Greenpoint Seeds


Hey @Gu~~~ have texted your business a couple times this morning with no response. I have a few questions about the sale and why you did what you did.

If you could get back with me either here or on the phone, that would be great.

Otherwise I'll be calling my bank and canceling funds and never placing another order again.


Hey @Gu~~~ have texted your business a couple times this morning with no response. I have a few questions about the sale and why you did what you did.

If you could get back with me either here or on the phone, that would be great.

Otherwise I'll be calling my bank and canceling funds and never placing another order again.
Damn bro they always get back to you but do you think you are the only customer? They probably have hundreds of messages to answer give it some time


Damn bro they always get back to you but do you think you are the only customer? They probably have hundreds of messages to answer give it some time

Sure bud. I'll patiently wait while they've already taken my $360 with no response from a real person. How long do you think i should wait?


Sure bud. I'll patiently wait while they've already taken my $360 with no response from a real person. How long do you think i should wait?
A full business day? You just bought them yesterday man. Is it their fault you didn’t wait for the sale? No. Did they mess anything up? No. That’s how it works when you make a purchase they take the money you get a product. Just slow down @Gu~~~ always makes customers happy. He bends over backwards to make sure people stay happy. You bought the beans without the discount.
sucks but it is what it is and I bet GU still finds a way to make it right for you


A full business day? You just bought them yesterday man. Is it their fault you didn’t wait for the sale? No. Did they mess anything up? No. That’s how it works when you make a purchase they take the money you get a product. Just slow down @Gu~~~ always makes customers happy. He bends over backwards to make sure people stay happy. You bought the beans without the discount.
sucks but it is what it is and I bet GU still finds a way to make it right for you
Yeah well he sure isn't handling it from what I see. He could take the time to comment here but not take the time to address the problem? I don't understand.


Size difference man @J.James isnt on the same level as gps. ( no offense meant pretty sure he knows that) but he isn’t packing and shipping the volume gps is.
Totally understand that perspective. Still not acceptable. This wasn't my first order. All I'm asking for is a little service in a timely manner. It doesn't take much for me to call the bank and end this whole sherade. I'm just curious to see how Greenpoint wants to handle it on their end.


Yeah well he sure isn't handling it from what I see. He could take the time to comment here but not take the time to address the problem? I don't understand.
In no way do I represent greenpoint in anyway.
Just someone with experience with the company

Just chill man take it to email with him. Addressing problems in the public form hasn’t proved positive in the past. It hasn’t even been 24hrs they will get back to you. You can call them even. They do have pretty good customer service bro. But taking it to the bank can make them lose another cc Processor. And not for nothing, you bought them with the intention of buying them. They are not at fault because you didn’t see a upcoming sale.


Totally understand that perspective. Still not acceptable. This wasn't my first order. All I'm asking for is a little service in a timely manner. It doesn't take much for me to call the bank and end this whole sherade. I'm just curious to see how Greenpoint wants to handle it on their end.
Listen man toke a bowl. He responded in less than 1 business day how can you ask for better service? It wasn’t the answer you wanted but they will get to it and probably today. Going to the bank about is not a good way to handle it as it could ruin the cc option for everyone and other breeders will take notice that you went that route.
I understand it’s a lot of dough but give them the benefit of the doubt man. Seen this exact situation before with someone else a few times actually and they always get settled. Either refunds free packs credits whatever I can’t speak for what they do.

but imo you don’t even have reason to take it to the bank? It would be different if they over charged you but they didn’t.
If you went to Walmart and bought a grill for 300 bux then saw the next day that they put it on sale for 250, would you expect them to give you a refund?


In no way do I represent greenpoint in anyway.
Just someone with experience with the company

Just chill man take it to email with him. Addressing problems in the public form hasn’t proved positive in the past. It hasn’t even been 24hrs they will get back to you. You can call them even. They do have pretty good customer service bro. But taking it to the bank can make them lose another cc Processor. And not for nothing, you bought them with the intention of buying them. They are not at fault because you didn’t see a upcoming sale.
No they are not required to do anything. But offering a pre-sale (time) on seeds and then within, let's say, 48 offer a real sale (money) on the same seeds seems shady. Why not do them both at the same time. See I feel taken advantage of and I don't like it. I've tried contacting Greenpoint with no response. I am not having a good experience with Greenpoint and I spent money on a pre-sale. I don't know why you're trying to guilt me a curtain way but I don't like it either. I've already said what I'm going to do and I'm a man of my word. Come 4:00 today eastern time, I'll make a call to my bank so that I can get this cleared up and enjoy my weekend.

Ps, sry I seem so demanding but I work hard for my money.


No they are not required to do anything. But offering a pre-sale (time) on seeds and then within, let's say, 48 offer a real sale (money) on the same seeds seems shady. Why not do them both at the same time. See I feel taken advantage of and I don't like it. I've tried contacting Greenpoint with no response. I am not having a good experience with Greenpoint and I spent money on a pre-sale. I don't know why you're trying to guilt me a curtain way but I don't like it either. I've already said what I'm going to do and I'm a man of my word. Come 4:00 today eastern time, I'll make a call to my bank so that I can get this cleared up and enjoy my weekend.

Ps, sry I seem so demanding but I work hard for my money.
A preorder isn’t the same as a sale!
I’m in no way trying to guilt you man. I work daily and long hours for everything i have so I get that. If you need a fast response Call them they have a direct contact number.


@Evergreengardener FYI: this convo, between me and you should have been in pm's but for some reason you wanted to reply and make a point in public.

I’m in no way trying to guilt you man. I work daily and long hours for everything i have so I get that. If you need a fast response Call them they have a direct contact number.
I totally get the call part but figured I'd be pacient and wait for a reply cause they're probably busy. I'm hoping they'll get back to me in a timely manor. I guess we'll see.


@Evergreengardener FYI: this convo, between me and you should have been in pm's but for some reason you wanted to reply and make a point in public.

I totally get the call part but figured I'd be pacient and wait for a reply cause they're probably busy. I'm hoping they'll get back to me in a timely manor. I guess we'll see.
I replied to a post you made on a public forum man. Upon my first reply you could have sent me a dm.
So you haven’t called but are threating to stop payment from the bank? Idk man from where I’m sitting that doesn’t seem like being patient. But 🤷 idk your situation or thoughts. All I know is gps does tend to handle issues fairly. Hell even more than fairly for that matter.


I replied to a post you made on a public forum man. Upon my first reply you could have sent me a dm.
So you haven’t called but are threating to stop payment from the bank? Idk man from where I’m sitting that doesn’t seem like being patient. But 🤷 idk your situation or thoughts. All I know is gps does tend to handle issues fairly. Hell even more than fairly for that matter.
I have no problem with this being public. Couldn't care less what people think of me. Kinda figured that was obvious at this point. You're the one who said something about airing this in public.

Well man, only time will tell at this point. I just know I'm not gonna let someone else's poor practices ruin my weekend. I'll have a good one either way.

Personally I don't wanna call the bank and explain this shit but I don't care what people think of me, so it'll be easy.

Skunkle Justin

Active Member
I replied to a post you made on a public forum man. Upon my first reply you could have sent me a dm.
So you haven’t called but are threating to stop payment from the bank? Idk man from where I’m sitting that doesn’t seem like being patient. But 🤷 idk your situation or thoughts. All I know is gps does tend to handle issues fairly. Hell even more than fairly for that matter.
I’ve had no problems with Greenpoint either. The gal I spoke with helped me out with a germination fiasco I had. And she was pretty quick about responding. This joker is having a shit fit over a few damn dollars and that’s crazy. He needs to spend more time on the business end of his bong. I’ve been waiting for those damn Dubstep seeds to drop for a while now and would’ve paid full price without looking back. Some people just need to relax...


I have no problem with this being public. Couldn't care less what people think of me. Kinda figured that was obvious at this point. You're the one who said something about airing this in public.

Well man, only time will tell at this point. I just know I'm not gonna let someone else's poor practices ruin my weekend. I'll have a good one either way.

Personally I don't wanna call the bank and explain this shit but I don't care what people think of me, so it'll be easy.
Sometimes it takes longer, but I'm GPS will get you taken care of.
I know how you feel. lol


Seed Slingin' Outlaw
I totally get the call part but figured I'd be pacient and wait for a reply cause they're probably busy. I'm hoping they'll get back to me in a timely manor. I guess we'll see.
I had an issue with an order from Greenpoint and they bent over backwards to correct the issue and ensure I was satisfied. I placed many orders afterward with little to no issues with the exception of shipping delays that were more postal issues than Greenpoint. @Evergreengardener is correct that they operate on a much larger scale than I do especially considering that they operate on multiple levels not only with Greenpoint but through their other business ventures.

Calling them via their direct number will solve your issue the fastest
Emailing them they usually respond within 36 hours

@Gu~~~ Has a good team of people he surrounds himself with that respond very quickly to issues, Give them a chance and I'm sure you will come to trust them the same way I do


I had an issue with an order from Greenpoint and they bent over backwards to correct the issue and ensure I was satisfied. I placed many orders afterward with little to no issues with the exception of shipping delays that were more postal issues than Greenpoint. @Evergreengardener is correct that they operate on a much larger scale than I do especially considering that they operate on multiple levels not only with Greenpoint but through their other business ventures.

Calling them via their direct number will solve your issue the fastest
Emailing them they usually respond within 36 hours

@Gu~~~ Has a good team of people he surrounds himself with that respond very quickly issues, Give them a chance and I'm sure you will come to trust them the same way I do
Thanks for the insight.