people that ordered and asked got em. I made a post here. I think you was busy with the new hemp farm and was gone from here for a couple weeks.


yea man, ya know your right, you all right, sorry I'm such a horrible fuck of a person. I can see vast majority feel that way. so I'll do you all a favor and i will fuck off for good, from both here and riu, fuck it, I'll go all the way and delete ig as well! peace!

wish everyone the best!
no hard feelings:poop::poop::poop:
Seems a little over the top man. Let's just carry on. This place wouldn't be the same without some gg4 in a sip cmon now lol lord we're getting a little bit closer to a dumpster fire lol


This is the list of what I'm making from here out.
There will be a few wild cards here and there but for the most part these will be the ones I'm gonna stick with.
I'm sure I'll come across good cuts here and there to toss in but this is the list.

Pp is purple punch
Sd is sundae driver
Wc is wedding cake
Tc topanga canyon
Gg gorilla glue
Ec east coast sd
Od orange daquri
Bc. banana cookies
Wp wedding pie
Gmo gmo
Aog alien OG
So shoreline OG
Go ghost OG

I liked the adub as much as any but it just sat and not many bought em. Same with sunset sherbert.

Same with the ghost. I think I'll make some random ghost crosses but from everything I'm seeing in the moms and customer demand anything below on this list will give you some powerhouse plants.

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Did not know you had sunset sherbet S1 and the ghost OG S1. I'd def buy them.


I mean really man after the argument was over you made the shit post about not getting freebies? I sent freebies to everyone who asked all the people that ordered and asked got em. I made a post here. I think you was busy with the new hemp farm and was gone from here for a couple weeks.

Yes you did. You made a post about if anyone who was on the list not get their 3 packs to send you a PM to get theirs. That after that time you was going to call it quits on giving out free packs.
I know that because I read it and sent you a PM and I then bought several more packs and threw in some more $ to ya for the free packs to cover the labels and shipping.

I clearly remember because I was a benefactor of it.
I have 6 A-DUB's, 6 Corey's and 7 BBC running right now. I will be germing 6 Purple Punch, 6 Wedding Cake and 8 GG4 in 2 weeks. If none of those are keepers I will be doing 19 Space Alien after that :alien:

My first batch have already been topped once. One more topping and I'll take clones and flower in 2 or 3 weeks. Pics in a few days of the goodies and the A-DUB and Corey mutants.


Really Active Member
Why post pictures if strains are not from GPS or Heisen ???
Because i was saying in a post that I didn’t think the gg4 i had was the clone only more likely a s1.
Someone asked if i had a pick.
Sorry for the chem/cookies pic it just happened to be flowering next to the gg4.
So my son snapped a pic of it as well.
Every thing else was relevant to the thread. The glue pics & the heisen s1 & crosses.
If your really that upset fine I won’t post any pics at again.
Those were the 1st pics I’ve ever posted anywhere after growing for 24 years.
Please excuse me


European Bean Flicker
Because i was saying in a post that I didn’t think the gg4 i had was the clone only more likely a s1.
Someone asked if i had a pick.
Sorry for the chem/cookies pic it just happened to be flowering next to the gg4.
So my son snapped a pic of it as well.
Every thing else was relevant to the thread. The glue pics & the heisen s1 & crosses.
If your really that upset fine I won’t post any pics at again.
Those were the 1st pics I’ve ever posted anywhere after growing for 24 years.
Please excuse me
I don't think the dude was been serious.
Good on ya for posting pics in the first place. 🤘


Heathen Basterd
So I took a 48 hour breather and guess what feel the same, people who report to PayPal or 50 on a guy who has busted ass and been beyond generous with top genetics deserve to be Blood Eagled and can lap the stink from my rear pink. H You keep on keepin on and know some people appreciate all You have and are doing


Super Active Member
Because i was saying in a post that I didn’t think the gg4 i had was the clone only more likely a s1.
Someone asked if i had a pick.
Sorry for the chem/cookies pic it just happened to be flowering next to the gg4.
So my son snapped a pic of it as well.
Every thing else was relevant to the thread. The glue pics & the heisen s1 & crosses.
If your really that upset fine I won’t post any pics at again.
Those were the 1st pics I’ve ever posted anywhere after growing for 24 years.
Please excuse me
Yeah keep the pictures rolling i just thought this is for Hesisen crosses only this thread no worries 👍🏼
Keep up the good work 😎