Fruit and vegetable gardens 2024


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Herels the latest. Not quite 'welcome to the jungle' - yet. Here's a little philosophy I twigged on today. While on the roof I saw that my patch of wild (or historical) day-lillies are starting to pop. At one point I would have been digging and transplanting and such to put the pretty things near the house. Now it's just stuff to look at walking through the woods. I have plenty of boulders too. Free to a good home but I ain't paying shipping.
The overview. Tomatoes are a lot bigger. Peppers are not so much. I spend about a half an hour a day walking the tomatoes and twisting the new growth around the drop cords. All the peppers that are in cages are those where I can fuck them up dragging a garden hose around. I prefer stakes and ties. Along the edge of the new part I fenced in at the back I added some short-fence rows with bush beans on the frint side and corn on the back. Behind the corn I am gonna start assorted clover.
Took 5 days for the corn and beans to pop. Damn grey roly-poly's were all over the beans when they popped. Seems they don't like cayenne pepper - I hope the corn and beans do. The little palm tree is a balsam and they have almost no roots and move easy, and reseed for next year. Bumbles love them.
I have lots of random stuff like millet, chamomile, various herb. looking for info on youtube about the chamomile and therewas some reddneck gardener shoeing me lots of pretty flowers. I was waiting for right part of the video because he was talking about "sha-mom-a-lee" and it didn't click 😂🤷‍♂️ Maybe he was being snarky? Sorghum looks like corn.
Protecting the raspberry with a fence was a premonition. I thought I was saving it from animals. The birdhouse gourd is gonna outcompete the poison ivy in the woods. there's volunteer lemon balm about to get overrun, and i put a cage around a new mulberry that popped up. at the bottom.
@treefarmercharlie this is the wood sorrel. I am getting some fat okras on it and I will try collecting the seed for an indoor cover crop.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
This has been interesting. I am pruning the hell out of this including leaves if they shade my garden-side peppers too bad, but I am letting them shade the ones in pots. All the tomatoes are growing on top.
Here's with the flash. what sucks is that the very first ones I showed in a pic on here a while ago still aren't ripe.
Some of the clusters are immense


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Damn vato, filling in the gaps. I dig it

That's exactly how the fruit trees are getting trained. Similar to grape cordons.
Upper right of the overhead is that mulberry I murdered last fall. It may make a few berries this year, but next year will be back to normal.

My plan it to train all the limbs I keep into a single quadrant away from the garden, and from the dogwood and maple behind it. The berries aren't that great in flavor but berry compost is good. And once I start paying attention to it I'll probably mulch the hell out of it and put the worms to work.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
A wise man once said, don't put off until tomorrow something you don't need to do at all ;) This is gonna be a beauuuuuuuutiful garden,
in a few years. My big plans had pumpkin mounds and watermelon mounds and such, and I kept putting it off because I don't really eat those. I mean, watermelon is nice but it's water. I can pick up a good one at the farmers market if I get a craving. But beans are homegrown protien without animals to tend and butcher.
I am trying a raised row with 7-8 varieties of pole beans. I found a looser spot where I could work the broadfork a little, then added heavily amended topsoil and potting soil mixed 50/50 with sifted year-old compost that had been iunder a tarp for a month waiting on me. I only have a few token pole beans in the back garden and if they get invasive they get the axe - some already have. The upper pic shows the area I have to play with. I don't think it'll be much work keeping one area of soil amended and top dressed. I plan to get creative with the trellising and send each variety off in a different direction. there's rice hulls where I planted, then a thick layer of grass clippings around that.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
Have you tried potatoes under heavy mulch? I wanted to use as much space as possible but I failed making slips this year. You can knock them down the next year and plant in the old row