Fruit and vegetable gardens 2024


I pulled all the peppers in pots and placed them around the edge of the garden. The empty pots are place-holders but I'm not planting anything in them until this heat dies down a bit. All the peppers are doing good after a rough start. I lollipopped tghem like the tomatoes.
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I have some tomatoes that just aren't suited to my environment. One of those fancy heirloom paste tomatoes. But I have more tomatoes ready to plug into empty spots.
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Ffirst for me, but one of my volunteer cherry tomatoes is a sungold. I lost the one I had to chipmunks, but it's the only yellow cherry I grew last year. trellising them like this is working like a champ.
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Hot peppers are doing best. That Thai Red above right is loaded
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Tobago seasoning pepper. Caribbean thing
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Korean green chili - like hotter, skinnier serrano.
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These Biquinlo will be red or yellow.
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I didn't take pics of the serrano or jalapeno because I keep eating those. Not eating this - not even if Joe Rogan with hair tried to pay me ;)
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I’ve seen a lot of people posting blossom rot issues on Reddit this season. From what I understand it is typically cause by the plant having issues getting calcium and big swings in the soil moisture can cause it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I’ve seen a lot of people posting blossom rot issues on Reddit this season. From what I understand it is typically cause by the plant having issues getting calcium and big swings in the soil moisture can cause it.
I have a plant on either side of it that are both paste tomatoes and both fine. This is just part of the process of finding what works in my garden.

That Raspberry Lyanna that took off still hasn't made a ripe one yet. There's maybe 40-50 tomatoes on it so far. But I need to see if it's just in a good spot in my garden or if it's a good plant or both. Next year I'll have fewer varieties, but spread them out in different spots.


I have a plant on either side of it that are both paste tomatoes and both fine. This is just part of the process of finding what works in my garden.

That Raspberry Lyanna that took off still hasn't made a ripe one yet. There's maybe 40-50 tomatoes on it so far. But I need to see if it's just in a good spot in my garden or if it's a good plant or both. Next year I'll have fewer varieties, but spread them out in different spots.
They might get past it and produce good tomatoes. I had some Roma tomato plants a couple of years ago that did this early in the season and then had no issues later in the season.