#Heisenbeans Genetics

Inf Flux


Trying a cool feature we got.
Well that's pretty nifty.

On the updates, Weekly + cool shit whatever I feel like seems like a good way. Not trying to set a guideline for everyone, just me. The last (first) one I did was every other day and lets be real, the plants don't change that much in a day or two. Where that was most fun for me was when convo got going over the lights or training or whatever, the sideshow stuff.


Super Active Member
How much variance from plant to plant do s1's and s1 crosses usually express?
Compared to lets say a f1 polyhybrid?

It's something I been wondering, and haven't seen mentioned or talked about.
Unless I missed it, or was to stoned. lol

Since I grow mainly for myself, I normally don't run many at a time.
But if there will be a lot of different expressions between plants, I may run more and vedge less, and look for that special girl.

Hope it isn't to dumb of a question, but I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. Just curious is all.


Heathen Basterd
How much variance from plant to plant do s1's and s1 crosses usually express?
Compared to lets say a f1 polyhybrid?

It's something I been wondering, and haven't seen mentioned or talked about.
Unless I missed it, or was to stoned. lol

Since I grow mainly for myself, I normally don't run many at a time.
But if there will be a lot of different expressions between plants, I may run more and vedge less, and look for that special girl.

Hope it isn't to dumb of a question, but I never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer. Just curious is all.
No dumb questions Bro , You can get the same pheno swings in S1s as F1s , if Your running small numbers just take each plant as it is , some stretchers will be next to a tight stacker , I just try to keep canopy as level as possible


LED Recruiter
Oh man!! I'm fucking pumped!! My bastards ghost og have arrived!!!
Do u think an hps 1000w @50% @ 4 ft away. I have am under t12's but the ambient temp of the room only gets to 65° so it would help keep an warm when lights on. I was just nervous about frying em. What ya think? I figure as long as the light is far enough away it should be ok?


Led Tech
Oh man!! I'm fucking pumped!! My bastards ghost og have arrived!!!
Do u think an hps 1000w @50% @ 4 ft away. I have am under t12's but the ambient temp of the room only gets to 65° so it would help keep an warm when lights on. I was just nervous about frying em. What ya think? I figure as long as the light is far enough away it should be ok?
If you're only using it for heat I'd say you'll be alright. But I wouldnt blast new borns with it. But 65° is cold enough to slow growth.


LED Recruiter
Dude I keep mine under T5 200 watts 24/7 for the first week. Then gradually lower the hours. I do 20 at a time tho. If I did 1 or 2 I would just surround them with 100 watts or so of cfl for 24/7. Keeps them nice and short :)
I have had em going for 2 weeks now and minimal growth.
I have been away all week. I may try the hps at the top of the tent and the newbies on the ground. I don't wanna get a radiator going in thw tent so this would be an in between fix until thw weather warms up, and the plants get bigger.
Thanks for the answer.
Ive had new s3edling in my room with it @ 100% but they werent in direct light. I'm just getting second opinions