#Heisenbeans Genetics

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
A complete disrespectful move.
I post on a forum.
That's what a fucking forum is for.
Posting shit.
So I post alot. I've said I do that.
Someone's got an issue with me say so.
Don't act like an asshole and name call people.
Make fun of them.
I don't put it all out there but I post alot because I'm currently in a nasty ass divorce to an evil Cunt.
Then to have another Cunt poke fun at me because I enjoy the good conversation here and talk to lots of folks since I no longer have a wife to chill with.
Fuck you you fucking fuck ass bitch motherfucker coward pc of shit and I can't think of any worse names to call you.
I'm so gosh darned pissed.
Really fuck this forum if the people in control do this type of bullshit.
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I know it’s easier said than done but take a deep breath and like I said hopefully they’ll fix it for you ASAP I’m sorry for this inconvenience that it’s causing you. And you know if I could fix it I would in a heartbeat

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
A complete disrespectful move.
I post on a forum.
That's what a fucking forum is for.
Posting shit.
So I post alot. I've said I do that.
Someone's got an issue with me say so.
Don't act like an asshole and name call people.
Make fun of them.
I don't put it all out there but I post alot because I'm currently in a nasty ass divorce to an evil Cunt.
Then to have another Cunt poke fun at me because I enjoy the good conversation here and talk to lots of folks since I no longer have a wife to chill with.
Fuck you you fucking fuck ass bitch motherfucker coward pc of shit and I can't think of any worse names to call you.
I'm so gosh darned pissed.
Really fuck this forum if the people in control do this type of bullshit.
View attachment 5899
For what it’s worth Jesse, I enjoy reading all your posts. You’ve got a great sense of humor and It wouldn’t be the same here without you.


European Bean Flicker
@Jesselikes2Grow , nobody here has a problem with you. Don't take it personal. We all appreciate your posts man.
Don't let been married to a cunt affect your judgement, it was just a friendly ribbing. Im sure the intention was not to alienate you at all. But what one person thinks as a light hearted joke another can see as a personal attack, even if it wasn't intended to be.
Nothing like been married to a cunt to make you more sensitive .
Heisen clearly doesn't have that problem and he wasn't to know what troubles are going on in the background of your life. Plus he has a shit sense of humour 😲

FWIW its not like you stand out as someone who posts too often anyway, not like that SIPS guy!! 😁

Deleted member 60

Damn Jesse....hope ya don't go man. Didn't see what happened....but....

Much like the entire Katsu thing....there needs to be a lot more restraint shown by those who have the reigns here. After-the-event "apologies" don't mend fences when respect has been blown by out and out fuckery or a huge, unwarranted show of disrespect. It's only funny if the dick isn't up >your< ass.

Folks sometimes don't get that when yer in crisis....everything is magnified 10-fold and nothing is "funny."

best of luck however you decide to play this out......


Mediocre grower
Not really sure what happened lol, but where I'm from, if I give you shit or make fun of you, it's probably because we're good friends.

But I have also learned a tough life lesson lately that it's easy to blow shit out if proportion and overreact to shit when you are going through tough times. But I almost always look back and wish I would have used more restraint.

All that being said, i really enjoy your posts too @Jesselikes2Grow


Heisenghost towering over the MAC x AAW, rosin's cut, one MAC f2, the flowering plant to the left of HBG is usefuls chemD x ChocD. She's a tall glass of water for sure, kickin in the flowering. Hear the yeild is good on ghost, may have to be tyin her up, but hope that's the case, long bud startin everywhere. It is GG4 as the other parent on heisenbastids, right?


Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Heisenghost towering over the MAC x AAW, rosin's cut, one MAC f2, the flowering plant to the left of HBG is usefuls chemD x ChocD. She's a tall glass of water for sure, kickin in the flowering. Hear the yeild is good on ghost, may have to be tyin her up, but hope that's the case, long bud startin everywhere. It is GG4 as the other parent on heisenbastids, right?
Is that a 2x4 tent?