Here's the reason my back is hurting a bit. I made a chart to list everything and have 30 peppers and 36 tomatoes, not counting the volunteer tomato I have strapped to a fence like a cucumber. That tray in the middle has a ddozen or so small-plant hot peppers that are going in radomly as ornamentals. I am still seeing mantis aroundd so laying out the cardboard for walkways is key. They hang out in the green parts I stay mostly on the brown parts.
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This is the gist of how my stuff is set up. Bush beans there in the middle should be setting flowers soon. One run and I can pull them and move on unless they keep packing on flowers. I need to put strings on the racks and wrap the tomatoes next before the next storm. I used the tomato cages for peppers or tomatoes that are on a corner or likely to get stepped on by a stoner thinking about something else. Also two marigolds the grandkids planted inside this winter.
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After I got done inside gardening I took the leftover water and fed all the starts. Those pots up front have worked well. I am not counting on much from the potatos but I have put lots of random stuff in there that's thriving. Dwarf sweet alyssum in those first pots.
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This one has a storebought poblano and some parsley that needs harvested. But my dehydrator is full of the spearmint I have from another pot. I think about three Bonnie plants is the justification for snagging a 10-pack holder "so they don't tip in the car"

. I think I have all the holders I need for now.
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I had some peas that diddn't do well here, so they get one more shot in the fall then they are out of the garden. That's what I am doing with the peppers and tomatoes. I don't need that much variety but I do want variety, and I want stuff that grows here. I used a little compost fence to hold up the good ones and I'll keep seed at the end. Pretty sure I have a birdhouse gourd at the compost pile on the right.
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Whatever it is I can run it through the woods and hang it on trees and shrubby stuff. It'll all be bio mass in fall. Those are the peas that did for shit on top. Tomorrow I mow and add a layer there, then more leaves. There's a potato coming up in the back too.
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Last is my little half-ass hugel experiment. I planted a dwarf tamarilo (berry tree, center) an the only breed of determinate tomato I have. I starrted a 6-pack to use as fillers in the regular garden because they can go in pots just as easy. I used two to replace plants that didn't transition well.
Clockwise ffrom the top there's bee balm, lemon balm, lovage, sorghum, more bee balm and bloody-dock sorrel. All came back from last year. The bee balms could be one of several varieties I stuck in here. The Lemon balm is popping up everywhere and I am good with that. I can't grow citrus and the flavor you get from some of the lemon herbs can be very nice. The Sorrel is a stiff lettuce like romaine, and bleeds red. really cool but no flavor.
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Speaking of the lemon stuff I planted several 6-packs of stuff to scatter around and let go feral. I kept one of each to keep inside and they'll likely end up on shelves in the flower tents like the chocolate seven pot pepper that's loving the tent life. There's a toohache plant and chamomile, marjoram that is already going to flower, some regular basil, then lemon balm, lemon basil and lemon thyme

the thyme is storebought.
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