End prohibition

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Insanely Active Member


Insanely Active Member


Insanely Active Member


Nerd Gone Vertical
Why did the GOP candidate want legal weed?

Because there's MONEY IN IT.

And if Colorado is any gauge (fuck you, FORMER Senator Cory Gardner!), the minute they legalize it, they'll do all they can to take it away from us. Bet your ass on that!


It's all smoke and mirrors.
By 2030, AI will grow it all and we will be living in a pod.

Deleted member 60

One hope....maybe...is that the drug laws could be challenged as the gun laws are being challenged. The Supreme Court's recent take that "there's no historic precedent" regarding this gun law or that gun law could easily be used in the case of legalizing drugs. Historically...before the 1890's...there were no laws surrounding cannabis, opiates or anything else. These drugs were everywhere....in everything... and unregulated...just like guns were.

LOL...just kidding. Like plant counts being OK but limiting the number of guns folks can own somehow just isn't...all you can do is ignore the fuckers and their BS like the big boys are doing...and do what you can while you can. :ROFLMAO:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Here's a clue - any of you waiting on the government to grant you the right to do something are in the wrong game. The only time legalization matters is if you want to start a business. Otherwise you are growing tomatoes and they can piss the fuck off.

If you want to sell your weed comercially there are already laws that cover produce and safety, no need for brand new weed laws and taxes. The Kalifornistan hippies sold a plant to the gubmint as "medicine" just so they could stay out of jail. Everything in the legal worlds has been attempts to un-fuck what they set as the 'standard' but since they are all still trying to do it for government profit it's a fail.

Here's the part that matters that they can't see. They say "we made a billion dollars in weed taxes!" - Ok, but your favoritism and regulations shut down all the small businesses that actually spend day-to-day money in your shitty state. That billion you made in weed taxes doesn't match the two billion you lost in local revenue and the sales taxes on things employed and wealthy residents buy. The Hawthorne Group does not spend money in downtown Humbolt or Mendocino.


Nerd Gone Vertical


Insanely Active Member


Nerd Gone Vertical
The GOP will legalize weed the moment they can take the profits from it

Former US Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) said as much, advocating for legalizing cannabis during his unsuccessful run to keep his seat against Democrat John Hickenlooper, who is not pro pot.
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