Greenpoint Seeds


I didn't want to start a thread for this,
during times of extreme heat(90's), what can you do to lessen the stress?
Container grows can be put in the shade and cover the containers to cool the roots.
Should you trim fan leaves or will that very act cause more stress? Will the plant use less water?
What's that real smart girl Gu hired think about it?
Some pointers from her would be much appreciated.


Dont Need One
I didn't want to start a thread for this,
during times of extreme heat(90's), what can you do to lessen the stress?
Container grows can be put in the shade and cover the containers to cool the roots.
Should you trim fan leaves or will that very act cause more stress? Will the plant use less water?
What's that real smart girl Gu hired think about it?
Some pointers from her would be much appreciated.
How about an automated system ?


How about an automated system ?
Indoor/outdoor grow.
I have to move my containers during the day because I chase the sunlight through a canopy of cover. I'm sitting one container inside another on a ceramic brick with water in 2nd container to extend between waterings. I've always been a "hand water grower".
The planes are searching this area hard for plants right now.
The surrounding environment is dry and wilting and they stick out like a sore thumb. Trails are easily seen too.
It almost isn't worth it to keep a few plants around outside. These fuckers know what they're doing.
I feel sorry for the ones trying to grow a bunch right now, Plants will be wilting on the vine, if no water available. 90's another week and with no rain.
Oh, and the choppers only show up on flight radar at a certain height. They bleep in and out.
Life in "prohibition land". lol

After the next week of heat, rain should be setting in for the eastern US and mountain folk for "who knows how long". The storms are lining up.
Mold and premature flowers mean "early picking" for a lot of you.
Stay moisture vigilant.


Just some dude

Something like Potassium Polyacrylate crystals may help. They also have it available at Walmart. I've never used it before but it says it's non-toxic and safe to use on food.
Indoor/outdoor grow.
I have to move my containers during the day because I chase the sunlight through a canopy of cover. I'm sitting one container inside another on a ceramic brick with water in 2nd container to extend between waterings. I've always been a "hand water grower".
The planes are searching this area hard for plants right now.
The surrounding environment is dry and wilting and they stick out like a sore thumb. Trails are easily seen too.
It almost isn't worth it to keep a few plants around outside. These fuckers know what they're doing.
I feel sorry for the ones trying to grow a bunch right now, Plants will be wilting on the vine, if no water available. 90's another week and with no rain.
Oh, and the choppers only show up on flight radar at a certain height. They bleep in and out.
Life in "prohibition land". lol

After the next week of heat, rain should be setting in for the eastern US and mountain folk for "who knows how long". The storms are lining up.
Mold and premature flowers mean "early picking" for a lot of you.
Stay moisture vigilant.


This is how plants are different outside

Suga mint


Old school glue


Frozen custard

You have some that look like that are just now showing sex and others that have been putting bud on for a while and all was planted same day.
Right now we are getting around 13 hrs of daylight and first of the month was getting 14 hrs of daylight. I've had some varieties putting bud on in late July before and others not show sex until middle September at around 12 hrs of daylight.

Means that if you grow indoors you can leave lights on longer than 12 and certain varieties will probably yield more being on 14 hrs of daylight vs 12 because they don't need 12 to flower. Some you have to flip on 12/12.


I didn't want to start a thread for this,
during times of extreme heat(90's), what can you do to lessen the stress?
Container grows can be put in the shade and cover the containers to cool the roots.
Should you trim fan leaves or will that very act cause more stress? Will the plant use less water?
What's that real smart girl Gu hired think about it?
Some pointers from her would be much appreciated.

Trust me growing in a green house is far hotter than outside the green house. I'm growing in 5 gal air pots. Never had an issue when it gets hot it just drinks more. Which means don't use such high ppm nutes. I usually use around 400 ppm nutes and don't remove the fan leaves those are used to help the plant transpire.
I'm watering 1x per day right now with plants that are around 5 ft tall and a bush. If I had 7ft tall plants or a smaller container then I'd have to water 2x per day. And it depends on if your in flower or veg on bow much she Is drinking. Just pic the pot up and see what it weighs. If it's lite, water. Don't have to keep the roots sopping wet all the time. It's good for them to dry out a bit but you have to use common sense. If you see leaves drooping pick the pot up to make sure it's not too much water and your drowning the roots.


This is how plants are different outside

Suga mint

View attachment 129997

Old school glue

View attachment 129998View attachment 129999

Frozen custard
View attachment 130000

You have some that look like that are just now showing sex and others that have been putting bud on for a while and all was planted same day.
Right now we are getting around 13 hrs of daylight and first of the month was getting 14 hrs of daylight. I've had some varieties putting bud on in late July before and others not show sex until middle September at around 12 hrs of daylight.

Means that if you grow indoors you can leave lights on longer than 12 and certain varieties will probably yield more being on 14 hrs of daylight vs 12 because they don't need 12 to flower. Some you have to flip on 12/12.
I agree you can flower with more than 12.
They recognize the decrease over time and each strain is slightly different in reaction time by their combined ancestral latitude origins.
Outdoor plants can be all over the place with flower maturity.
When you flip to 12/12, this isn't normal for a plant, it produces large amounts of "auxins", which is responsible for the "stretch".
The plant is in a vulnerable and weakened state from the fast "hormonal" changes. They're thinking that's when these pathogens and viroid's (maybe insects) attack the plant.
There's no reason you can't drop 1 or 2 hrs in a week and that should trigger them.
I'll do it in veg until they start showing, then raise it back up.


Dont Need One
Salute Hiesen, that plant came from one of the seeds @Slowdrawl sent me from a big pack of seeds you sent him for winning the Adub X Animal Cookies contest. I believe you said that they were all mixed up Stardawg crosses so after looking at Dotz on the Greenpoint website I thought that's what it was. Do you think it might be something else?
The dotz fems on the website aren't mine. Not sure who makes them . Don't know shit really. I know some others make some other crosses as well and I don't know shit about those either. Don't even know who makes em. Maybe gu got a setup in his garage who knows. I make all the PP and AC crosses as well as the S1s.


The dotz fems on the website aren't mine. Not sure who makes them . Don't know shit really. I know some others make some other crosses as well and I don't know shit about those either. Don't even know who makes em. Maybe gu got a setup in his garage who knows. I make all the PP and AC crosses as well as the S1s.
Did you breed the Zaza they are wanting testes for on Discord?