Fruit and vegetable gardens 2024


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I count two👻
Yeah, I missed that one. It's really not buggy here, that surprises me. Since I have started letting stuff go feral I have had a lot less mosquitos. Whether it's birds or predator bugs I know I have a ton more of both. I grew up in New Orleans - I know bugs. They had trucks going down the streets once a month spraying agent orange to kill the bad bugs LOL

I dug a hole to plant a blueberry bush and after an inch or two of soil it was clay. Not solid cement clay but definitely not crumbly. That was at the edge though, it's better where I had the stuff last year. Next task is to walk that whole thing with a broadfork then spread come cover crop and clover seed to beat out the grass, and work on the mounds for pumpkins and beans.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
On the blueberries
Did you add any sulfur or ''soil acidifier'' in when you planted the blueberries? Last year I had them in pots to encourage root development and they were red and angry all summer. Last fall after I figured out where they were going I added sulfur to the plots. This year before they broke dormancy I added soil acidifier (fast acting) and elemental sulfur (slow) along with some jobes 4-4-4 to the pots. When I transplanted they got more of both fast and slow. They are greening up and looking better than ever pushing new growth. I checked the plots prior to planting and my PH was 5. I'll be checking again in a month.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'm a snake herder now. Saw this guy again but he was heading off the property so I got the camera and started pointing him back towards the house.
I have the clover in patches in the yard that I can walk around, mainly so I don't surprise something. I mow it on a rotation as the last mowed spot starts flowering again and collect that primo mulch. When he hit this patch I went and got a decent size pole to guide him back to the woods and my garden.
All better now.

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
It's not a fruit, or a veggie, but I just picked up and planted this weeping willow for our side yard. It's right next to the wetlands that have been slowly creeping into the yard so I'm hoping it grows like a motherfucker! I'll probably plant either another one or some willow bushes next year, too.
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You can propagate your own by taking semi-hard cuttings and sticking them in the ground. Apparently they have a bunch of salicylic acid and is used to make natural rooting hormone.

I need one around to play with and try making a living fence.


You can propagate your own by taking semi-hard cuttings and sticking them in the ground. Apparently they have a bunch of salicylic acid and is used to make natural rooting hormone.

I need one around to play with and try making a living fence.
They are super easy to propagate, and they grow fast, but I was willing to pay for a tree this size to get a head start. I want it to start sucking up water as soon as possible and this saves me a good 2-3 years of waiting. The soil in my property is amazing so when I prune it I’ll probably stick a couple of cuttings into the ground spread apart pretty far.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Quick and dirty, I pulled something trying to remove a stump. Damn ribs hurt to breathe for a few days and I didn't do shit. But a few days ago I was ble to get most of my peppers that should remain small stuck in the pots up front. After a few days to recover I got the last 5 peppers in the real garden that wouldn't have done much in pots today. I also had a Carbon tomato that got hail damage a month ago but has two good limbs on it and I want to try the tomatoes. I also had 3 extra san marzano.

I have 40 tomatoes in legit spots where I can string them to the racks. And about as many peppers. I have a miniature san marzano and two determinate tomatoes stuck in the raised bed of randomness in the back. A also have a few volunteers that were in decent spots so I'll let them fruit and see if I keep them.
I am getting beans on all the plants now, and peppers and tomatoes on a few. I planted some saved beans and i must have gotten a few mixed up. I have the Black Turtle bush beans that I meant to plant, but a few must have been those Cherokee black beans that are a pole variety. If they get annoying I'll pull them.

One of the volunteers came up right under the fence, so if they taste decent this will be fence decoration with lots of LST. I need to tie down and/or prune that next batch of limbs.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The bed of many wonders is just where I put stuff I grew from seed and had no place good to stick it. It's also where I toss any unknown shrooms I find. This was set up with logs and sticks in the bottom and not much soil except the potting soil I add with ever seedling of whatever. The tomatoes and a dwarf tamarind in the enter are all I planted in there this year. Re-growing from last year is assorted bee balm, lemon balm, lovage, and a stand of bloody dock sorrel that I mentioned before. And the volunteer tomato on the side LOL
What is cool is that some of the shrooms have taken 'root' I bet this whole bed is myceliated by now with various species - and a few of these have already bust spores. They have some kind of symbiotic thing going with that sorrel. The fresh shroom was onw of the early chantarelles I found yesterday.